xfer Serum latest version?

Discussion in 'Software' started by artemis, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. The Iceman

    The Iceman Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2013
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    It almost seems like the original post was a joke or just meant to make everyone look bad. I don't get it. It's always the few dicks that ruin it for all the other user who are appreciate and thankful.
  2. deftmonk

    deftmonk Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    If you want it so bad that your willing to break the rules to get it, I know where you can get the newest version...xferrecords.com(this is what I did). The newest version does add a few new features btw i.e. ability to type a phrase in quotations into the wavetable editor and it will generate a lofi speech wavetable of that phrase kinda like plogue art's stuff.
  3. deftmonk

    deftmonk Newbie

    May 27, 2014
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    for those curious of what the new feature I just spoke of sounds like...you can check out this link here:

    This is a clip of Serum saying "fuck you artemis" I just thought I would add a translation since it really is lo-fi.
  4. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Xfer's new official demo? :rofl:
  5. CaliReign

    CaliReign Noisemaker

    Mar 9, 2013
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    San Francisco
    This post very easily could've been written about me about 7 years ago. My best friend was what I considered a genius with computers. Anytime I had any sort of issue with mine, it was the same routine. Either he'd stop by my house or I'd bring it to him & just say "Fix it please". I took for granted his skills & knowledge and never once asked him to explain or teach me how he was fixing all of my fuck-ups. I just thought he'd always be there to save my ass & fix it again. He died of a prescription drug overdose 11-10-2008. Anytime I have any computer troubles & get frustrated doing hours & hours of research to find a solution for whatever the issue may be, I wish to myself that he was still here to bail me out once again.

    This post just kinda continues the last post that I didn't truly appreciate & respect my friend's knowledge and skills to ask him to explain it all to me so that way I wouldn't have to bother him with fixing my shit, so he could spend his time doin something positive for himself, rather than helpin me time & time again.

    So to tie this all together with the whole conversation, I will never get the chance to learn all the things I should've learned from my best friend while he was fixing my computers.

    No matter what I do, he's not coming back.

    I truly hope the greedy & entitled people that are rampant on every site that posts any type of Warez didn't just ruin the R2R "Gifts" they give us. Or ANY group/individuals that release things for that matter.

    Catalyst - If you check your PM on here, my first "payment" of appreciation & respect to everybody's hard work & generosity is in there. It's a good one too, in my opinion.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Deftmonk...you're my new best friend. :mates:

    Cali Reign
    That's a really sad story man. My condolences on the loss of your friend. It's human nature to want to eat more than we want to fish, I'm sure we've all done it at one time or other. That being said I truly believe that life begins on the edge of your comfort zone and when we learn to do something we are not just teaching ourselves, we're creating an opportunity to also help someone else one day and share that knowledge. We become creators rather than consumers and that's a great thing to strive for. We should try to do what we can to become at the very least self-sufficient. You don't have to be a genius like your friend at computers, you just have to be able to do the fundamentals. And it's okay to need someone for something like let's say cracking. Some of us don't have the time, aptitude and motivation to keep at a thing like that long enough to be able to do it and most of us wouldn't give it away for free if we did. So it's okay but then we should treat those people that take out that time for us with respect and take it for what it really is: a gift. Sadly a lot of comments I've read over the past week really drive home how few people practice this. Sometimes I can't even believe what I'm reading. Nice to see that there's still life on this planet though. I will respond to your PM shortly. Thank you. :bow: :mates:
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