windows 10 ltsb vs windows 7

Discussion in 'PC' started by plasticvibe, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. not sure

    not sure Ultrasonic

    Nov 28, 2015
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    I know I kind of dug this up and necro'd it but hey,
    I got LTSB when I read this thread awhile ago and now I've got an issue. The evaluation ran out and now my computer keeps shutting down every hour or so. Is there anyway out of this or do I need to reformat with another OS?
  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Starts with cr and ends with ack:)
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  3. not sure

    not sure Ultrasonic

    Nov 28, 2015
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    I'm on the same page. I'm just wondering if I *HAVE* to reformat?
    I tried the Win 10 Ent. 2016 LTSB Eval,
    now they've basically locked me out of doing any work cause the eval. is over. I must of misread something cause I remember reading that nothing happens except a popup reminder after the eval. is over aka "nagware" Those gddmn liars!
    I can't even go to the windows activate screen as it's grayed out with red error messages lol
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Start windows, apply the "patch" (you may need elevated priviledge to do so), reboot. If not applicable, start on safe mode, apply the "patch", reboot. No need to format afaik.
  5. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Serious question:
    Running 8.1 with Classic Shell on this box now; manual updates; never use apps; mainly just DAWs/Vegas/PR/PS & browsers. Win firewall/Defender's on (most of the time, unless some questionable install), No real problems, other than a Vegas freeze once every blue moon. Would 10 LTSB offer much of an improvement?
  6. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    I believe that it would. Vegas freezing might just be a softeare issue. If 8.1 works for you, then keep using it. If you want to upgrade to 10 - because you'll have to at some point - then go download the following :


    The "N" version of LTSB does not have CORTANA, ONENOTE, multimedia functionality, or WIN APPS.

    My studio computer is hooked up to the internet, but I disable connectivity 99% of the time using *.bat files. I only use internet to check for a new driver or new WIN update once in a while. That being said, I removed DEFENDER, turned UAC off, did the SUPER ADMIN thing, as well as some other major tweaks. It's lite and fast.

    One thing though. If you find that you need the built-in MULTIMEDIA FUNCTIONALITY (WINMEDIA PLAYER, PIC PREVIEW, etc..) restored, you need to download this :

    (^^^ if this isn't the correct add-on pack for your LTSB N "type", then there are like 3 other add-on variations. Just try them all until it installs, and be sure to back-up that particular add-on pack on a USB HDD or something for future re-formatting and re-installing duties.)

    Also, if you find yourself needing and C++, JAVA, ADOBE, SHOCKWAVE, .NET Framework, DIRECT X, "et - f'ing - cetera"..... then the link below is the be-all-end-all "mother of packs" that should take care of 99% of your needs. It includes a handy installer to choose which additions to install! Back this up for future formatting and re-install duties as well. This guy uploads a new version every once in a while, so check for new versions to stay "back-up current". :) :

    "AIO RUNTIMES" DESCRIPTION : in One Runtimes

    Dont' worry that it's in German, as you can see, the actual add-ons are the regular English version. Besides, the Germans know what they're doing, right ---> e.g. RME. lol


    Today is 16 NOV 2017
    - the current version is up-to-date as of 14-NOV-2017 : in One Runtimes

    P.S. - You will have ZERO need for CLASSIC SHELL when you switch to WIN 10. :)
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2017
  7. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Thanks, I guess I'm just looking for a reason to upgrade, your links & TL;DR make things easier.
  8. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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  9. KidPix

    KidPix Producer

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Agree, and your link also have the proper version to download.

    BTW, the updates for December LTSB x64
    Can use the update files to create an updated ISO with abbodi1406 script
    or MSMG ToolKit v7.7 (not 7.9)
    or NT lite
    or WinReducer
    Customize & Reduce windows 10 ISO with WinReducer(looks easy, but never tested)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
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  10. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    This is Aiyn Zahev. You know him probably because of his synth presets in many synths. He is on windows 10. I like both windows 7 and windows 10 and have no problem using any of them.
  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    What's the deal with the updates, do you have to install them all individually or are they cumulative?
  12. The notion that there is some kind of slamdunk benefit between any of the later versions of Windows is a bit ridiculous. I’ve never used a version of Windows that didn’t need some kind of deep manipulation to optimise for ASIO-based audio use, Windows 7 being the least onerous.

    The only real difference I can discern between Windows 7 and Windows 10 is that Windows 10 has a lot of noise in the background, such as trying to install an update to Defender while you’re trying to run your DAW. All of this can be mitigated using either optimisation or script/utilities to shut the background services down when you’re in your DAW. There are any number of ‘game booster’ solutions available from the Gamers that will do this for you at the click of a button.

    I really can’t see that the enormous hoops some people are making themselves jump through, to get a marginal and incremental benefit, are really worth the time, effort and heartbreak of jumping through, but it’s up to you, it’s your DAW.

    Windows 10 Home and absolutely happy with it.
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  13. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    In MY opinion this discussion should be more about hardware performance than DAW. There are some things that are related to DAW, but moreover you will see problems with driver support on windows 10. I have seen this a lot as I am at the counter of the local Guitar Center. People bringing audio interfaces back to the store because of piss poor driver support for windows 10.

    I will agree with there being a lesser availability of softs for Mac, but it's not terrible. There are tons for windoze but quite a bit for Mac. I also own both having a newer MacBook pro air. One problem I see with the cheaper windows machines is a lack of good shielding, and so I have dealt with a lot of noise in the audio. I have found that plugging the audio interface into the USB port subjects the entire thing to the RF of the poorly engineered windows machine. I have found a decent work around, having researched and found a USB isolator which cut way down on the RF noise in my monitors. Before I found this and tried it and reduced the noise, I had considered the windows unusable because of this noise. It is frustrating to pay a good amount on monitors and pro level interface, only to have it all compromised by shielding specs. I actually have opted to record with my Mac just because I won't be dealing with noisey inputs. I have minimized the RF noise to the point where it is at the level of the cooling fans in the room. Just seems like the hardware in general of a windoze system is noisey. I am hearing it buzz right now as I type.

    I am learning the OS of the Mac system and it is getting easier as I go but I am so much faster on a Windows machine. It does seem like Mac does everything the hard way by comparison, but I have found it to be higher quality in general. I don't see myself giving up windoze anytime soon, but I don't dislike the Mac system. As a matter of fact is seems to have solved some problems for me for low quality architecture.

    Another thing that happened immediately is that my USB wifi stick stopped working with windows 10. I also found a work around with that (I went to the system that uses the house wiring to communicate ethernet). It's like anything. You have to problem solve with just about any scenario, but sharing of information is good to save time.

    Most of the software I use continues to be compatible with OS upgrades. As a matter of fact my favorite audio editor is probably over 20 years old and I still use it with windows 10. Most softs don't stop being usable with 10. It is not a big problem and never has been. The bigger problem has been hardware.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
  14. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Probably both. Cumulative and individual.
  15. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    LTSB has fewer of them (just security patches/defender definitions, no feature updates), see @KidPix post above yours if you want to roll everything into the install.
    @Fudsey Plange, i think it's the same deal as overclocking/building cars. After, say, the first 30%, you end up jumping through hoops & spending $ chasing diminishing returns. But it fun.
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  16. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    One of my windows 10 machines actually started out as 8. They kept wanting to give me a free copy of 10 so I allowed it. That is why my wifi stick stopped working. I actually took that machine offline and went to a package that came with higher specs and more ram. I figured instead of dealing with all of this I would just upgrade. Love faster cpu and more ram, but damned thing was noisey as hell with RF in the USB circuits (poor shielding), and I had to problem solve. I don't regret this buy but I am like a bulldog and solved this problem with an isolator for the USB. I think most people would have just threw their hands up with noisey audio of the HP. I do believe that someone with know how and geared for multimedia production has very specific specs for hardware they shop for. Maybe some brands are much better for shielding specs. I just solved it with an isolator add on into my USB cable.

    For me I didn't like the layout of 8 (just as i dislike parts of 10), but it was shortlived with me so yes it basically didn't exist. I made it work while I had it. I think MS probably was hitting most 8 users with offer of free upgrade to 10. Probably a lot of 8 users had it for a short time only, just like me.
  17. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
  18. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    AFAIK, Foxconn makes Apple motherboards, Apple designed, but nothing special. If a USB isolator makes a noticeable difference in your setup, my guess is you got some bad/broken gear, or bad house wiring. Deal with it like you'd deal with any ground loop. But if adding an optoisolator works, it works. Anyhow, nothing to do with shielding - this is RF traveling down a wire, the isolator breaks that wire.
  19. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Ok, but it's more of a problem with windows machines (in my experience). It's like I can hear the cd rom spin in the speakers and various other noises. Others may not have this problem, and i am no expert, so I am not going to argue the point. It's just noise is more a problem in my doze systems. The isolator worked for me and it otherwise uses the same gear, so it added something that was needed. What exactly that is is up for debate. I didn't need an isolator on the mac. Nuff said.
  20. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Thanks, but that is above my paygrade really. I did look at it. Probably similar to what I bought, and use. Seems like what you suggest here requires someone to be a techie to do this. As I read this I think I got from it that you would agree with me about the ports being noisey, something that @Blorg seems to disagree with? Seems like it is a fairly widespread problem given the page was posted. I am not here to argue the point, but does seem to be a fairly common occurance, no matter the cause?
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