WTF is going on in the world?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kearnsy, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Exactly. Since the public media is mostly reporting about what the stupid celebrities do, sports and other news of no real relevance instead of stuff that really matters like strikes and protests, TV watching drones think everything is alright, just peachy. A bit of war here and there as always, thousands dying in some remote country, not their concern... Everything is just fine as always. Media is very powerful indeed. They can draw people's attention to whatever they want. If they decided to make people rebel, they would, but of course they're trying exactly the opposite because the elite fears precisely that could happen. It happens even despite their best efforts to divert people's attention from what matters to Kim Kardashian's tits or some other bullshit. People are just so fed up that even these stupid distractions don't work any more. So the public media choose not to report about what's happening or marginalise stuff that could make people ablaze. There are riots and protests happening all the time all over the world and you don't see it on TV or in the news or you see a small article here and there to show its "insignificance". You have to actively search for websites that are following what's happening to be informed of what's going on aside from the bullshit that the public media reports about.

    If there was an asteroid as big as a mountain heading for Earth, public media would be the last to report about that. So no, nothing is fucking "peachy" at all...

    "Yesterday, the government of Turkey blocked Twitter entirely, cutting off 10 million people from the social network that has been essential in the organizing of protests and the dissemination of information."

    See what I mean?? :snuffy:
  2. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Right Sinewave... the public media became just a ass kisser lately, doing everything for money, even feeding mass population with lies in a manipulating way for the interests of the moon heads.

    I even saw on Romania's TV channels some official prank shows called like "Stars Trap" making pranks on celebrities which they actually acting the whole prank, everything even filmed from alot of angles and etc. being a fu*king annoying and fake show to watch, but the most worrying thing about it, is actually the big audience they had, with so much fool people watching it as a real deal. If they are so gullible, imagine how easly they can swallow the fake feed from TV... :sad:
  3. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Agreed chaps 100%

    Here's how i deal with the madness, I know deep down there's nothing i can do on my own that will change anything for the better, so i've (in my own head) removed myself from the bubble, and now, instead of being inside the bubble looking out, i'm standing outside the bubble looking in, if that makes sense?

    And meanwhile, i'm shouting to the people inside the bubble "Oi, you lot, come outside here, and have a look at what i'm seeing, you're not gonna believe it"

    Thankfully, for my own sanity, there's a good few others outside the bubble looking in going and we all seem to be saying to one another "Fuck me, what is going on in there?"
  4. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, concerned friends,

    for quite long time had peaceful transition, change of paradigm, in mind, more in the way of the hundredth monkey effect, critical mass... *yes*

    nowadays tend to feel it will be somewhat more tumultuous, rough, tempestuous, possibly even without the usual lull that foreruns the storm... *yes*

    the court jester of the emperor of utopia, after reading all the posts regarding our topic, has no more jokes, instead, wishes all the best for all of us... :bow: