Worst Christmas at AudioZ in years...

Discussion in 'humor' started by LuckySevens, Dec 25, 2015.


Good or bad Christmas at AudioZ?

  1. Great Christmas ever!

  2. It was alright...

  3. Worst Christmas ever at AudioZ!!

  4. Worst Thread Ever!!

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  1. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    First, I hope everyone and their families are safe and are having a wonderful holidays.
    Second, I, and everyone else here should be grateful for the hard work of the teams and the scene and this site and quit asking for more.
    Third, Catalyst is a good man... and one I am proud to call my friend. I miss him.

    Be well everyone in the new year, and I hope everyone prospers in their respective endeavors.
  2. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Can a mod please ban this troll?
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  3. martel80

    martel80 Producer

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Best CHristmas ever on Audio-Z for me.

    -Slate Digital

    I couldn task for more and it REALLY surprised me.

    Thank you so much to Autdiotupia for that.
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  4. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Anyone else find it hilarious that those all for Windows?

    I would have been ecstatic if slate digital or soundtoys was released for mac but no. Not a single release of value for mac.
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  5. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Almost everything posted lately is garbage except for the stuff at the top, but that's all windows soundtoys, slatedigital, softtube, eventide

    I don't understand why they would waste time cracking things like blue cat visual eq or the Perez Karjee Awesome Kicker for mac. Nobody gives a shit about those plugins.
  6. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Dude, get it through your thick skull - you are not entitled to any releases. NONE. Zero. Nada.
    The ones released to the public are there thanks to the good will and talent of the teams. They don't have to release anything.
    Besides. Most of the ilok 2 stuff was already available on mac thanks to openssh. Maybe not the newest versions, but Mac had ilok 2 stuff far before Windows users. If you really want the newest stuff, you have 3 options: buy them, use Windows, or SHUT UP & WAIT. You deserve NOTHING, so stop acting like teams owe you Mac releases. You don't even deserve those plugins you say are shitty. Make do with what you have, and please, leave this forum - and take that shitty attitude with you.
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  7. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    yeah... i mac user, and it was alright... i mean this is only my 2nd Christmas with war-z... and i just know lst year was excellent... copyl3ft3r and modulus releasing dope shit.. but this year, Win got hookt up so that cool... anyhow, I kicled the hoard habit maybe 6-8 months ago, so all in all, i happy, cuz i workin on music more, and there is a valuable non-materialistic jpy that come from that that beats materialistic joy found in daily downloads of software I not use :D
  8. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    This is an example of what I am talking about. Dim and I have become friends through mutual interests, and I always love to hear from him. He gets it. As do most here. Let us celebrate helping all of each other out, and creating new sonic possibilities for others. If that dictum is a problem for anyone, I would love to hear why. We all owe a great deal of gratitude to HEXWARS, R2R, etc.. And we damn well know that, or should. Certain things are certain.

    I have both met great people on here and have been shocked at the lack of appreciation, lack of supplying, and the tendency to ask for more and more.

    That I imagine is not why this place was created. Give back what you can. Appreciate. Help a brother out, whether it be with a share or advice on how to install something etc.... we all had to learn that, and it doesn't take that much... But the LAST thing anyone should ever do is take CHEAPSHOTS at someone from a "dummy" account etc.. And if that makes me a "target" .... so be it. SAiNT created a great great place here, Catalyst IMHO, contributed a lot to what SAiNT created, and I of course do not know the whole or any story outside of that.

    best to all, and if you feel you "need" a target, make it me. I just on principle have a problem with members from last saturday taking shots at someone who contributed a LOT to this place.

    I respect ALL, and will help anyone, to whatever degree I can... But cowards, ... well, you be cowards... Stand by your words, and not with a new account. I do.

    Again, best health, safety, and prosperity to every member here AND their families.
  9. Jannegirl40

    Jannegirl40 Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2012
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    Stop giving Mac users a bad name.
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  10. krewel

    krewel Newbie

    Aug 28, 2011
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    I'm really happy about this. I don't know how many times I've seen mac users call windows users things like "poorfags" or say things like "you're just jealous because you can't afford a mac" but here they are crying and begging for pirated software. Best Christmas ever.
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  11. AudioTrooper

    AudioTrooper Newbie

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Seriously kid, if it's not rocket science, how about you go and crack the SoundToys bundle for Mac yourself and release it to the masses? You sound like one of the kids who's given things, yet doesn't appreciate. Just whines every time. You're part of the reason why teams end up keeping things internal and don't release.

    If you're so upset about no Mac version, go and put your big boy panties on and buy it :deep_facepalm:
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  12. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    It's amusing, to me, to think that I've been keeping up with the audio warez scene, from RADIUM to R2R (1997 to now), and I find this cocksure forum talk pointless. It's officially as bad as I've ever seen it. These conversations are complete high school locker room BS. lol Why even try and communicate? Just write music and check-in to see if there are some new plugins every once in a while. It's that simple.
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  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Thanks for the explanation, you're too kind, but as you must have suspected I was just joking. Remember, my english is really improving!!
    I've to update my sig ...

    Ok, thanks to you too, but, you know, I understand you both perfectly ;)

    Cheers and merry chr.... wait... what is an ADHD? Nevermind, I can guess it: Analog Digital High Definition Converter... hell yeah, I'm the man... :wink:
  14. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    I have 4 of them (PC's ) in the house... none in the studio (4 Macs in the studio). Never will again. But this has nothing to do with PC or Mac... just the releases and lack thereof... at AudioZ. I get mine though.
  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    after seeing all the nonsense here last few days... maybe it went over my head, I try not to be an "English" snob.. and all
    languages are simply a means to communication.. that's it...

    by the way.. what is a Xupito anyway? is that some Peruvian (or whatever) slang for somethin' naughty? :cool:
  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    That's exactly why I said you're too kind ;)

    I'm a proud naughty person indeed. You know the typical tequila shots, with a little glass? They're called chupitos. I can elaborate:


    Point taken? Yeah, I thought so. That being said, I'm neither Latin american or a tequila lover. I'm more a vodka guy from Spain.
    In Spanish you can contract "ch" with "x" just to save one key, not correct but sounds the same. That's what I did in IRC back in the day (no suggestions like nowadays). I found funny how it looked "xupito", so I took it as my regular nick.

    The only downside is you can't use it in "serious" social sites, because people think you're a drunkard.
  17. Molecular

    Molecular Noisemaker

    Aug 21, 2015
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    What he said

    Seriously though, this is extremely important to understand... These aren't request threads, and NO team/person is going to look at these greedy posts on this site and then decide they are going to work extremely hard and then even publicly release them for your benefit and from your requests here saying "please, I hope I get this and this and this and this." The fact that most of these incessant people have only been on here for a few months or under a year seems exceptionally crazy, considering they already have a lot of catching up to do with what IS around. Fact: if you can't wait for (a) possible gift(s) from these hard working, extremely smart people, and in the meantime, use the ubiquitous things that are readily available, then you are probably a lost cause to begin with. If you have bad mixes, it's probably because you aren't as good as you think you are, and should read the works of Socrates. I love the stuff happening here and on AZ as much as the next guy/gal, but no one is listening to your wishes, and quite possibly the opposite if you are a douchebag about it.
  18. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    You sure about that? :winker:
  19. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Not at all :bow:
  20. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Gee AB69, how old are you??? Do you really think whining about it will help you? You are just like a kid spoiled rotten that one would be glad to take to the orphanage and maybe come back a year later to see if you've learned something on the meaning of the word 'gratitude'. Your brain got stuck in a loop when it comes to actually understanding what people here are telling you.....either that or you squeezed it out with the last dump you took on the can. Just stop nagging!
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