yahoo webpage creation..why does creating pages still have to be so difficult still..

Discussion in 'PC' started by DJSabreblade, Dec 8, 2015.

  1. DJSabreblade

    DJSabreblade Ultrasonic

    Aug 17, 2012
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    Im trying to put together a decent webpage for my mom, she has Yahoo Web hosting..other than using and slightly modifing one of the standard templates, there is little i can actually do, due to my inexperience in website design. I tried the most i could such as downloading and trying to modify the index.html page offline and re-uploading it only to find out the color scheme/xml elements are gone and or not supported !? I AM FRUSTRATED BEYOND BELiEF (yes swearing, feeling like i am going to scream, banging my head against the wall, pressing extremely hard down on my keyboard on my laptop because its a 2009 HP netbook (cant believe it still runs lol most of them died years ago and HP discontinued them but thats a side issue)

    There is this standard program called Site Solution, and you cant do jack shit with it! what the hell am i gonna do? I tried to download the old program i remembered from 2003 called Front Page, and that is whack and i dont get it..and or i couldnt make it work anymore..Dreamweaver 8 does support xp on this netbook..but.. it doesnt seem to be modern enough to be compatible with yahoo..? I just dont know anymore. im surely not putting internet on my quad core and i dont want to use the other dual core in my house. im pissed and i give up, i guess my mom will have to hire someone to build her a good webpage. The template thing is ok for now but its shitty since its just stock garbage.. i am nowhere near good at html code either! remember all of those tarded classes in high school about web page design? yeah, i found those extremely frustrating most of the time.

    Why in 2015 is it still so archiac and difficult to put together a decent webpage? I mean, there is Youtube, Google, Facebook etc.. why can there be something simple, easy, but powerful?? I hate html code, and yet seem to find that 11 year old girls can design better stuff than me.. not saying that i cant learn that crap eventually, and i do know that there are html generators out there but it doesnt work with yahoo site solution crap since i dont know how to replace the index page properly so that all the theme/xml elements work etc..
  3. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Hi friend.

    I have not touch web page stuff for a long time now, but back then i remember i use simple text + CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer. CoffeeCup make some nice stuff for WYSIWYG webpages.

    Look at CC, maybe also Serif WebPlus X8. You can also search web for WYSIWYG HTML, or something like this to find easier HTML creation.
  4. audiowolf

    audiowolf Producer

    Aug 6, 2015
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  5. John V

    John V Ultrasonic

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Please build the website in wordpress. Wordpress is the best for search engine optimisation, you will see your webpage ranking well on google after a couple of days. Try to download a nice template and you are done.. there are some lynda courses about how to start building your own website in wordpress.. Or If you want an easy website builder you could try wix, is the best out there. Send me a personal message, I could give you some advices and tips...
  6. DJSabreblade

    DJSabreblade Ultrasonic

    Aug 17, 2012
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    Ok thanks guys will go thru this list later still cooling off from earlier today lol. :like::like::like::like::like::like::like::)
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