Will Bedford Music presents: Water Glass - Kontakt

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    This library features a close and intimately recorded wine glass, filled with water. Three different playing styles were captured with a multitude of dynamic layers which allow for a range of delicate and realistic playing styles. The included articulations are:
    • Sustains/Swirls - created by gently moving a finger around the rim of the ass to create a clear, glass-like tone.
    • Soft Finger Hits - the front of a finger gently tapping the edge of the glass, for a mellow, intimate sound.
    • Hard Hits - the back of the finger nail hitting the glass, for a sharper sound that cuts through a mix.
    The instrument was programmed with ease of use in mind. Simply move the mod wheel while playing sustains to smoothly fade between different dynamic levels. The instrument features an advanced script engine under-the-hood, using equal-power morphing with variable interpolation speeds to make changes in dynamics as smooth and natural as possible.

    Use the 'auto' setting to automatically switch between soft and hard hits, depending on the note velocity. This setting will utilize all the velocity samples of both articulations, effectively doubling the dynamic range.

    Water Glass is available for £4.99 / $7.49 (Regular £7.99 / $11.99)

    More INFO: Will Bedford | Water Glass
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