[Xfer Serum] Changelog History Thread

Discussion in 'Software' started by Illadelph, Sep 4, 2020.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    It was not updated, still 1.33b4, so why the bump?
  2. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    :hillbilly::deep_facepalm:yeah sometimes i read a thread from bottom not from above:mad: ..sry

    did regignize it but i thought maybe someone has something to say anyway so didnt change it to deleted
  3. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Its impossible to even find what the latest versions are, forget the changelogs. Mr. Steve Duda likes to keep it a close secret. Demo versions are not updated. Changelogs can only be seen by legit owners etc.

    There was a thread for Serum, but its outdated since 2020. Let this thread begin, include all Xfer products, I will try to keep this main post updated whenever possible, or probably mod can do that either :mates:!

    EDIT: Mod has merged my thread, dunno why? Mine was for all Xfer products not just Serum
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2022
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  4. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Something like this? :bleh:

    1.35b1 (April 1 2022)

    fix: MemTrig (rand and phase knobs at 100%) now behaves as before/as expected

    fix: dragging LFO to Wavetable (WT Render from LFO shape) was not rendering if automation points were on the LFO graph

    fix: SerumFX Audio In to Noise Oscillator feature had an audio quality issue if sending polyphonic MIDI to SerumFX.

    fix: error/crash protection for data corruption found in some specific 3rd party presets

    fix: WT Editor Bins zoom/scaling issue

    fix: using "Send to noise oscillator" feature from the WT Editor could lead to a later crash applying additional WT editing

    fix: editing the config file to have MIDI notes to control rocker switches was not working in recent Serum versions

    fix: tiny clicks could be audible in DimExp when size control was set to 0% and project sample rate was 48k

    add: additional performance improvements

    1.35b0 (Dec 31 2021)

    fix: In some situations, a low-level digital noise was getting generated in 1.34b9

    1.34b9 (Dec 29 2021)

    add: Matrix pulldown Menu in top right “Velo->Amp” to quickly link velocity to volume

    fix: LFO graph curve points could be difficult to click after switching LFO graphs in specific situations

    fix: Knobs would not always visually update when dragged when other knobs were modulating on the same panel

    fix: wavetable/noise loading is further accelerated

    fix: FX Delay time label was incorrectly showing "Dot 1/2" at 0% value instead of 25%

    fix: typing a cutoff value in Hz on the filter cutoff knob when key track enabled was resulting in the incorrect cutoff value

    fix: dragging onto specific thumbnails in the WT editor

    fix: presets with MIDI CC assignments could create an issue on preset load (“CC0 assigned”)

    1.34b8 (Dec 16 2021)

    add: Matrix pulldown Menu in top right “Velo->Amp” to quickly link velocity to volume

    fix: LFO graph curve points could be difficult to click after switching LFO graphs in specific situations

    fix: Knobs would not always visually update when dragged when other knobs were modulating on the same panel

    fix: wavetable/noise loading is further accelerated

    fix: FX Delay time label was incorrectly showing "Dot 1/2" at 0% value instead of 25%

    fix: typing a cutoff value in Hz on the filter cutoff knob when key track enabled was resulting in the incorrect cutoff value

    fix: dragging onto specific thumbnails in the WT editor

    fix: presets with MIDI CC assignments could create an issue on preset load (“CC0 assigned”)

    fix: vertical nudge in the WT editor (amplitude DC shift) was not reacting to mouse events in previous version

    1.34b6 (Oct 29 2021)

    add: support for .tun tuning files with >512 characters on a line

    add: preference in SerumPrefs.json for "send parameter automation on preset load" (off by default, which was the previous Serum functionality) for e.g. MIDI controller/DAW use cases.

    fix: (SerumFX) using audio in to noise osc on init preset was passing audio as mono in some situations

    fix: improvement/fix for LFO rate display labels

    fix: alt-clicking minus button in WT editor with only one table loaded could cause a crash

    fix: smoothing value/control on LFOs was not recalling in all situations.

    1.34b5 (July 18 2021)

    fix: Phaser FX could trigger a clipped/silent signal on preset load

    fix: drag and drop .fxp to Serum would not accept on some systems

    fix: MIDI program changes would not function in some situations with UI closed

    fix: wavetable morph interpolations could not render on preset load in some cases

    1.34b4 (June 21 2021)

    add: automatic backup file for preset browser ratings

    fix: some FX could trigger a clipped/silent signal on preset load

    fix: distortion graphs (X-Shaper) on FX rack/single (individual item) saving

    fix: support tuning files with utf8 paths

    fix: some presets/ratings were not appearing in the preset browser

    fix: on rare situations in 1.341 "noise missing" was reported on preset load when the noise was in fact present

    1.34b1 (May 7 2021)

    fix: in 1.33b7-9, Render warp menu item was not activating

    fix: Dragging LFO mod source through another mod source tile would interrupt the drag

    fix: (Windows AAX) 'Alt' key was getting intercepted by ProTools Windows

    1.33b9 (May 1 2021)

    fix: in 1.33b7-8, wavetables with morph applied would not reload the WT morph on preset load

    1.33b8 (April 29 2021)

    fix: "Resample to Osc" Menu commands could lead to a crash in 1.336/7

    1.33b7 (April 28 2021)

    fix: Macros were not correctly loading in all cases, this is now resolved

    fix: very fast triplet LFOTimes e.g. 128th triplet (rate/rise) were labelled incorrect

    1.33b6 (April 27 2021)

    fix: MIDI CC mapping saved inside presets would not recall when manually loading presets from within Serum

    fix: Macros saved in presets were not always updating to the saved value in some DAWs (FL Studio most notably) when loading presets from within Serum

    fix: filter initialization issue (in Hyper and Chorus) which in rare conditions could lead to muted audio output on one or both channels

    add: Serum.cfg is converted in to new preferences file/format (SerumPrefs.json) at same file location, for better readability and future-proofing.

    add: new preference "Ask before preset change on edited presets"- Serum asks for confirmation before loading a new preset, when the current preset has been edited.

    1.33b4 (March 12 2021)

    fix: default noise file would not sound on init startup (new Serum instances) in some situations

    fix: bipolar modulators on text controls could appear as clipped (red blip visible) when not out of range

    fix: text font scaling on preferences

    add: clicking on overlapping LFO points on the right edge will now select the left one

    1.33b3 (March 6 2021)

    fix: FX level trims (clicking on "Mix" so it displays "Level" on FX panels) were not working in previous 1.33b versions

    1.33b2 (March 5 2021)

    fix: having a default Serum preset (User/default.fxp) could lead to a crash when the plugin was scanned by the DAW

    fix: on macOS when running 1.331 installer, older SerumFX versions would get removed from the plug-ins folders

    fix: on macOS with a non-retina display, resizing the plugin window could lead to visual corruption or potentially crash in 1.33b1

    1.33b1 (March 4 2021)

    add: deleting presets in the preset browser no longer rescans the database

    fix: presets ratings and categories could not be assigned on some systems in 1.32b9

    1.32b9 (March 2 2021)

    fix: in the recent 1.32x updates, wavetables loaded from the WT menus could appear as imported (no visible name in menu bar).

    1.32b8 (March 1 2021)

    fix: preset hybridize feature could produce an erroneous error message in previous 1.32x versions

    fix: in previous 1.32x versions, the preset database could rescan on plugin start when it was not needed

    fix: Serum 1.322 on macOS would prevent itself from being updated. This installer will now force the removal of those specific Serum version files if detected.

    1.32b6 (February 26 2021)

    fix: older versioned plugins would not always update to 1.325 using 1.325 installers on macOS

    1.32b5 (February 25 2021)

    new: improved directory scan times

    new: graphics redraw improvements

    fix: Distortion "Downsample" FX could sound slightly different in 1.32x versions, in some situations

    1.32b2 (February 4 2021)

    fix: windowing fixes, mostly affecting Cubase in rare situations

    fix: (macOS) re-introduced support for legacy macOS 10.9 thru 10.11

    fix: (macOS) re-introduced support for legacy ProTools 11 thru 12.5

    fix: on the Delay effect module, delay times were not updating in all situations in 1.319-1.320.

    1.32b0 (January 30 2021)

    fix: version 1.31b9 would display incorrect in some hosts first window open, when a default zoom size was set

    add: MIDI note name is now added to the end of the filename on drag-exported WAV files

    1.31b9 (January 27 2021)

    fix: (macOS) versioning issue was making 1.318 show as older to the OS.

    1.31b8 (January 27 2021)

    fix: Due to an Apple security bug in their build system, macOS 10.9 through 10.11 was preventing Serum from loading.

    1.31b7 (January 23 2021)

    fix: using the new "WT to LFO" feature from LFO Shape menu could get inadvertently actioned via loading FX presets.

    fix: The audio engine in version 1.316 would not intialize properly in some situations, leading to noticably garbled audio

    1.31b6 (January 23 2021)

    fix: associated displays were not always re-drawing immediately when using < > advance arrows

    1.31b5 (January 22 2021)

    sync for incorrect version number

    1.31b3 (January 18 2021)

    (1.31b3 'd' additional support for older macOS 10.8 thru 10.11)

    (1.31b3 vs 1.31b3c: bug fix for if foreign language letters are included on the on macOS user directory name)

    add: macOS ARM (M1) native

    add: “Wavetable to LFO Shape" in the LFO Shape load menu (folder icon), takes the current WT frame source table and converts to spline points (LFO Shape).

    fix: Improvements to preset loading

    fix: Improvements to graphics redraw

    fix: changing a parameter's mod depth was halting automation for that parameter in Bitwig

    fix: cc64 was only responding on MIDI CH1

    fix: for unicode in folder/file names on Windows

    1.30b9 (November 11 2020)

    Add: phases in the DSP state of modulation effect modules (Hyper, Flanger, Phaser, Chorus) save and recall, for use with 0 Hz on rate knob

    Fix: (AAX) All Notes Off issue in ProTools could lead to stuck notes

    Fix: Dragging a mod source to OSC A/B Coarse Pitch, when > 16 mod assignments were already used, could momentarily alter another synth parameter.

    1.30b8 (October 14 2020)

    fix: dB display values could display invalid text in some situations, potentially leading to a crash

    1.30b7 (August 21 2020)

    fix: AudioUnit automation was reloading incorrect parameters in Logic in some situations

    1.30b6 (August 1 2020)

    Add: (SerumFX) Presets Saved by SerumFX with oscillators enabled will reload with oscillators enabled

    Add: Sort Random in WT Editor Sort menu

    Add: Envelope zoom lock now persists plugin window being closed

    Add: Smoothing to the FX Level trims

    Fix: Small memory leak when saving wavetables

    Fix: (windows) Skin with missing resources (default images) could end up with those missing resources at wrong size

    Fix: Shift-click for fine tuning on FFT bars was jumping value

    Fix: Scaling bug on wavetable import.

    Fix: Issue on song/preset reload in 1.304 in Logic X which appeared most commonly with Kontakt or other memory-intensive plug-ins

    1.30b4 (June 7 2020)

    Fix: for new drag to matrix mod source menus feature disabling audio

    Fix: for drag import in Cubase (Media Bay XML format)

    Fix: drag-adjustment indicators between the OSC A/B parameters in Advanced unison settings on Global were adjusting the wrong controls.

    Fix: “legato (portamento time)” feature for NOTE and VELO modulator sources would continue follow portamento even when this option was disabled.

    Fix: LFO curve scaling - if set 100% negative (e.g. high point curving steep with 100% curve depth) was not extreme enough in audio

    Add: (Logic) Wav render export now exports 24-bit when running in Logic.

    Add: (Logic) support for drag-import from the Project folder in Logic’s browser (previously only the Files/media browser was supported)

    Add: "Send to Noise Oscillator" in the WT Editor->Single menu

    Add: drag LFO to noise osc for a single-cycle waveform render to noise osc

    1.30b3 (May 30 2020)

    Add: Shift-drag on the render export in top-left will drag the current preset .fxp file out (note: the drag is a file reference to the saved preset on disk, i.e. not re-saved with Serum’s current state if different)

    Add: Wav render export now includes preset name used in the wav filename

    Add: Comma accepted as a decimal indicator for type-able values

    Add: Drag mod sources to menus in matrix

    Add: realtime FFT updates in WT Editor - the Wave to FFT button in the editor is somewhat obsolete (is now an on/off switch which you should be able to leave enabled), the FFT bars will update in realtime as you adjust the selected wavetable frame in the WT Editor.

    Fix: Additional cosmetic fixes to zoom scaling

    Fix: hang/crash when DAW transport is active + new notes are triggered in versions 1.301 and 1.302

    Fix: Preset Browser content filters were clearing if assigning of a custom tag

    1.30b2 (May 28 2020)

    Fix: Spectral blur in WT Editor->Process was blurring incorrect

    Fix: Removing LFO Point modulation on LFO points was causing point to also clear in some situations.

    Fix: “Flip Horizontal” on LFO right-click menu was offsetting curve modulations on the remapping of the point modulation assignments.

    Fix: LFO playback on DAW transport cycle could yield LFO timing for held notes

    Fix: updated Mix/Level switches for Promethium and Default skins

    Fix: pop-up menu crash if multiple LFO busses unassigned in sequence of used busses + mutli-selection made

    Fix: crash in extreme case of modulating LFO points

    Fix: .fxp was visibly added to preset name after saving preset

    Fix: prevention from accepting negative values on additional controls

    Fix: in version 1.298-1.301, LFO sync could go off time on transport loopback or play start if notes held during this transition

    Fix: in prior 1.302, Spectral blur on bins wasn’t mixing in source table harmonics

    Fix: Spectral blur bins+phases (adjacent frames) improvement

    Fix: some incorrect mouseover help items

    Add: Spectral blur for adjacent 'frames' in WT Editor Process menu - blurs the content of each harmonic with neighboring wavetable frames, using X-Axis grid size for depth into the neighboring fames

    Fix: Some on-screen help tooltips were displaying the wrong tip information

    1.30b1 (May 25 2020)

    Fix: preference: Limit Polyphony to one of any note number was causing a filter click on new/stolen note

    Fix: SerumFX was latching on stop which could cause LFOs to become offset

    Fix: Some on-screen help tooltips were displaying the wrong tip information

    Fix: Flip Vertical was moving LFO Bus modulation assignments

    Fix: Remove Modulations context menu item was not removing LFO Points on Windows

    Fix: Alt key was not reacting on AAX Windows

    Fix: In 1.29b9, graph curve handles were not drawing on X-Shaper / Remap graphs

    Fix: Adjusting LFO 5-8 rate with notes playing was not reacting until new note

    Fix: Updated Mix/Level image artwork

    1.29b9(May 23 2020)

    - Fix: Typing entry values for the new FX level knobs (click the mix knob label to access) was responding in percentages instead of the dB range

    - Fix: Drag modulators to LFO graph was flickering in some OS/DAW combinations

    - Fix: Drag modulators to exactly LFO point (instead of X Y) was assigning (to another point) when it should do nothing

    - Fix: typing negative values setting LFO rate in Hz mode would get accepted in some situations

    - Fix: changing the preset browser filters/search could leave the previous row location in the list selected.

    - Fix: modulated icon on numeric controls not drawing the indicator greyed when the mod source was unfocused

    - Add: Improvements to LFO drag to point handling + cosmetics

    - Add: Remove LFO modulation points checks if the bus is no longer used by points, and if so, removes the bus mod matrix entries

    - FIx: potential memory leak in bitmap loading additional memory footprint reduction

    - Fix: potential issue in compressor circuit on preset load

    - Fix: using "(no category)" filter in preset browser was not displaying presets

    - Fix: wrong assignment for single LFO curve via right-click on Windows

    - Fix: right-click pop-up menu for LFO points was offset if zoom not 100%

    - Add: SerumFX now reloads oscillator states from songs (external load / not presets loaded internally).

    1.29b8(May 20 2020)

    - Fix: Preset browser was appearing blank in some situations

    - Fix: alt-drag LFO to wavetable improved

    1.29b7(May 18 2020)

    - New: LFO Point modulation

    Right-click (ctrl-click MacOS) on a point in the LFO Graph, you will see “Modulate X” and Modulate Y” options on the pop-up menu.

    You will then see a list of (in use) LFO Busses plus one empty one (e.g. you only see "LFO Bus 1" only when starting a new preset) followed by a list of Mod Sources.

    By selecting a mod source, you are Creating a Matrix assignment (Selected Mod Source -> LFO Bus) and also the point association (e.g. point X axis->LFO Bus).

    The busses allow for multiple points to be controlled by a single Matrix assignment/depth.

    You can e.g. drag-select multiple points and assign them to the same bus.

    - New: drag-export last played note as wav file.

    You should see a waveform icon appear when mousing over the very top-left of Serum's window (top-left corner of SERUM logo).

    Drag this to the DAW, it records the last played note+velo+duration to a file (Serum Presets/Renders/).

    This is a replaying of the note, so the result is like playing the note again (e.g. will not be literally identical in sound if random or BPM-sync features are enabled).

    Please note: you are creating audio files on your hard disk by using this feature (they don’t ‘magically’ get created in the DAW project, that would be nice if it were technically possible), so management of these files is up to you. Serum does not use them directly itself, but if you drag it to your DAW, your DAW may now be referencing this file. If you drag a lot you will end up with a lot of audio files in the Renders folder, so you may want to consider file management techniques (e.g. relocate or consolidate if using in a project) ahead of time. You can alt-click the drag export button to open the Renders folder in the OS.

    - New: Hi resolution resampling of Serum's skin bitmaps on Windows (gets macOS resampling quality).

    Since this is heavy computation (slow), to speed up opening Serum, the resized images get cached (%APPDATA%\Xfer\Serum) of the last set skin+zoom size. So Serum will resize slower when setting the zoom to a new setting, or selecting a new skin, but if you save the size and/or skin as the default(s) in the SERUM logo menu, then opening should be faster than ever on subsequent openings of the window.

    - New: automation parameters for the 8 LFO Rise, LFO Delay controls - these controls were not automatable in the DAW previously.

    - New: Level Trim controls for the effect modules

    Clicking on the MIX switch on any effect mix knob will expose a modulatable level parameter, to attenuate or boost the output from any effect. This can be useful for attenuating the effect chain level to e.g. match Direct Out oscillators, or gating/muting sound as well as boosting (e.g. in front of distortion for more drive).

    - New: velocity (click Y location) to clicking the onscreen piano keyboard

    - New: “init all LFOs” to main menu

    - Fix: when at 110% zoom, tooltip numbers were drawing overlapped on adjusting AHDSR controls modulation depth popup value (note: it is likely there are similar value-display issues to locate and fix)

    - Fix: manual value entry on distortion Q below 0.1 would crash

    - Fix: better browser support for nested folders, truncated text in the preset filters when using Sort by Location

    - Fix: polyphony limit handling / released notes were getting priority over held notes in some situations.

    1.28b6 (Jan 22 2020)

    - fix: (AAX) Serum was not restoring all settings on a deactivated track/instance.

    - fix: Shift-click + dragging on the leftmost segment of the LFO display would add a stream of extra LFO points.

    - fix: Alt-drag to LFO to wavetable

    - fix: drawing in WT Editor would not update the wavetable in some situations

    1.28b5 (Jan 17 2020)

    - fix: In 1.28b4, if piano keys were not showing on window open, clicking the preset menu and preset advance arrows unresponsive.

    - fix: (SerumFX) in some situations, using "Audio In" feature on noise oscillator was displaying erroneous errors and/or not passing audio on MIDI notes.

    1.28b4 (Jan 9 2020)

    - fix: Copy Osc feature now preserves interpolated tables in the WT (it was rendering them out previously).

    - fix: (Windows) fixed a versioning issue causing 1.282 to display an earlier version number on the file properties.

    - fix: (Windows) allows automatic authorization for secondary user accounts for academic/shared workstations (MacOS version already allowed this).

    1.28b2 (Dec 26 2019)

    - fix: resizing the UI with playback active could crash in some situations

    1.28b1 (Dec 24 2019)

    - fix: since 1.27b7, using FFT editing or WT-to-FFT button in WT Editor could halt audio playback.

    1.27b9 (Dec 23 2019)

    - fix: since 1.27b7, wave drawing in the WT Editor was not processing in some situations

    1.27b8 (Dec 21 2019)

    - fix: under Windows OS in 1.27b7, using drag to resize could lead to a crash

    1.27b7 (Dec 20 2019)

    - add: 2 new distortion types (Stomp Box, Tape Sat)

    - fix: very short noise samples (<100 ms) could create a memory issue on patch/song reload.

    - fix: resizing the window could lead to a crash on macOS

    - fix: relating to window redraw using some switch controls

    - fix: mono legato with FM depth was causing clicks on new notes in some situations

    - fix: improved preset changing

    1.27b6 (Dec 14 2019)

    - add: preliminary spectrum view - click on filter

    - add: Check for updates to Menu, pings Server to compare local version to the one available for download.

    - add: embedded tuning files that contained no name no longer display as (none) but not will display (special).

    This most often stems from a rogue tuning file (often if not always a 432 Hz file).

    If you have a preset that is out of tune and displays (special), you can command-click (ctrl-click Win) on the (special) and it will clear the tuning file.

    Once cleared, Alt-click on the disk save button at the very top is a quick way to overwrite the preset, if desired.

    - fix: DSP issue with noise osc and high pitches that could lead to problems

    - fix: DSP issue with chaos oscs potentially producing invalid output

    - fix: minor cosmetic issues with parameter display on lower knobs.

    - fix: UI redraw performance improvements

    - fix: SerumAAX on Windows could cause a crash during a backup/file saving operation.

    - fix: custom fonts were not loading correctly on all systems.

    - fix: Tuning files no longer load in the preset, if the Tuning file is named “(none)” .

    - fix: With MW->WT Pos preference enabled, mod wheel was still setting a value on note start when WT Editor was open.

    - fix: crossover DSP on compressor had potential issue with filter stability.

    1.27b1 (July 28 2019)

    - fix: setting the noise oscillator pitch to maximum + playing really high notes could exceed the valid pitch range.

    - fix: using S&H on a chaos osc could put the chaos osc in a bad state for non-S&H mode until Serum re-instantiated.

    - fix: “Always” mode and portamento first note wasn’t always set to previous note

    - fix: very short looping samples in the noise oscillator playing very high pitches could lead to issue.

    1.26b9 (July 24 2019)

    - fix for foreign language (UTF-8) in Serum Presets dir name

    - fix for font blurriness on menu title displays

    1.26b8 (July 15 2019)

    - fix: MPE Bend range MIDI messages sent to Serum with MPE enabled could lead to GUI crash.

    - fix: fix for Prune Database feature introduced in 1.26b4

    1.26b7 (July 12 2019)

    - fix: operating the preset browser during the rebuilding process could lead to access violation

    1.26b6 (July 11 2019)

    - fix: opening preset browser during scanning caused memory leak

    - fix: SerumFX was (protectively) clipping audio in above 0 dB in the last 10+ versions, this restriction has been removed, unless using Audio In -> Noise osc.

    - fix for scanning folders with apostrophe marks in the name

    1.26b5 (July 10 2019)

    - fix: in 1.26b4, saving preset could lead to preset browser instability after database rescan.

    - (MacOS) changes to skin bitmap loading

    1.26b4 (July 9 2019)

    - Preset database scanning / thread handling re-written to address issues in 1.257-1.26b3

    1.26b2/3 (July 5 2019)

    - fix: potential issues loading presets on song/project reload, related to recent changes for preset loading improvement in 1.25b9

    1.26b0/1 (July 3 2019)

    - fix: additional potential crash fixes

    - fix: for sorting folders introduced in Win1.257

    1.25b7/8/9 (July 2 2019)

    - fix: Additional potential crash fixes

    - improved preset changing

    1.25b6 (July 1 2019)

    - fix: improved preset changing

    - fix: preset database issue (rescanning on window open)

    - fix: some memory leaks surrounding custom font handling

    - fix: when polyphony cap was hit, Serum was stealing voices incorrectly (also stealing from held notes, not just released notes first, as intended)

    - add: "Prune Duplicates and Missing Presets" to preset browser menu: This will compact the size of the database file, removing any entries which are no longer available as presets in the presets folder. It also removes duplicates, if you have an issue with the preset name "jumping" to a different selection when changing presets in the browser, use this feature.

    1.25b5 (June 29 2019)

    - fix: preset database issue (rescanning on window open)

    - fix: some memory leaks surrounding custom font handling

    - fix: when polyphony cap was hit, Serum was stealing voices incorrectly (also stealing from held notes, not just released notes first, as intended)

    - fix: 1.25b4 on Windows10 was not redrawing portamento/matrix curves

    - add: "Prune Duplicates and Missing Presets" to preset browser menu: This will compact the size of the database file, removing any entries which are no longer available as presets in the presets folder. It also removes duplicates, if you have an issue with the preset name "jumping" to a different selection when changing presets in the browser, use this feature.

    1.25b4b (June 22 2019)

    - fix: compatibility with very old MacOS computers

    1.25b4 (June 21 2019)

    - fix: for potential crash with MPE Sysex messages sent from host to plug-in when UI is closed

    1.25b3d (June 3 2019)

    - fix: for VST version compatibility for older processor machines

    1.25b2 (May 27 2019)

    - fix: for note offs on MIDI channels > 1 (which caused issue with Mono enabled in 1.25b1)

    1.25b1 (May 27 2019)

    - Faster preset database scanning

    - Fix: recent/new GUI open thread sync issue from 1.24x which seemed appeared mostly on Windows.

    - Fix: crash if cc or note assigned in config (which requires serum UI open to operate) if Serum UI is closed.

    - Fix: compressor not catching first peak on very first playback on an instance

    - Fix: MPE MIDI Channel 16 was not reacting to expression

    - Fix: MPE note offs were not being handled discretely (per-channel) so 2 of the same note number on different channels would cut each other.

    1.24b9e (May 15 2019)

    - fix: FX modules Dry level amount, which was too quiet on some situations in previous 1.24b versions.

    1.24b8 (April 19 2019)

    - fix: French filter from previous 1.24x builds

    1.24b5-6-7 (March 29 2019)

    Delay filter now uses improved/updated filter (as with EQ).

    1.24b4 (March 28 2019)

    - fix: checkmarks in Noise menu would not display for sounds in sub-sub folders

    - fix: in recent earlier few versions, MacOS older mac processors / old macOS could crash on init

    1.24b3 (March 27 2019)

    - fix: improved filters for EQ and and Hall reverb.

    - fix: in 1.24b2 FX parameters would crackle when adjusting Macro4.

    - fix: preset ratings / comments are now preserved forever, e.g. even when presets are removed and the preset browser is rebuilt, ratings for those missing presets are not erased. (Unless you use “Erase and Rebuild Database” which of course erases everything).

    1.24b2 (March 21 2019)

    - fix: sending MIDI Program Changes could potentially trigger multiple times, leading to a ‘preset missing’ message or possibly a crash.

    - fix: In 1.24b1 Windows, if Serum Presets folder was missing, user was not prompted to choose the new folder location.

    - fix: using MPE->Macros features would provide incorrect depth for the MPE to some destinations (if the associated macro had multiple destinations).

    - fix: Text files accompanying wavetables set to interpolation on wouldn’t register as interpolated

    1.24b1 (March 18 2019)

    - fix: value tips were not drawing properly for Matrix curves

    - fix: improved support for Windows non-english usernames

    - fix: on noises missing message, 1.23x did not display the missing path

    - fix: 1.23x MacOS SerumFX AU was not passing AUval on older Macs

    - fix: mousing issue using alt-dragging on the mini halo (e.g. when modulating semi fine).

    - fix: in WT Editor, with a grid size at zero, an previous Grid size hilight could appear on the waveform

    - fix: in WT Editor, Multiselection zoom thumbnails would leave graphics traces

    - fix: MPE is now disabled by default when prefs are created.

    1.23b9 (March 14 2019)

    - fix: in prior 1.23b versions, controls would not respond if value tips was disabled in preferences.

    - fix: scrollbar visibility for WT Editor thumbnails

    - fix: formula parser handling of NaN values

    Add: WT Editor zoom size settings are maintained if window is closed or resized

    1.23b8 (March 12 2019)

    - fix: a memory issue in previous 1.23 versions which would most commonly surface as "multiple instances not playing back"

    - fix: the Multiband Comp "warmup time" (volume swell) on very first playback of an instance

    1.23b7 (March 9 2019)

    - Pressing Return was needed for entering SN# successfully in some DAWs

    - WT Editor formula editor, NaN values derived from formula calculations could get passed to WT.

    1.23b5 (March 8 2019)

    - multiple MIDI sysex events in a single buffer could cause a crash

    - Clicks when mono was enabled (with Legato off) and notes overlapped.

    1.23b3 (March 6 2019)

    - fix: SN# is now accepted without pressing RETURN first

    - fix: Maschine host stores plugin window sizes

    - fix: oversmpling default setting in config file was not loading.

    1.23b2 changes (Mar 6 2019):

    - add: default oversampling level now (optionally) can be set in Serum.cfg fle (otherwise 2x as usual)

    - add: WT Editor->Add/Remove menu->Reduce submenu: thins the number of frames, in order to easily keep only every Nth frame.

    - add: ability to get a separate vertical grid size for the LFO with text entry: double-click on grid size (assuming pref enabled) and type e.g. 8,12 for 8 horizontal and 12 vertical grid lines.

    - add: secondary sort method for preset browser, Serum will remember the previous column you clicked for ordering and use that as a secondary ordering:

    e.g. click Location column, presets are sorted by location.

    Then click Rating column and the presets will be sorted by Rating, but the sorting within a given rating will be ordered by Location.

    - add: alt-drag LFO tile to WT now an offcial feature / works on Windows too

    - add: preset name is now rescanned on Serum instances re-opening (for checkmark / menu advancing)

    - add: resizable interface (lower-right corner), zoom menu in top-left (Serum logo) and preference/setting in Zoom Menu for default window size.

    - add: if oversampling is set in confg to non-2x the oversampling lock will also enable.

    - add: “Export All as Single-Cycle Waves” to the export menu in WT editor: exports WT as a set of individual single-cycle wave fles.

    - add: skin support. zoom menu (Serum logo in top-left) will select skin. A few points about skins:

    - add: custom .ttf font support for skins - see colormap thread here in Serum user forum for example (in download) You can e.g. copy the folder "Default" in Skins subfolder, and make changes to any images. there is no need to include images that you do not alter - Serum will look to Default skin folder as a fallback.

    - new Scream Filter, Dist.Comb 1 and 2 flter types

    - Ringmod flter needs less “warm up time” to respond to audio signal.

    - Ringmod and S H flters custom flter display instead of frequency response plot (which was of little value for these flter types).

    - Preliminary MPE support. You will see the MPE settings in the main menu, and can be enabled/disabled by default in the preferences.

    - Preset Hybridize: takes visible presets in browser (e.g. flter to a type) and randomly combines part of seeral presets.

    - Promethium Skin by Lance Thackeray as a second factory skin

    - Preference to the confg fle for scaling the automation smoothing rate. This will affect onscreen controls, MIDI CC’s, and song/host project automation.

    It is not advised to change this parameter (as existing project automation might sound different), it’s a tweak offered for “power users” or fringe situations

    where less automation smoothing is desired (e.g. for rapid response over automation parameters). you can scale it (e.g. [50] would be 50% smoothing,

    or twice as fast. Accepted values are 1 to 800 (0 = default which is 100%). Rename or delete your confg fle to have this entry created in the confg fle.

    - add: signifcant CPU reduction when modulating WT Pos.

    - new: Custom (user text entry) category in browser

    - WT Editor FFT bins right-click additional feature: “Snap vertical draw to quarters” quantizes FFT Bin mouseclicks to 0, 25, 50, 75, 100%

    - WT Editor FFT bins right-click additional feature: “Scale Freq Values by Bin Index”. This makes higher bins scale relative to their bin location, for example normally a saw wave would show the bins scaling lower as you go to higher bins (which is the true amplitude values needed for a saw). When this feature is enabled, drawing a fat line across the FFT Bins at 50% will produce a saw.

    - unison phase memory trigger (MemTrig): Triggers the unison voices with the same relative phases each note on. This makes an effect similar to a sample, where the unison will start identical each new note (without the “laser zap” effect of having all phases simply zeroed). To activate, turn RA D and PHASE knobs to 100% on an oscillator to enable MemTrig. Lower the Rand knob temporarily (while playing a note or notes) to get a new randomized set of phases. These phases will save in the preset/song.

    - WT Editor -> Process Menu -> Set Spectra same for all Frames (from current): applies FFT bins (spectrum) from current frame to all frames. This feature may not be terribly useful beyond education, it was mostly added because it is an easy permutation of the next one:

    - WT Editor -> Process Menu -> Set Phases same for all Frames (from current): applies the FFT phase information from current frame to all frames. This is useful to make all tables match in phases beyond just the fundamentals for e.g. solid/consistent sound during morphing.

    - WT Editor -> Process -> "Subtract Spectra from other Osc": Removes the (relative amount) of harmonic content contained in the corresponding other oscillator. This applies to all frames (as the process menu always does).

    - add: Retina/HiDPI support. (Skins note: 1x folder images are now only used for non-retina displays and when Serum is 100% size or smaller)

    - add: noise osc direct out switch

    - default preset: if you save a preset as default.fxp (or Default.fxp) located in /User subfolder of /Presets, Serum will load this preset on new instantiations of Serum.

    - Fast matrix assignment for vibrato in Matrix drop-down menu (next unused LFO to Global tuning)

    1.11b3 changes (Aug 10 2016)

    - fix: issue for Splice lease users

    - fix: issue with noise oscillator in loop mode clicking at loopback in some situations

    1.11b2 (Aug 8 2016)

    - fix: arrow keys on preset browser window were no longer working

    - fix: "render osc warp" was not visually updating 3d wavetable display

    - fix: loading presets with an activated Splice lease was causing instabilities on some systems

    1.10b9b (Aug 1 2016)

    - fix: in 1.10b8, incorrect tuning would take place (A=430 typically) when loading older presets/songs.

    - fix: in 1.10b8, parameter labels on Reverb were not displaying

    1.10b8 (July 30 2016)

    - fix: presets > 4 MB of size would not load (presets couldn’t be this large prior, but was made possible due to noise embedding)

    - fix: Env3 AHDSR params did appear as assigned modulators on mod source drag-tile tooltips

    - fix: using MIDI program changes with GUI closed would stop working after a program change, and require preset browser rescan

    - add: individual band threshold control (0-200 percent) for the Multiband compressor (and as mod destinations)

    - add: mix control for the compressor

    - add: “pan” (cutoff offset) knob for the FX Filter (same function as the main voice filter’s pan knob)

    - add WT import of stereo file to OSC B will import right channel of WAV file (for “pseudo stereo” abilities using both oscillators)

    - add: Resample to A+B (Stereo) option in main menu, left output resamples to Osc A, right output resamples to Osc B

    1.10b7 (Jun 30 2016)

    - add: option to lock polyphony count (right-click the POLY number box in lower-right) to have the polyphony persist preset loading

    - fix: oversampling lock, while working in DSP, but wasn’t preventing the visual update of oversampling switch when presets were loaded.

    - fix: using a noise sample containing loop points was getting mangled when toggling one-shot/loop mode on the noise osc.

    - fix: AAX fix for ProTools 12 first run

    - fix: potential crash in 1.10b6 in some hosts when closing a project containing Serum

    1.10b6 changes (Jun 19 2016):

    - fix: byte alignment incompatibility issue in 1.10b5 presets when sharing between 32- and 64-bit versions of Serum. 1.10b6 should correctly load all presets / projects.

    - alt-drag to copy between LFOs was not working on LFO 5-8

    - LFO 5-8 were not displaying free rate times in Hz

    1.10b5f changes (Jun 17 2016):

    - fix: issues for ProTools AAX (Plugin not appearing, bypass engaging on preset change)

    - fix: issue in 1.10b5 with Noise arrow button < > navigation on the internal noise folders not functioning

    - fix some issues with modulator tile drawing

    1.10b5 changes (Jun 16 2016):

    - add: 8 LFOs: hidden by default, until LFO4 is used, then you will see LFO5 appear, etc.

    - add: drag and drop support for Noise Oscillator: the noise file will embed in the preset/song in these situations.

    .. You will notice the background get a blue tint, this is to indicate the noise file is embedded in the preset/song.

    .. You can advance < > noises in the respective folder once a first sound is dragged in.

    - add: noise files when load without fine tune when pitch track is enabled (sample rate is recognized / thus no pitch offset)

    .. so the Noise fine tune shouldn’t be needed if your source sample is in tune.

    - add: Alt-click on “MOD” column entires in the Matrix to toggle between (normal / active modulation) and Bypassed

    ..(saves a menu selection to audition bypasses)

    improved: Noise Fine control modulation depth ‘arc’ more accessible (was overlapping with the control’s up/down arrows)

    improved: typeable values for noise osc in key track mode follow display

    - add: Option (preference) for Noises to be embedded in presets. This isn’t recommend to enable, as you’ll be bloating your project files:

    ..It’s the 13th brackets entry in the Serum.cfg file. If you delete the Serum.cfg file it will list it as such “Embed non-factory noises inside presets (warning: larger presets / songs!)” this is intended currently for soundware developers and isn’t recommend to enable for local use (you’ll end up with larger songs and presets when using custom noises).

    - add: Serum Preset Browser now has additional 4th column choice: “Comment”, for personal comments in browser.

    - add: Serum Preset Browser now saves the last selected 4th column choice / opening new instances will default to this column choice.

    OS X: Serial number no longer prompted when keeping Serum Presets on an external HD and sharing between machines.

    - fix: for Velocity or Note graph controlling Noise Phase (noise sample start)

    1.10b3 changes

    - “render OSC Warp” could lead to crash in some situations - loading old presets/projects wouldn’t open in some situations in 1.10b2 - preference for make double-click to reset controls instead of ctrl-click/cmd


    - fix: on Windows, dragging Note or Velo modulator across the LFO or Velo/note graphs could lead to a crash in some situations. - fix: PNG to WT import was offset by 1 pixel (empty row at bottom of image, missing top row of image). - fix: compressor knobs (when set to Limiter) latency reporting was causing glitching issue in Cubase as latency updated repeatedly (please note, compressor attack time will still do this, as attack time alters the needed lookahead for the limiter, thus the latency needs to adjust). Automation parameters are no longer sent on preset change, this greatly accelerates preset load times in some hosts (e.g. FL Studio)


    - add: PNG (image) to WT import -> drag PNG to WT, it load PNG, stretches to internal 2048x256 size, maps luminance to WT amplitudes.

    - add: preference for preventing MouseWheel to change controls (knobs/number boxes/switches/etc).

    - add: alt-click on Matrix mod source (and Aux source) menus: batch re-assign all entries w/ same source to the new selection.

    - fix: ModWheel->WT pos preference was not saving

    - fix: clearing note / velo graph (using context menu) wasn’t visually updating immediately

    - fix: selecting FX rack presets for Filter were not updating the Filter type label immediately

    - fix: delay FX module would on occasion create audio clicks (when setting/modulating delay time)..

    - fix: Remove DC Offset in WT Editor wasn’t functioning correct (only partial DC elimination + potential clipping).

    - fix: right-click to reset an env curve wasn’t working correctly (it visually would update, but it wasn’t updating in DSP)

    - fix: mod source menus had checkmark set wrong in some cases

    - fix: adjusting polyphony limit while a new note is triggered could lead to a crash

    - fix: presets which were not accessible due to permissions could cause a crash on database scan


    reduced memory footprint by ~60 megabytes per instance fix: “Silence effect tails when host transport stops” preference now functions on Hall reverb mode fix: mouseover tooltip names now display correctly on hall reverb size/spin/spin depth

    1.09b8 (Windows Only)


    Unison phase memory (setting phase knob to 100%) no longer drifts on successive notes/ this phase-lock saves in preset/song.

    E.g. Enable unison, turn unison detune to 0, successive notes will sound different due to rand knob.

    When you hear one you like, move phase knob at 100%, now the oscillator phases (resulting tone) will be locked consistent.

    - fix: improved voice stealing / no more “rude” polyphony clicks are gone when voice cap is hit

    - fix: [Reaper 32-bit] situation where operating the UI could cause playing notes to stop reacting to automation.

    - fix: (OS X) on some systems, the installer would not complete in 1.09x

    - fix: (Windows 7) potential fix for drag-and-drop macros on causing crashes in 1.09b5/b6


    - fix: saving a remap/waveshape shape file was leading to a crash new defaults for the reverb FX (hall settings).


    - add: Second reverb algorithm: Hall Module Locking (Osc A, B, Noise, Sub, Filter module, right-click on the name/power button to see menu item), locks the controls/tables so you can change presets and keep the old settings presets for individual effect modules.

    - add:clicking an FX tile on left side of FX page will scroll the FX rack to reveal that FX module (assuming the FX is enabled)

    - add: MIDI CC / Learn support for OSC A, B, Noise, Sub, Filter module power buttons

    - add: some Preset and project loading time improvements

    - fix: typeable values on filter cutoff (Hz) was applying the wrong amount slightly.

    - fix: chaos modulators would stop functioning if S&H was disengaged with an active note

    - fix: (non S&H chaos modulators) were not functioning correctly in polyphonic situations fix: (SerumFX) re-opening projects causing an instant crash in some hosts (if LFO + Note Latch were assigned)


    - updated installer for OS X (script to force-remove older versions)


    - using older compiler revision due to issue on older MacOS machines running 64-bit


    - code merge/update to match SerumFX


    - fix: modulating pitch (or mono mode) on a tiny noise sample (< 1k) set to one-shot mode could lead to a crash

    - new: Lock FX Rack - when enabled, the current FX chain/settings will not change when you load new presets.

    This option can be found in the main menu (“Menu”) as well as if you right-click on the FX Enable tiles on the left side of the FX panel.

    - new: Load/Save Effect Chains. Allows you to load/save the current effect rack. Accessible in the same as above locations.

    Although the location of these files does not matter, a folder named “Effect Chains” should get created in the Serum Presets folder and be the default directory for the load/save dialogs. If it does not get created, you can create it yourself (without quotes).

    1.08b5 changes:

    - fix: closing the plugin window with both the FX tab selected and preset browser showing could lead to a crash.

    - fix: all notes are shut off when adjusting polyphony now to prevent possibility of a crash.

    - fix: potential fix for Master Tuning host automation parameter not functioning in some situations

    - fix: Poly Legato fix/reworking to handle simultaneous note on messages

    1.08b2 changes:

    - fix: in v1.081 some params such as unison detune range were not getting default values set on INIT preset which could lead to improper sound or a crash in some situations.

    - fix: Poly legato mode (legato on, poly off) was not sounding legato in some situations (most recent note stopping before new note).

    fix: Velo/Note graph legato mode option (ctrl-clicking on their mod sources when assigned for the option) was not sounding in some voice stealing situations.


    preliminary parameter locking feature, right-click menu option on controls to “lock them” (to prevent change on preset load). underlying changes for SerumFX version (ready soon, no ETA date). some OS X fixes (crash protection)

    1.07b9a fixes voice stealing where new notes weren't getting created at all when polyphony was exceeding maximum voices set in POLY.

    1.07b8 fixed a potential crash, caused by new notes getting triggered during processing (e.g. Wavetable or preset load).

    1.07b7 (OSX) updated compiler to more recent SDK (compatibility with older OS versions is NOT tested at the moment, 1.07b3 is uploaded as a secondary option, but feedback to me is greatly appreciated (even if things seem OK) via contact formå.

    1.07b6 (OSX) attempts to fix an issue in 64-bit hosts (namespace collision?)

    1.07b5 is 1.07b4 but version # updated to avoid confusion with short-lived 1.07b4.

    1.07b4 (November 2015):

    - fix: for selecting “init preset” while notes are playing

    - fix: for chaos oscillators resetting the chaos algorithm when no notes were playing

    - fix: for using variables q and z together in a formula in the WT editor could lead to NaN output.

    - fix: dragging NOTE and VELO mod-source tiles on Windows could lead to a crash

    - fix: Filter cutoff Hz (numeric value display) was incorrect in some situations.

    - fix: Drag and Drop import in Ableton Live OS X 64-bit could appear “stuck” or crash

    - fix: WT Editor, it was possible to draw on a different table than visually selected

    - fix: extremely large sample sizes in WT formula editor were displaying improper text for note name.

    - add: support for drag-and-drop to wavetable (import for audio files) from Cubase Media Bay
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  5. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I kinda understand the OP, I've tried to find the changelog for Serum several times without success, always thought that only legit customers had access to those info. Just out of curiosity and for future research, would you mind sharing the site where you found the changelog @D-Music ? Thanks in advance. :)
  6. KarateChop

    KarateChop Producer

    Dec 30, 2013
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    The Caribbean Sea
    the changelog its on our user account.. you can see it when you try to download the lasted installer or updates. its basically embed into the source code of the website.
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  7. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Like KarateChop replied indeed, it's in: my account / see available downloads / update section > view release notes
    I think new updates are also posted from time to time in the Xfer forum (which I don't follow myself tbh). So I guess you're right that only users who bought it, see the whole changelog. Not sure though why Xfer does it like this. I mean, a changelog isn't the same as an installer.
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  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
  9. Quantised Noise

    Quantised Noise Producer

    Mar 12, 2018
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    • Funny Funny x 1
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  10. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Yeah, even potential customers would have interest in knowing how often they add features or correct bugs, not to mention the latest additions that are not available in the warez versions for example, so in a business point of view Xfer could benefit of having a public page with these kind of information in their site.

    Thanks for the reply. :)
  11. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I don't even know why my thread was merged in the first place, this thread is specifically for Serum, mine was for all Xfer products:dunno:
  12. Myriad

    Myriad Member

    Feb 9, 2023
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    November 4, 2022

    Xfer Records has released v1.35b7 for its wavetable Serum Synthesizer adding VST3 support for macOS (Intel + Apple Silicon) and Windows.

    A lot of back information for tiny news. Xfer Records today released Serum update v1.35b7 that adds a VST3 version to your plugin folder on both macOS and Windows. No news, but as a reminder: Serum has been compatible with Apple Silicon for some time, which also makes the VST3 for macOS useful.

    Besides the new VST3 compatibility, Steve Duda added pixel dimensions to the Zoom menu item found in the Serum logo, and a new export for the last played note with chord support. Then, you use a new formula parser and many bugs have been fixed.

    Not a big update but one that everyone is happy about especially because of VST3 support. Here are some feature highlights of Serum:
    • two super clean wavetable oscillators with linear interpolation or harmonic/spectral morphing
    • sub-oscillator and noise generator with custom samples
    • generate your own wavetables in different ways: generate waveforms using additive synthesis, from audio files or formula functions, or using the wave draw function.
    • a plethora of filter types and effects
    • drag- and drop modulations with three envelopes, four LFOs, and more
    • tons of high-quality presets.
  13. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2023
  14. controlthesystem

    controlthesystem Member

    Feb 20, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Nice thanks.
  15. DonCaballero

    DonCaballero Producer

    Feb 6, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Would be great to have a recent changelog up to Serum v1.368
  16. zamir

    zamir Newbie

    Jan 14, 2021
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    1.36b8 (October 11 2023)

    add: Rescan Folders on Disk now rescans WT Editor formulas

    add: incoming MPE Pitch Bend now also routes to the "MPE X" mod source. This can be disabled in SerumPrefs.json if (un)desired.

    add: MPE Enabled state, and the Locks for tuning and oversample (Global page): these will now save/load as part of your default preset (/User/Default.fxp).

    add: preference in SerumPrefs.json to "MPE Y acts BiDirectional", for MIDI controllers which offer/expect a bi-directional movement for the Y axis.

    add: preset saving improved to no longer trigger a rescan of the preset database.

    fix: MIDI Program Changes pointing to no file in ProgramChanges.txt will no longer produce "file too small" messages when the target filename is blank

    fix: potential first-run crash when updating Serum directly from a very old version.

    fix: (SerumFX) Note Latch button was not visually updating after loading presets in to SerumFX.
  17. devalias

    devalias Newbie

    Jan 6, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Thanks to everyone who has shared updates in this thread previously, has been really helpful :)

    I found that it's also possible to check the release notes using the Serum Demo if you have it installed, from Menu -> Check for Updates...:



    Looking deeper into that, I found that it's just making a HTTP GET request to a URL like the following (there are some extra bits included, but they don't seem to be required):

    # Headers
    X-Api-Key: organist-diction-model-molehill
    User-Agent: Live/11.3.13%20%282023-10-17_b376a4ffe2%29
    # Endpoints
    You can call this API from the command line using a tool like curl:

    # macOS
    curl --header 'X-API-Key: organist-diction-model-molehill' \
         --header 'User-Agent: Live/11.3.13%20%282023-10-17_b376a4ffe2%29' \
    # windows
    curl --header 'X-API-Key: organist-diction-model-molehill' \
         --header 'User-Agent: Live/11.3.13%20%282023-10-17_b376a4ffe2%29' \
    Using this API, I extracted all of the old release notes, converted them to markdown, manually cleaned them up/reformatted them for consistency, and created a GitHub gist containing them all:
    For the versions I had access to (currently only 1.36b8), I have also included the SHA256 hashes of the official binaries, which can be used to verify the authenticity of releases, and ensure that downloaded binaries aren't modified/corrupted:
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
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