Why not to make sth like this?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by EEOC, Mar 31, 2022.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    What you hear on the radio is this feel-good average music that used to be better. It's just so plodding - the people who are stuck in traffic in their cars shouldn't have to listen to anything sophisticated. Music that is easy on the nerves in stressful times is the goal of the radio producers.

    If you only listen to below-average music, you will make exactly this music later. Many clicks are not a sign of quality!
  2. EEOC

    EEOC Ultrasonic

    Feb 23, 2022
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    Who make these music? Are they other than producers who have not been properly trained?
    Many things are not planned. I do not think it is right to think that music directors are always playing psychological games with people.

    Good music requires good producers and musicians. A capable producer also needs good training. A lot of weird tastes are the result of poor training.

    If music producers' tastes don't change, many good things will not happen in music and managers will have no choice but to give poor things to people.
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    First of all, producers don't make music. They have the money to produce bands / artists. They earn the most money, the artist himself who created something gets only a fraction of the money earned.

    Producers don't need education. Musicians don't need education either. Sound engineers usually have training that enables them to set the controls correctly and deliver a finished product that is then broadcast on the radio or burned on CD.

    Music directors don't play, they work, their job is to get the maximum profit for the financiers or label owners etc. In other words the bank always wins.

    How much does a label take from the artist?
    Major labels have been known to take upwards of 90% of net sales. Mid-size independents royalty rates average between 50-75%. The most common royalty share amongst small indie labels is 50/50. You can even offer a more lopsided royalty in favor of your artist, something like 35% for the label and 65% for the artist. Check this out for some help with managing your record label’s royalties…

    How to Start a Record Label - Free Checklist - www.otherrecordlabels.com/checklist
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2022
  4. EEOC

    EEOC Ultrasonic

    Feb 23, 2022
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    I know what you're talking about. Absolutely right!

    But can a capitalist dictate to the artist how to make music? The tycoon can only determine the main theme of music for the artist. BTW, This thread is not about the message of music but about the moments of music that are supposed to have musical impacts on audiences regardless of its subject.

    The artist, producer, technician or whoever is the one produces music. If he doesn't have a right artistic vision, can he create an artistic work aright that is offered to him?
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Without the artist, the capitalist is screwed. The artist creates something, whereas the artist also doesn't know if his art will be bought. The producer, that is, the one who pre-finances a CD or a live tour, naturally bears a risk, if the tour flops, he has losses, if the concerts are sold out, everyone makes a good profit.

    As an example, a well-known band goes to a recording studio and the record is very well produced, the word gets around and other bands then also go to the recording studio and have their things edited there so that they become suitable for the masses.

    The big record companies are in the hands of financiers who want to see a return on their investment. Record companies have thousands of applications and trend scouts who should recognize the trends of tomorrow. Sometimes it works sometimes not.
    There are also times where hardly any good music is produced, so the artists are little innovative, then you hear only bad music. One steals from the past what could be sold well and makes a second rehash of it.

    One hopes that the label boss understands something of his craft and accordingly one hopes that he promotes the right musicians.
    The catch is the plate must sell well as enough profits throw off, so good music that can be sold badly on the track.
  6. MdB

    MdB Guest

  7. EEOC

    EEOC Ultrasonic

    Feb 23, 2022
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    Who make Trends?
    • Artists
    • Investors
    • Listeners

    The role of listeners in creating Trends is negligible, because they are only the end consumers. The only role they can play is to demand new products.

    Capitalists can only control the surface and the appearance of Trends.

    The spirit of Trends and music is at the disposal of artists. Artists create the underlying layer of music. They are the ones who give depth to music. They are the ones who understand the music and convey it to the final listener in different formats.

    Many factors play roles in the production and distribution cycle of music, but it is the artist who tells us what direction music should go. Now, if the artist's musical taste is not properly formed, what will happen then?
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    There are the newspapers with their editors, television and the Internet with its blogs, the music editors try to identify trends - discover good new music and then bring it to their readers. This is called the public sphere.
  9. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    I'm already broke!
  10. EEOC

    EEOC Ultrasonic

    Feb 23, 2022
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  11. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    geopolitical reasons. can't write about it.