Will.i.am - Scream & Shout ft. Britney Spears (ProJect X Remix)

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by ProJect X, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. ProJect X

    ProJect X Newbie

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Ours remix of Scearm and shout has over 17 000 download's just on living electro

  3. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Very nice remix, really like the intro...just a few production notes though...

    the intro is a bit harsh in the high end and I believe it's coming from the percussion at around 3k -7k Hz..around that area, make a small cut in the percussion group there and it should take care of it, maybe even automate it just for the intro.

    Then, the song is way over compressed, yet not very loud at the same time, it's actually quite distorted I feel, and the kick is losing its full punch because of it.

    You need to lay off the subs a bit, and make a small boost at the 300-400 Hz region, but just slightly so you don't itroduce any mudiness, a half db to 1 db should be good,

    Kick ass part starting at 2:00!, very thick, nice

    `very nice job overall I enjoyed it, maybe you can add some interest with more fx here and there, like crashes and little risers and touches and stuff like that as well, I think that would give the song some more movement.
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