Windows 11 is here

Discussion in 'PC' started by metaller, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    11 looks better on my 4K monitor! What immediately struck me after installing the 11 Leak was the increased clarity on my monitor!
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  2. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

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  3. Maduka

    Maduka Kapellmeister

    Oct 17, 2012
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    Good to know. Thanks.
  4. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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  5. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    If someone's entire career is based on music and using a DAW, instead of thinking that this needs to be protected, what do they do? - they add an Internet connection to it. Thinking outside the square for a second, do you believe that a hacker won't invent some malware that enters windows 11 and screws up TPM and secure boot on next reboot?
    If people really thought about it, their DAW never has needed an Internet connection and never will for non-collaborative music, mixing, mastering and engineering. It is local work, not networked, other than online live bi-directional recording if that is their thing.
    If a band brings an engineer their treasured recordings and compositions, they do not want it all over the Internet anyway. That is their choice, not the mix or mastering engineer's.

    Windows 11 works fast and well on systems without TPM and secure boot as long as the component check is bypassed. An i7-6700 is more than fast enough to run it really well. I tested it with the intent to try and make it fall over without secure boot and TPM and enabled auto-updates on a workhorse i7-4700, FAR slower than an i7-6700 and it is not only fast, it updated seamlessly. So there is bullshit in MS's appraisal which nobody should be surprised at.

    As for making it safer, Linux has always been safer and more secure. Has anyone wondered why viruses have problems infecting MAC's? (UNIX is underneath it). Windows fucked up the security from day one since Windows NT with an aborted VAX/VMS HAL and instead of reinventing the wheel, rebuilt on a broken wheel. The security flaw is not in your hardware it is in Windows itself.

    EDIT - If a machine needs to be safe and it has no access to it other than physical presence, then it is unhackable unless by physical presence.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2021
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  6. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Oh! Nice Discussion. Actually i not often write something... But today :)
    Actually for Audio i have a Win7 x64 System with a Sculltrail Sock2011Double CPU with around 15,5 GHZ and 36 Cores. In Ableton10 i can do 130 TRACKS with 30 PLUGINS a LINE and have 80% CPU used. I have 64 gig RAM, and there is NO Problem with the WIn7 at all.
    If you look at the WEB you can fin most of the WIN7 SCR Code if you want to update some of the main Core Stuff.

    Remember: myDigitalDiary there are (also Win7 Coders) that update internal all the "UPDATES" you want.
    I never had any Problems with trojans of mining stuff, this audios etup works all the time very smooth and well. There are lists of reg edit Hacks, to castrate TELEMETRY and all kind of senseless "home phoning".

    I am the Administrator of my system. I Dont need ONLINE mouse drivers, or a KI which "helps" me shorten my work. I have to pipeline my work, not the KI. :)

    I can understand that win11 looks nice, but you cant have any reg edit stuff, nor stopping the update Funtion or stuff.
    My Windows 7 can work fine with 2 4K 40" Samsung Tv without any Tiling stress or stuff like that. Actually i dont want to upgrade to 8K because of the heat of the GFX Cards.

    I have all the rights bout my Folders, and know my Bios system very Well :) I havee SSD and m2 which is silence and not to warm, my Ram is very well balanced with a RamDisc :)

    So for me, there is NO need for changing, that. I will never do more than 100 Tracks with more than 30 Plugins in the row.

    You are the admin of your system, and you are NOT REALLY at win10 and win11 :)

    The human should use the machine, nor microsoft should or a KI which causes more Problems than effects. My Admin Rights, and not the Cloud once.

    There are a lot of builds on secure Browsers out there also there are more than 1 DARKNET :) i know 3and heard about 7 and i think there are much more.

    Actually you can castrate google, and all the APP stuff, that are basically not helpful for a good Audio system. :) Also seperate licening servers are not helpful.

    Better for me is to tweak a working OS. I cant see any advantage for changing. I would also never use a Cloud Storrage or stuff like that. i have around 20 7 TB BARACUDA, and a rankforce hub, and store it by my own :)

    you can on/off your usb hub, for the HDDS i have just my 2 SSD and the m2 connected for performance. with the ramDisc this system is much faster that i just need it.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
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  7. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    Sculltrail Sock2011Double CPU
    just curious about the 15 ghz. was that a typo or are you actually running a cpu clocked @ 15ghz on all cores.
  8. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
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    oh normally i use the gFlops metric. :) with a solid win7 you can actually achive much more than this. Like renderFarms do for rendering highly performed animation stuff. you can "stick" more than 1 sculltrail (there are boards with actually 4 or 6 cpu slots out there) for more performance.

    The Sculltrail solution is just one of them. do not think for "Consumer stuff". Think for "pro", which just for me means buying the hardware (sometimes there are some server hardware etc, which have amazing and expensive stuff to)

    But have a look at your electric bill and the heat problem (maybe you can cool it down with liquid or cooling toys!) to get very high performance.

    So you can also "add" or choose Ps4 Hardware (some of the Processors etc, to connect simple the performance you want, and custom simple your win7 to your choice.)
    Build it in 19" Standard Server Boxes for your fun. You can be really creative, if you "unchain" the standard Audiohardware solutions ...

    Remember to do stress test, which means stability of your audiosoftware, with max of tracks and max of plugins (the fx one, like grainy stuff, or modulation... A Lot of FX Plugins are really ram and cpu intensive, these you should use for. Mainly go for 80% and do a rendering of an "testrack" with some c to c notes, etc.

    Remember to split the Audiotrack and the Midi performance tests to get your results. 2 Stresstests and rendering, than Monitor for performance glitches your bounces.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    @BaSsDuDe, I see just like you. I don't have a TPM either and everything is fine. The TPM should also be very practical for the NSA. I have a backup of the hard drive C: /, if I am infected with something, I slide in the emergency disc and back up my entire C: / system.
  10. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I do a monthly full backup of my nVme SSD (2TB). I run a full scan, clear all temp files, do a security scan, do an SSD defrag(rarely) if I need to then backup. Not too different to you. If the nVme got infected, I'd wipe it and plugin the SSD drive which sits locked away and boot from that, then copy the drive back to the nVme (the wiped one). :) Hopefully my backup is not near the end of the month backup date :rofl:Nonetheless it beats losing everything.
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Should it get worse with the attacks on our PCs, one day you will pull the internet plug out of the modem. And a PC only for the Internet and a PC - offline only for his music.

    I had a frozen screen twice, with the request to transfer money (today Bitcoins), once a polyhonic virus, there you can watch the virus delete the data. Then I backed up my hard drive C. /, that worked quite well. However, there was also a company that didn't do that properly and I had to reinstall everything.

    I only do one backup at a time. I burned all important data on BluRay. Super @BaSsDuDe that you are so smart and make backups.
  12. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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  13. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    so apparently my system is a big no :snuffy:


    ps: that utility is from GitHub, because Microsoft official app is not able to provide any meaningful info!
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Check with WhyNotWin11 -

    Rüdiger Weis, graduate mathematician and cryptographer, joined this demand on both the 31C3 and 32C3. He particularly criticizes the dependency of Secure Boot on Microsoft and the lack of "international control of the TPM manufacturing process". He specifically calls for the disclosure of certification boot codes according to antitrust law, since "the entire computer hardware beyond the Apple world has been adapted to Windows". He also described the TPM as the “dream chip for the NSA”, as the key would be generated outside of government agencies.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  15. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    He's probably referring to a special kind of defragmentation for SSDs. It's not like a HDD one.

    I think technically is not even a defragmentation, it's more like an optimization. It improves a bit the SSD lifespan. Kind of a TRIM on steroids.

    Auslogics Defrag FAQ:
    "SSD optimization uses special algorithms that safely optimize your drive and help extend its service life"
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
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  16. Epidemico

    Epidemico Producer

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Alano di Piave (BL), Italy
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  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    - Doesn't it make sense to defragment? Exceptions confirm the rule: In some cases, defragmenting SSDs makes perfect sense. Mostly older models have few or no internal optimization techniques. As a result, the pace quickly collapses. Special software such as Hyperfast SSD Optimizer can help here. With modern SSD drives, however, defrag tools are superfluous, as already described - unless you want to optimize a built-in hard drive.

    HyperFast® SSD Optimization
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  18. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

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  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    IObit Smart Defrag Version:

    IObit Smart Defrag optimized and automatically in the background or manually after an analysis. Boot Time Disk Defrag and TRIM for SSD are additional

    features. advantages: - improves hard drive performance - also runs automatically in the background - TRIM and S.M.A.R.T.

    IObit Smart Defrag is a free and compact hard disk defragmentation program and can also accelerate the startup process via Boot Time Disk Defrag. The software offers a TRIM function for SSD drives. IObit Smart Defrag with SSD trim For SSD drives that do not need to be defragmented, Smart Defrag offers SSD trim to free up unused space.

    Do not defragment SSDs: Solid State Disks (SSD) do not use any mechanics, so that fragmentation does not slow down the drive. The data is also intentionally distributed across the SSD in order to evenly utilize the limited service life of the individual memory cells when writing. Defragmentation is therefore counterproductive for SSD drives and also worsens the life performance of the drive.
  20. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Meanwhile on Amazon dot com :deep_facepalm:
