windows 10 update installation

Discussion in 'PC' started by roustany, Jan 8, 2023.

  1. ceo54

    ceo54 Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2019
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    It wasn't like this before Windows 10 came along, Updates didn't break, change or reinstall any features from the OS that were previously stripped. Also, it use to be just a monthly rollup every month, with Windows 10 update policy completely changed and not for the better.

    I wonder what these updates do to the OS in reality except to bump the build numbers. Simple bugs takes years to resolve, new features are hardly noticeable, and why are they even called "security" updates, they never protected me from any malware.

    22H2 will be the last Windows 10 update I will install and like always "updates disabled"
  2. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    I remember upgrading win98 to win98 SE. That broke all kinds of shit. Same deal with any/all updating to the win95 system. Same deal with "updating" winXP to Windows 7 - fuuuuck! what a nightmare that was. LUCKILY I had backup images so all that was wasted was time. But I swore after that, NO MORE WINDOWS "UPDATERs". If I needed the os changed, then the system was wiped and rebuilt from ground up.

    Yep.. However I remember back when win7 was a pup, before I started getting wise to the breakage win update causes. Things would simply not work right after a patch tuesday.... Why?... Then the light bulb. Turning that updater crap OFF fixed all the headaches caused after patch tuesday. Never engaged win-update again on ANYTHING. If I see a major patch is needed I'll grab it PIECEMEAL and apply it manually. And just for giggles, you know how many actual needed patches I have applied in 15+ years? Like six. IN 15+ years!! So now it's got me wondering what the fuck all comprises that huge compliment of garbage they throw down every patch tuesday??? These days 50% of it is telemetry - you tell them the story of what you have been doing for the last month - Like its their business? The rest of the crap is making sure you haven't circumvented any of their spy/crap-ware like "store", "cortana", "update", etc... As far as NEEDED patches to the os codebase? pffft...
  3. Tony du Sud

    Tony du Sud Newbie

    May 31, 2016
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    I installed win 11 fresh. I installed my wavestate and had it talking to the librarian on MIDI3 slot BUT other installations created more than 10 slots and the connexion i broken between the synth and the softwware, even though the wavestate is still on midi3. Also, I can't find the korgum64.drv in my registry. I don't want to redo the win installation whilst making sure the total of slots is 10 max. I've installed the korg MIDI usb driver and still can't find korgum64.drv to try your fix.