Why You Didn't Treat Warez As Stealing?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Margaret, Feb 8, 2024.

  1. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest


    So much software now from Anti-Malware, Desktop applications, Specialist Art software, Business productivity tools and of course DAW's, all headed for the subscription based purchasing. "Renew for one year..."

    Taking that purchasing model exactly for what it is, nobody truly owns their software in that model when they buy it. The number of sole purchases where you own it are dwindling. Even gaming companies are heading this way, as are way too many developers, even if they have alternatives for outright purchase.

    So if someone says "Piracy is stealing", I'd agree 20 years ago, but now? No, because it is gradually becoming a situation where people forking out their hard earned dollars actually own nothing because they adopted the Hewlett-Packard printer sales model. What is this? It is where a smart and greedy corporate worked out that people would buy a new printer rarely but will need the consumables perpetually. So they lowered the prices of all their printers and raised the cost of their ink cartridges. Now all printers are cheaper and their cartridges more expensive, because otherwise they would never have been able to compete. Subscription is like this, being it is the cash-cow that keeps on giving. It is called GREED, AVARICE and any other label associated with ruthlessness in the pursuit of wealth. You will never own the software it will time out if you do not renew and they still got their money and you own nothing. Piracy? Not any more. some of them get what they deserve for their greed.

    DAW's - They worked out some people will upgrade to the new version every release and some will never upgrade. So they decided to suck money out of all by ensuring that nobody gets to keep the software if it expires and is not renewed in every subsequent version. When I hear of a company like this getting all their software hacked, it is very difficult not to say that it was not deserved.

    Pirating subscription software begs the question that if you steal something nobody actually will ever own, is it actually stealing?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2024
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