Windows 11 upgrade?

Discussion in 'PC' started by shake_puig, Apr 30, 2022.


Have you upgraded?

  1. Yes

    68 vote(s)
  2. No

    111 vote(s)
  1. shake_puig

    shake_puig Producer

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Now that Windows 11 has been out for half a year, have you tried it out yet? I still didn't, but would like to know if those who tested it noticed any difference regarding performance or issues of any kind.
  3. pon_pon

    pon_pon Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2015
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    in my case, much better.
    A entire day optimizing my computer, of course . . . cut some services, etc etc etc . . .
    Im not gaming, or looking porn (with this computer) only daw (nuendo right now) , Davinci resolve and affinity photo. No more programs, no external plugins, no vst, no vsti (only from steinberg), no firewall. no antivirus . . . all ssd drives, apollo interface, and 1080 nvidia and . . .speed light for me.
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  4. Anubhav Ukil

    Anubhav Ukil Producer

    Nov 22, 2019
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    Windows 11 sucks.
    I mean where to begin with?
    The explorer sucks.
    The speed of the explorer.. Man....
    Then the "no drag and drop" from taskbar.
    Most of the OS is buggy.
    If you use a lot of useful utilities, like I do, eg, Toolbar Creator, Touch-Base UPDD, Lemur, LoopMidi, HIDMacros, Auto Hot Key along with Presonus Studio One (I have just some VSTs and VSTis and they are not more than 422 in total), then suddenly you will feel the issue.
    I had optimized the PC, removed bloatware and unnecessary apps and functionalities but tstill WINDOWS 11 SUCKS.
    I went back to Windows 10.
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  5. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Personally...I am planning for a total departure to MacOS & Linux. If Microsoft changes the current behavior & rolls out a true "New" Windows OS, Microsoft could hold on to most of their user base...could. With their take it or leave it approach, I am opting to leave it.
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  6. Anubhav Ukil

    Anubhav Ukil Producer

    Nov 22, 2019
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    Honestly, now I wish that the entire Windows team either dies or gets abducted by Aliens so, there will be no more Windows and people will live happily with Windows 10.
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  7. jon doe like pizza dough

    jon doe like pizza dough Ultrasonic

    Dec 14, 2021
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    guys so i upgraded to win 11 in the beta versions back in like December and my pc hasn't ever been this stable
    earlier it was like 40 second boot time now its around 11 seconds

    and only saw 1 blue screen and that was in a beta versions now i am on the official release it the system hasn't ever crashed unlike win 10 which crashed on a almost bi weekly basis
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  8. flush with your foot

    flush with your foot Platinum Record

    Apr 12, 2017
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    hi, i have worked so hard to optimize Win10, that switching to Win11 seems unthinkable! my desk is dedicated only to music, no net, games and it is a real pleasure, i start my sessions in 15 seconds, never a crash! it was my desire to have a powerful and stable pc!
    I'm not going to break my dream for an upgrade without real reasons!
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  9. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    I have upgraded for a long time. It is working buttery smooth. Much better than Windows 10, 8 and 7. The UI is very slick.

    It is also faster for heavy tasks. My games almost run 10 FPS more, which is huge!

    The multi-core performance is better due to a better thread scheduler.

    The binaries built with Windows 11 SDK (e.g. Studio One) work better and faster because they do not ship old deprecated code (that is only required for old Windows versions).

    The Windows 11 SDK that is modern and open source:

    Gaming benchmark:
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  10. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    That's great for you!

    Still does not address the real-world issues for audio/video professionals who need to complete work in a timely manner. Not play games.
    MacOS offers that stability when compared to Windows. Debian based Linux for some applications offer far superior performance than both Windows & MacOS. Linux is not just for network management these days.

    Will Microsoft get it right with their next OS offering? Only time will tell.
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  11. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I'm not upgrading for the sake of it, when this Windows 10 breaks I'll go to Windows 11 with a fresh install. Also, new versions of Windows seem to follow a pattern of a good version or two followed by a couple of bad versions then a good one again - Windows 10 seems like a good one, relatively speaking (it will always be increasingly bloated until they completely rewrite the code instead of continuously bolting new bits onto it). I'd love to use something else but Apple are too expensive and Linux, well, it's a shame it's so limited for music production because if it wasn't I think most of us would use it.
    Last edited: May 18, 2022
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  12. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Stability? :rofl: That's totally incorrect.
    They broke the whole software toolchain. They literally changed the CPU architecture to ARM, which broke almost all software. You want an example. Here you go.

    Their operating system is locked to proprietary hardware and no CI/CD service allows testing and building software on macOS ARM. I am a software developer, and I cannot test my software on MacOS ARM, while GitHub offers free Windows and Linux testing.

    You will be very unlucky if your VSTs or audio drivers do not provide ARM builds.

    Linux lags behind Windows in hardware support. Plenty of audio interfaces do not work on Linux and they lack drivers. For normal office use or software development, Linux is great, but not for music production!

    I run Kubuntu in a dual boot, and I love it. But I use Windows for music production.
    Last edited: May 18, 2022
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  13. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Their are drivers for Linux from the likes of Focusrite as an example. You can also create your own drivers if you know how. Then there is the ability to to edit the ALSA config to support your device if needed. Non-proprietary USB devices are recognized without drivers.

    Even Windows & MacOS need help to communicate with external devices. MacOS less so.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2023
  14. BigM

    BigM Guest

    Currently win11 is just okay. There are some bugs and things that I don't like,

    1.Inconsistent system-wide dark mode.(half work by microsoft)
    2.Serious amount of bloatware and telemetry tasks.(optimization will do the trick)
    3.Still has some glitches around search and notification area.
    4.Titlebars are still oldschool in some softwares and doesn't display new ones as default.

    Overall experience is ok but still waiting for microsoft to fix these in at least 22h2 update.

    If you are a developer you must know that technology never wasn't same and won't be same, specially in computing. Of course that sudden architecture change created some software issues for around 2-5% of users. But as a tech nerd I really like the switch and apple was able to outnumber cons with really good performance and insane battery life while still keeping those macs silent and cool + rosetta. Specially rosetta gave some headroom time for developers to work on compatibility.

    By this time. Speaking of stability, I have nothing to say. Users already know(I don't want to start that pc vs mac mess again).

    And now intel and qualcomm also planning on ARM chips for windows pcs.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2022
  15. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    In terms of performance it works perfectly, consider that it s nothing but un update from windows 10, the latter looking better than w11 in my opinion.It seems that every new release of windows looks more bidimensional than the previous, hopefully next major update that s suppostd to be released in october will restore come aesthetic features like folder previews
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2023
  16. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    everytime I read some replies ,i recall when in 2015 some users were still stubbornly stuck to w xp for no valid reason.Funny how people who rush to download the last updates of warez, seem to fear to update their system, it must be the thrill to ride a dinosaur
    Last edited: May 29, 2022
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  17. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    The dev channel of win 11 is way better than win 10, I've been using it for months now

    2024: I've came back to 10, its more optimzed :p
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
  18. Worn Soles

    Worn Soles Ultrasonic

    Mar 10, 2022
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    I'm still on 10. I have admittedly not tried 11. But everything I hear about Windows 11 is the bad aspects of 10 are turned up to 11. A complete user surveillance suite baked into the operating system, fully controlled by Microsoft.

    Last thing I read regarding this was that is that a Microsoft online account is mandatory for all consumer versions of Windows 11.

    This is completely unacceptable to me.
  19. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Please let us not make this Windows vs. Linux vs. macOS deathmatch and stick to the subject, pretty please?

    But I upgraded one of my desktops to 11, mainly to check out the forthcoming Android feature, which I can't use since it's only available in the US and requires an Amazon account (and I can't be arsed to figure out a workaround).

    The in-place upgrade worked fine with no glitches, and restoring/reverting some functionality (taskbar/file context menu, and running Shutup) took no time. All apps run fine, I've had no issues with DAWs, plugins, or any other software really. No stability issues, crashes or bluescreens. I think it feels a tad more responsive, but that might be placebo. The new start menu is fine, not that I use it that much.

    Development tools, Sysinternal's apps work fine. WSL2 is working slightly better and easier to set up. Nothing earthshattering though.

    But in short: it's still work in progress, if you've got a working setup on 10 and you haven't got an Intel Alder Lake CPU there's very little reason to upgrade just yet. If you're reinstalling or setting up a new system then you might go straight to 11 for future proofing though.
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    MINIGUNPUNK Kapellmeister

    Aug 12, 2021
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    Upgrading to 11 Windows, certainly looks tempting, but no.
  21. VSKZ

    VSKZ Producer

    Jul 9, 2021
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    I would like to try it, but I fear that some vsts will not work well any more or crash, and also the compatibility check said my CPU is not compatible.