You really should get into LINUX ! ! !

Discussion in 'Linux' started by 0on3, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    This, and this

    and this

    installed debian, 2 months ago, i feel its energy, really!
    but it crashed for some reason, supposedly graphics card drivers, which I installed wrong.
    i asked the people at debian user forum- they are nice and know the stuff, but its deep stuff.
  2. TW

    TW Guest

    If you are not an expirienced linux user you should not try to use linux as an audio system. Linux is often more working at the computer and the OS instead of working with the computer on your music.

    But i encourage anyone to try a linux like ubuntu as an OS. I love Linux
  3. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    my only experience of kontakt is on linux so the only way you can answer that is to light it up an see how it rolls , for me it was sound aint used it for a year or so now but libraries ? yeah some were just not avin any of it bud , light one up in a vm an see how you get on ..........
  4. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    not far from the truth bud
  5. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    with respekt dude so not true .... just install kxstudio and be blown away , having said that the only reason i started running windows software in house is coz i could not get a drum sound to save my life , i cant live without ezd 2 sd 2 ssd4 and the new ad 2 , linux is eons away from that shit .....
  6. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I will immediately switch to Linux as far as there are Drivers available for my RME Audio Interface,
    Nvidia Graphics Card and all VST Plugins I use.
    Before that it simply makes no sense for me, my Hackintosh runs quite goos so far.
    Heck OS X runs better on my PC hardware than Windows 10.
  7. RiffMaster

    RiffMaster Guest

    Hell yeah dude if it aint broke etc i only changed coz i was sick to deth of bloody microsoft . Nvidia card drivers for linux are sound and 99% of vsts run fine just that little hiccup of shit support for our interfaces lol . But far more important is our music , dont matter if you change os daw plugins or whatever it wont make any difference , a shit riff in reaper will still be a shit riff in cubase , a disaster of a mix tracked on a pc wont sound better on a mac , us sad loners have to stay as focused as we can on our craft and only change shit when its giving us grief ............
  8. benjaminhopper

    benjaminhopper Newbie

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Mac is anyways the next generation of music software implementing.
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  9. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    it's drivers mate. presonus driver for my audiobox? studio one running ? naaaaaah nada. it's a cool system for people who do nothing on their pc . /imma linux user for 20 years/
  10. uduwit -your -way -i--ll >>duit !mine /njsufm -jjdhhg wotthe -fuq -any -shit -is -better -than -this -even -microsft 0x87800073365 //pipe >> grep >>vi >>crash here for no apparant reason

    Twenty years ago we said: linux ain't ready for the big time.

    Ten years ago we said: linux ain't ready for the big time.

    linux ain't ready for the big time.

    See you in a decade. And don't go executing any old shite you find on the internet, yall hear?
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  11. Rhythmattic

    Rhythmattic Member

    May 22, 2016
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    I would if all programs I use worked on linux...
    Just as people prefer an OS's features, same can be said for DAW's
    If i was a studio, that did live tracking /mixing, Id be there straight off running Mixbus...
    But, as a Muso/Audio Tech/ Post guy, Linux unfortunately doesent meet my requirements...
    I wont go into all details, but I started with Pro24 > Cubase V 1&2 (Midex on a Mega 4) the to VST on a PC (Eurrgh , Back then, a demonstressplatform) >VST5 ect on a Mac (Heaven) , Then SX..... only to be swayed to Logic......
    Ive written Feature film scores , shorts, ads, Plus most importantly, my own music.....blah blah blah.... It is an incredible piece of software engineering...
    Not saying its the best, but the best for me... Just as Cubase, theres things i miss, but the same applies if i left Logic.

    Now the part that really gets my Goat.... Besides Composition, I also do Audio post... Yep done location, SFX, DX editing, Remixed ect........
    I must Have Protools.... Im still Running 10HD and 11 because i refuse to support Avid and their shit subscription bs... and the Price for a Perpetual Licence !!! "Tell em' their Dreamin'"

    And here comes Blackmagic for the win...
    Linux Support !!!
    Actually starting a Film in the next day or so.... Director keeps hassling me to do it... Though, making him pay what i want, and realised, Nows the time to learn the Fairlight page !!! Avid.. GFU cunce....

    Anyway, rant over...
    But you linux guys, check out Mixbus...Its based on Ardour, But the Summing engine (through a Buss, not straight to output) and the FX, EQ's ....... Yummy..
    Also Chris at Airwindows... Most the plugs are now linux... Sure they aren't pretty, But Fk me' theres some real gems.... And they're free
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  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I always get puzzled by people using only one OS and pushing it too far with just one OS. You know dudes, Linux is simply great for your daily activities like browsing and editing photos, and shit like that. I actually cringe when I have to browse Internet on Windows because it looks so choppy and terrible. Not to mention it is utterly unsafe because every hacker in the world will target Windows. [for now?] Browsing on Linux is such smooth and worry free experience. I love it so much. I love doing everything in Debian Linux. The hardware accelerated GUI and vsynced, with much better font smoothing makes it a great experience. Windows cannot even touch it. No matter the version. If you think differently, you have never tried any Linux distro, and you're just a Windows fanboy.

    On the other hand, I am accustomed to Windows with my audio work. It's just the way things are. For now? Windows works the best for audio, because so many companies are optimising their software for Windows. I'm not saying they're right, but they obviously go with the buck. If you get me. :wink: I have no complaints, really, with the way things are. But I would like more developers to consider making their software Linux compatible, for their own sake. Microsoft is going tits up, and we need options.

    MacOS is good, but it is a closed platform just like Windows, so it is not a real solution. I like MacOS, really, but it has no future, and your plugins will consume a bit more CPU with it. That's why I'm staying off MacOS for all things audio.

    Cheers! :wink:
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  13. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Reaper or Bitwig on Linux with a real time kernel might be worth checking out. I use Centos at work, but the kernel is stock and I can’t afford down time
  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    That's what we need. More serious IT dudes around here. :wink:

    I've never tried CentOS. It is generally used for servers, but I've been using Debian for a long time, so I feel at ease with it. Never lacked or missed anything. I even use an RME card with it. It's great for daily use. :wink:
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  15. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    CentOS is great for production servers. For development we use Debian or Ubuntu. I must have started using Linux in the 90’s with Slackware and the original Red Hat release
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  16. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    I love Linux but it sucks.
  17. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I've tried Zorin OS 15 and 16 using Wine to handle my absolutely necessary programs for playing music they are not good enough still a bit too much latency for my live use. I was hoping REACTOS would be ready it is directly compatible with most windows programs and even uses windows drivers but is still only 32 bit they need more help to get this into 64 bit, the creator actually worked at microsoft and has workarounds for the infrastructure and being able to run Microsoft’s own FS drivers.. I wish the Linux community would get together and give a helping hand in getting this OS into 64 bit. the 32 bit version is available if anyone wants to give REACTOS a try. This OS will be a definite kick in the pants for MS and its completely over bloated spyware infested windows 10 for anyone interested[​IMG]
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  18. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    While I understand that you can install Reaper on Linux, how do you make your sound card drivers and interface works. And how is it possible to have vst installed and work on Linux?
  19. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    To bad that 99% of the audio software doesn't run properly on Linux and most of the Linux audio applications are garbage compared with the ones from Windows or MacOS.
    Also, audio quality on Linux is far from good and this is a WELL KNOWN FACT for years.
    Linux is great for scientific research/ servers and supercomputers, horrible dealing with sound.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2020
  20. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I hate Linux fanboys with a passion. They are filthy lying scum. Linux as a desktop OS is still garbage.
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