Yellowman – Reggae Anthology

Discussion in 'Music' started by fritoz, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon

    "Winston Foster grew up in a Catholic orphanage called Alpha Boys School in Kingston, and was shunned due to having albinism, which was usually not socially accepted in Jamaica. Alpha Boys School was known for its musical alumni.[2] In the late 1970s Yellowman first gained wide attention when he won a contest event in Kingston, Jamaica called "The Tastee Talent Contest" where deejays would perform toasting. Like many Jamaican deejays, he honed his talents by frequently performing at outdoor sound-system dances.[3] In 1981, after becoming significantly popular throughout Jamaica, Yellowman became the first dancehall artist to be signed to a major American label (Columbia Records).[4] One reviewer of Yellowman was quoted as saying "Listening to Yellowman sing is like watching Michael Jordan play basketball. He knows he's got it, you know he's got it, and it's a trip just experiencing him perform."

    In 1982, Yellowman was diagnosed with skin cancer and was initially told that he only had three more years to live.[1] However, this prognosis proved to be inaccurate, and after several surgeries Yellowman was able to continue his career.[7] The cancer went into apparent remission during this time. It was not until 1986 that it was diagnosed that the cancer had spread to his jaw. Yellowman was forced to undergo a very invasive jaw surgery to remove the malignant tumor that had formed. This surgery permanently disfigured Yellowman's face, as a large portion of the left side of his lower jaw had to be removed to successfully extract the tumor."

    A man struggling to be accepted his whole life........ cancer...... given 3 years to live...... still KILLIN IT!!!!

    i grew up with yellowman's music, he was at the Sunsplash in Negril Jamaica went to in '84 when i was 5 years old lol

    his music was so dirty back in the day, with titles like: "Jah Mek Us Fi A Purpose With Sister Nancy" and "Why Is Santa Clause With Mrs. Yellowman?"

    (referrred to as "slackness" in dancehall terminology)


    the new anthology has 40 classic songs-

    heres a vid of Yellowman in Berlin in 2009
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