WTB: Your time to make one custom Serum preset

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by krameri, Oct 2, 2024.

  1. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Hey all!

    I have a bass sound that I've heard many times in modern techno and its sub-genres. I could really use a custom Serum preset of it. I know how to get around in Serum for the most part, but not to make this sound. I'm going to learn from your preset.

    I have a clean sample of it for you to use as reference. I'm looking for an accurate reproduction of it in Serum and I'll pay for it.

    Please no newbies. Because PayPal money will change hands, I'd rather pay a member with some time here. I have hired two other people here for mastering work and I'm good on my word to pay (after I test it in Serum on my end).

    Please tell me how much you want for it. Preferably in PM.

    Thank y'all! Have a great day!


    EDIT: I'll post back here if/when someone has made it