Working on a project, but it's a while(maschine exp's)

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by KIZ, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. KIZ

    KIZ Newbie

    Jul 22, 2011
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    I'm working on converting Marble Rims 2.0 back to 1.8 for a friend as he really likes the sounds. I have been using Marble rims kits in 2.0 and then taking the samples and making the actual kits so they can be used in 1.8. by the way i'm using 2.0 hack to convert to 1.8 legit. I know that they have change the file setting in 2.0 to 'mxgpd' instead of 'mgpd' It would make my job a little bit faster if there was a program like "MPC Editor" (I use to use this with the 2000xl)


    that came out a long time ago that would allow you to drop files and it would create the program for you. Anybody know of such a thing? I'm moving a long well, but the time consuming thing is creating the instruments(synth, pianos etc..) because i'm loading each individual sample and mapping them out, adding the effects etc.. I got it down to a science that i can map it just like the Exp. in 15 mins but it would be a lot fast if there was a program that did it for you.
    thanks for your help