Working with Chronic pain / Chair Rec's?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by shinyzen, Jul 3, 2024 at 5:33 AM.

  1. baszermaszer

    baszermaszer Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    You allowed yourself go flaccid and limp like a dropped pancake from a pan.

    You need light athletics. Jogging with sprints on empty stomach, coupled with frog jumps, some push ups. Pull-ups, where you need to learn to just hang really nicely stretching your spine, attempting to pull yourself up couple inches then let yourself fall again still hanging.

    Stretching: turning your torso gently from side to side

    Sit ups: don't sit up fully, only lift your ribcage, check it out on YT.

    Good spine stretches - hanging from a bar by your hands - and try turning your hips from side to side

    Do wonderful hip splits with going into squat position and with your elbows against your knees push your knees OUT combating some pain ==> gently raise your ass an inch then let it fall back multiple times, while pushing your knees OUT assertively with your elbows against pain. Then stand up and do "hulahoop" hip rolls in both directions with your hands your hips. Works wonders for me.

    Try a chiropractor, but without exercise it'll be like a pill for a headache..

    Also you badly need to buy another chair which has completely different padding for your ass and lower spine.. Then switch chairs daily.

    Or just do as I do: place hard blankets below your ass and some hard pillows. Try to unbalance your comfy sitting position.
    Roll a towel to the width of 3 inches and place it behind you at your tailbone, so it supports your spine.

    Unbalance and change the surface geography of your chair(s) as much as possible.

    There is a chair looking like a flat top mushroom - leather cylinder - and you sit on it and its bottom is fixed, but the top rolls around with your ass as you change your angle - move the top of the chair - swiveling around your central position = your spine will be moving around, you can try that as well.

    But for me the hip splits and chaotic surface padding helped most.

    Exercise will give you more energy for the day as well.

    Better look for a Jiu-jitsu or MMA club in your vicinity and ask them to show you basic exercise training and stretching. There is a wonderful two-man spine stretching, where (with your back) you lean on the other man's back and he takes your arms making soft "spring-motions" with his knees up and down he stretches your spine out wonderfully. Try that.

    Don't forget to stand up from time to time and grab your hands and move them 180 degrees from side to side, while your legs, head remain in position. Then roll your head, chin touching your chest and raised shoulders.

    You have pain because you cemented yourself into your chairs default surface padding, which fixed your spine disks into one position for eternity. BAD IDEA!!!!!

    If you have a SOFT BED where-on you maintain Horrible sleeping positions:
    Important to throw out your bed to the trash. Buy a thin and hard coconut mattress - 3 and half inches max height - and put it on the floor. Put some thin plastic sheets, thin bed-covers, real floss silk sheets UNDERNEATH in a multi-layer configuration for the winter. In summer leave only a simple thin sheet under it. For your head you can use pillows to hold your head level with your spine. Healthiest is sleeping on your left side. Get a compass / app on your mobile phone and TURN the bed toward NORTH accurately. Leave it there permanently if possible.

    Sleep on it. You'll get used to the hardness in a couple nights, just imagine you are a soldier on a battlefield. EXCELLENT FOR YOUR SPINE HEALTH!!
    You'll never ever sleep in a soft bed after that.
    Couple nights will make all your spine and hip pain go away if those pains are merely from bad sleeping positions. Cheap and supremely effective! Don't be afraid from getting a cold in winter: use multiple warm / plastic sheet layers underneath!

    Try to sleep some hours without pillows during the night as well: flat on your back, flat on your belly, various "one leg raised" positions on either side, etc.. Your health and energy for the day will improve wonderfully with your hip / spine pains subsiding drastically.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2024 at 4:38 PM
  2. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    but cheese is also a fermented product that helps to regulate the gut biome, I wouldn't give it up entirely unless you have an issue with dairy. Inflammation is constant in the human body, its a reaction to the environment, its the level of inflammation that is damaging. I would agree Tumeric could help as well as vitamin D, and the B vitamins are especially needed by the nervous system.
    I concoct my own capsules, a blend of tumeric, asoefetida, ground pepper, and a powdered mushroom blend, have been using it for nearly 2 decades, and feel fit as your average fiddle.

    pain is the extreme way your body tells you, that you are fucking up. it usually sends some earlier messages like discomfort, digestion issues, anxiety, etc. when you ignore the phone ringing, it delivers the pain package instead.

    Sitting maybe one of your problems, and you may have to take a break to let your body heal. It could be similiar to carpal tunnel. I had severe wrist pain at one time, I was coding at the time and typing alot and using a mouse alot. I started wearing a wrist brace, but I found that getting rid of the mouse and switching to a touchpad, stopped the pain. My wrist is fine now, and I play the guitar daily with no issues, no pain, and no limited mobility.

    Something in your work environement is stressing your back muscles, it may be the angle or height of the work surfaces, exacerbated by the time you spend in one position. Don't sit for more than an hour, get up and take a 10 minute walk around and shake things out.

    good luck, you have to be sherlock holmes and seek out what caused the issue, by eliminating the culprits one by one.
  3. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    The dude has three slipped disks and spinal stenosis, no amount of turmeric is going to fix that.
  4. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    the body is a system.
    like a studio is a combination of many bits of equipment and wiring and computers etc.

    when a noise comes from the speaker, do you replace the speakers?

    a doctor sees a slipped disk or three and says there is the problem, not wtf caused this and can we prevent more problems. The human skeleton is mostly calcium a not terriblely strong material, we walk upright unlike almost every other creature on this earth, which stresses the spine even more.
    then we seek employment causing us to repeatedly stress ourselves often over periods of decades.

    Tumeric certainly won't undue the damage already caused, but it may help alleiviate problems elsewhere in his metabolic systems which may manifest in even more injuries. It certainly won't harm him, and its very inexpensive unlike surgery.

    the possibility for improvement exists with little risk to the contrary, so why be so negative?
    the modern diet is mostly garbage, any and everything we can do to correct that leads to a healthier and longer overall life.

    a bit of tumeric might help you as well....
  5. toetea

    toetea Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2023
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    making some toe tea
    Sorry to hear of your predicament. I am also having some struggles of my own.

    The only practical advice I can provide is to stay in motion as much as possible.
    From my experience, static positions and repetitive motions can bring a lot of damage.
    It is very easy to deal damage or to gain weight, but the effort required to heal (if possible) or lose weight is always multitudes greater. Stay strong and flexible!
    Wishing you the best. :bow:
  6. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    there's a great channel that will answer most of your questions on this subject:
  7. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    TENS is good, especially if you don't want to do drugs, but also getting MRI could find something specific..
    I'm pretty much in same situation but with neck and shoulders.
    I do heavy lifting at my daily job, approximately 5-10 ton a day right now
  8. Astika Blastika

    Astika Blastika Newbie

    Feb 26, 2023
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    For your conditiion , I would say daily swimming with good technique is all activity you should handle .Don't even think about calisthenics or jogging ...
    As far as supplements, try hefty doses of joint complex supplements Glucosamine Sulfate,Chondroitine, MSM ,Rose Hip etc.

    Incorporate ginger in your daily diet(for example make some tea out of fresh ginger with honey and lemon)