Why some of the most 'awaited' Softwares/Plugins are still not available...

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Studio 555, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. gorri

    gorri Ultrasonic

    May 8, 2014
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    C´mon guys, why quarrell over this? R2R have explained why it cannot be cracked, or why they won´t do it. OP just posted something A LOT of people here simply ignore, they just scroll down to "How to install".

    I´m also tired of this everlasting req for Cubendo, Reason 6/7/8 etc which is clearly difficult, maybe even impossible to crack. If it one day comes like openssh´s patch of ilok stuff, lets just celebrate. The teams know what most of you would like to see, we certaintly don´t need to rub it in their face.

    Happy new year everyone! And thanks all Teams for the wonderful gifts throughout 2016!
  2. btc1750

    btc1750 Member

    May 20, 2015
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    not being rude but...
    I could say the same about crackers
    they could update their tools, knowledge...etc

    if there's a team about the level of team AIR
    cubase 5.5 would have been released

    let's face it
    AIR is still the legend
    by all means I appreciate releases from all other crackers
    and by all means I want to say thank you to every one of them
    but regarding skills they are lesser crackers compared to AIR

    I will not get frustrated for R2R/other teams failed to crack Steinberg stuff
    I understand how difficult it is

    oh yea
    Happy new year everyone! And thanks all Teams for the wonderful gifts throughout 2016!
  3. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    i dont wanted reply but ...

    its absolutely incorrect
  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I could have happily checked out at the end of 2015 :)
  5. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    AIR is a legend? possibly.
    In all the years I've been in this scene (1990) I think R2R are the best.
    R2R and all the groups are giving away part of their life, their time is spent for us to enjoy new programs. No one has thought?
    It annoys me to see people asking the groups to release new versions, samples, .... we are nobody to ask for. We are very grateful for everything, everything, everything, what they do for us.
    We have 200 compressors, 200 reverbs, 200 delays, 500 synthesizers, .... 10000 sound libraries, .... still want more? Think what you have, not what you do not have.
    My sincere regards to all the scene groups. I will be grateful for a lifetime. Without them, surely my life would be different.
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  6. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    get a life guys. (not claiming I have one, really xDD )

    just use the good stuff we already have.

    sure its interesting to see how its being done!

    I think it is doable, but the mechanisms are too interwoven and encrypted that its not doable by hand.

    I remember reading something about Airs Cubase 5 crack and they said they had to do a lot of crazy stuff that was even a bit of luck involved.

    Dont remember it though.

    I just think Cubase is good but not the holy grail.

    Reaper, Ableton, Pro Tools come to mind ;)

    And All DAWs suck, if you didnt know already ;)

    And UVI sucks even more.
  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I'm all for expressing honest opinion, having a voice and all that.
    Discussing what you'd like to see is fine, I guess.

    What gets me is using some made-up alter ego to hide behind. It just adds an unnecessary layer of wanton farce that makes it hard to take what you say seriously because all it says to me is you don't really have the nerve to stand behind what it is you're saying.

    I'll let you in on a well kept secret. You totally do have the balls. You just seem to hold far too much regard for what others may think (of some virtual alias you made up in the first place).
    Let loose. Be free. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
    It'll change your life.

    As far as software goes, my glass is overflowing to the point where I'm needing buckets.
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  8. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    A very naive question - am I right in thinking that the protection code cant be stripped out from the app code because the whole lot is encrypted?
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    If this grows into a Request Thread we will close it. you can discuss the R2R nfo, share knowledge about cryptography, etc.
    Stay straight on topic, no offtopic!
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Respect to anyone who can rev-engineer and "Robinhood" the outcome to the poor ppl of this world. It's an art form in it's own right and a valiant and risky action. But pushing 51yo, and almost 35 years in the digital world, life has taught me one simple lesson. Never say never. So many software engineers were strict around the year 2000 by claiming: Polyphonic intonation/correction is NOT possible. Fast forward a few years later and the professor who looks like a distant relative to Einstein introduces the polyphonic version of Melodyne changing the recording industry for ever. It's been proved there's no code to be written by man that cannot be reversed by another. For every clever person there will be another one more clever. And so on. Whats the bottom line of all this ? Patience is a virtue :)
    Happy new year
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
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  11. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    i hereby request Ableton 10. i heard it uses the same response code as ableton 11 so its easy to crack!

    well said old buddy, wisdom may fill the new year
  12. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    REQ: Write in Mac \/ersion Please! :rofl:
  13. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I don't remember, was it air with the N4.3 oder H2O with some Nuendo 3 or some Cubase version who were like: "reverse engineering the encryption took months, we're pretty shure we won't do that again". And as TinTin said, that was nearly a decade ago.

    Besides, for me still radium is the true legend. as for my perception these guys were the first ones who did something about badly cracked audio warez.
  14. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Exactly, the program code is encrypted and decrypted via the usb dongle. to be gentle on audio and processing performance, it seems that mainly gui and user interactions are encrypted. the dongle emulator of h2o who resided in the tray and flickered red when accessed gave a good impression how heavily the protection was integrated in the program code (back then even). fun fact: the cracked version that didn't use usb for decryption felt snappier than the legit one.
  15. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Why AudioUTOPIA can't use the same technic to crack their PC release but for MAC ? is it too difficult for them ? thanks
  16. thomas

    thomas Noisemaker

    Mar 22, 2016
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    The nfo of XILS R2R release shows the details of the various types of protection.
    This shows how hard R2R works.

    I don't care if elicenser isn't cracked or emulated completely, whatever software is released by them till now is no small task.
    For me they need not prove anything, My respect to R2R.:bow:
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  17. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    So, here my thoughts:
    I have a hope guys, cuz if I understand correctly EDEN was decrypted in XILS release
    I used this statements:

    For those iLok-XILS products, McFACT is initialized by the value which is
    decrypted from EDEN powered content. It means McFACT virtual code will be run
    as expected when EDEN content is properly decrypted. The serial number based
    XILS products (SERIAL+McFACT) uses 5 WORD value for McFACT. It is a bit
    different from iLok protected one."

    See? This words: "McFACT is initialized by the value which is
    decrypted from EDEN powered content
    "//so code flows to McFACT after EDEN decryption like a trigger. So R2R decrypted EDEN?
    This is some kind of hybrid, but in two ways: 1) EDEN then McFACT; 2) SERIAL+McFACT//
    R2R choosed first way to attack, so I suppose they firstly decrypted EDEN, the that decrypted value of some function goes to McFACT and makes it work properly. As you can see here huge amount of work, cuz such values probably more than you can imagine.

    And look at this: "It means McFACT virtual code will be run
    as expected when EDEN content is properly decrypted.
    "//What that means? What do you expect from this? I expect that EDEN has been properly decrypted...

    But look at this: "Probably you may know, simple license check can be bypassed but you can't
    do that for crypto, just like you can't extract protected zip without correct
    password. In the long history, most integration from PACE.Inc has been
    compromised but crypto has never been done in the past, as you can't find
    any working cracks of UVI or PLAY engine (and XILS till now). Some *users*
    are still requesting UNLOCKED version of them but it won't happen. In theory,
    all libraries need to be processed one by one.
    EDEN is crypto and as R2R said: "you can't
    do that for crypto
    "// but what means this: (and XILS till now) ??
    This words give me a hope, hope of decrypted EDEN ;)
    But what means this string: "Some *users*
    are still requesting UNLOCKED version of them but it won't happen.
    " ? And this: "but it won't happen"?
    I can't find an answer on this questions in my mind.
    What that means: "In theory,
    all libraries need to be processed one by one.
    "?// /this is some sequence or what?

    R2R please don't give up!
    "In this way, you can run the ProductA's code on ProductB. This works if A & B
    fucntions are completely identical - which rarely happens. Think you are very
    lucky if it works. Anyway, in fact, no further attacks can be done in this
    way. There are no chance to enable Vienna, Nexus, Vengeance or full version
    of Steinberg top notch products.
    "//Ok, but what about functional code tracking?
    "Anyway, in fact, no further attacks can be done in this
    . There are no chance to enable Vienna, Nexus, Vengeance or full version
    of Steinberg top notch products.
    "// Ok, but maybe exist another ways? That statement looks very interesting actually.
    "Always remember that there are no way to bypass the cryptograhic protection."//but how R2R decrypted EDEN in XILS release? And how AIR decrypted McFACT in 2009? That's another reason for hope. But maybe not decryption but emulation?
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
  18. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Dunno what that means!!
  19. btc1750

    btc1750 Member

    May 20, 2015
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    No, not AIR
    AIR simply disappeared without saying anything
    Cubase 5.5 can load into project page with 5.1.2 AIR emulator
    in other words, halfly cracked
    and no one can finish the other half in all these years

    I need to mention again
    I highly respect R2R and all other teams for their efforts & time
    but the fact that no one else can finish 5.5 crack is quite self-explanatory...in terms of skills
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  20. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Never mind the bollocks

    Or as Nirvana might say... Nevermind.