Working with Chronic pain / Chair Rec's?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by shinyzen, Jul 3, 2024.

  1. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Member

    Sep 4, 2024
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    Ofcourse there's a difference. You can do it yourself and check it for yourself. And some tissue you can't massage yourself, either because it's too deep, or on the back...

    The point that should count only, if it works and results in a permanent positive development.

    We should cherish what works and I told you, that L&B works wonders for my mother. And if you read the comments on YT, it works for a lot of people, but you rejected it as inferior.
    This is the same attitude the medical lobbies have. They denounce certain methods, despite verifyable results(!), or if they can't denounce it, they attack the person.
    L&B has 2 million followers on YT. They even made TV spots attacking the person, that he was not a doctor, as if he was a charlatan miracle healer, and as if the people following his free videos, or the paid programs, would not be able to VERIFY if it helps them!
    This man should receive the Nobel price, but instead he is ridiculed and attacked.

    Some common sense: the theory behind all these methods, from deep tissue massage to stretching, is similar:
    Body tissue, muscle fibers, have gone into a bad state, this bad state leads to a bad protective posture, the bad posture increases the problem.

    This is broken up by confronting the tissue, or the bad posture, so the pain is confronted, the tissue becomes activated, tells the body, hey, ""I'm still here, do not forget me", and the body starts to activate his fluids to treat the problem.

    Ridiculing the self-help(!), free of charge methods of L&B, everyone can try, because "it's different"?

    Have you ever pressed 1-2 minutes on a point of pain, that needs this kind of treatment? Obviously not. 10 seconds of pain, so strong that it brings you to tears, feels like an eternity.
    I did this myself, when I had acquired pain in a joint of the ring finger, after carrying a bucket full of water and grabbing it badly. I did not even want to try it, but my mother insisted to try this method. So I did reluctantly and I didn't expect anything. After this minute of pressure, the warmth, that was suddenly being felt in the finger, was absolutely unreal. And the pain was gone.

    "But he's not a doctor."
    FUCK 'EM!
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2024
  2. Haze

    Haze Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2013
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  3. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    80% of orthpaeden suck big time ....and for hausarzt its even 90% .
    stupid mainstream zombie opinions...
    about l und b i know exactly whats good and whats not bout them chiro was in their cloud for some time .
    ....there are others like osteophaten with american chiro with physio education ,its a huge field for physio alone .
    dude you are naive ,and again i dont say he is bad but putting 3000% schnap on a styropor kegel or tube or a bit much....
    und weiter ,es waere so als gebe ich kevin wolter einen preis weil er gerade knees over toes guy kopiert.
    die yt vids helfen vielen leuten ja ,aber sind auch werbung und ad money also bitte mal differenzieren ,der typ laesst sich im maybach rum chaufieren .seine frau ist noch viel zu brav wenn es um aufzeigen von ernaehrungs sachen geht.
    not wrong but this stuff can be really complex and is a huge topic ,even alone on your These here ,you can write books bout
  4. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2024
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    so you thing planet earth has no magnetic fields and humans are non electric systems ?!
    pyramids got just placed random ?
    ...ok mate:mad:
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