Why many people are obsessed with Windows 7?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Wolfang, Apr 1, 2023.

  1. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    I have some high end software and hardware that will not work on W10. Am I supposed to just toss that investment
    because it does not play nice with the current OS? An old computer is much less expensive than a new high end
    interface. So I maintain both Win7 and WinXP machines. I have to use Win10 for some work needs. My work demands
    that I stay current

    That being said, the whole constant upgrade push.......along with subscriptions, SAS, and programs that require you to be online in oder to run them are all scams to extarct maximum profit from end users. Apple was always the "Great Satan" in this respect but Microsoft is playing catch up and quick! And it it's not just technological. Many people have been brainwashed into believing the must have the newest, shiniest whatever in order to keep up with, (or even better), outdo their fellow humans. SCREW THAT. I got off of the mandatory upgrade hamster wheel a long time ago. I "upgrade" only when I absolutely have to and then it's usually just one machine. I've been kicking the tires and driving Windows 11 on a test machine for a bit and it's a bloated buggy pile of poop IMHO. I won't be adopting it anytime soon. But I've never been an early adopter of ANY Windows OS. I'd much rather let some other fools be Microsoft's unpaid beta testers for a while.

    People bitch and moan about "Planned Obscelesence" but then run by that new sexy phone or pc. If we are going to survive very much longer as a species this is something we need to do more than just talk about. Canada and the EU are already far ahead of the US in addressing this challenge. In October 2018, the Italian competition authority fined Apple and Samsung €10 million and €5 million respectively for “unfair commercial practices”. The word “planned obsolescence” was not mentioned directly, but it was the issue addressed, as the two companies had encouraged users to install software updates on their smartphones that caused the devices to seriously malfunction and significantly reduced their performance. Obsolescence can also be “psychological or cultural: products can ‘go out of fashion’ when new products are rapidly introduced and advertised as being better,” The latest iPhone may be sexy, but do you really need it?

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  2. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Inexperienced ears may not be able to hear to hear the very real differences that exist between professional grade audio cables and cheap consumer crap. But the difference is real for those with experience and a trained ear. Just like there is a difference between cheap shitty Chinese vacuum tubes and quality made tubes. Just like there is a real difference in sound when a guitar fx pedal is powered by a carbon battery, an alkaline battery or an ac adapter. Just because YOU lack the abilty to discern these differneces does not mean they do not exist.

  3. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    because there is WAY less telemetry, adware, user experience and other spying and privacy-disturbing bullshit in Windows 7 compared to Windows 10, not even talking about Windows 11

    you can observe yourself, using something like Wireshark
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  4. Recoil ✪

    Recoil ✪ Audiosexual

    Aug 14, 2022
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    It's not an obsession, if something is good and works, then why change it? I use Linux for internet anyway :cheers:
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I may repeat myself because I've seen this topic hundreds of times during the last 5-7 years. But I understand both sides.

    Actually, Windows 8.1 with StartIsBack - or similar - would be a sweet spot. But they fucked up so badly with the GUI that almost nobody use it. Go Microsoft, oooray!
    To HELL I mean:trashing::bash: :lmao:
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2023
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  6. moolloom

    moolloom Noisemaker

    Jun 10, 2020
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    I'm tweaking my system since 25 years. Basic balanced cables are the solution to all cables problems.
    "difference" doesn't mean it sounds better. It just means its'... different (vaccum tubes is a more complex technology).
    I just ask myself, how it's possible to know what's better at this level of details with all that what happens in the path from the recording to our ears. So, I stopped trying to find what sounds better at this level of detail and just enjoy the global rendering of an audio system. Where cables count for peanuts (the sound, not the price ;) ). This is an infinite debate because music at this level is (only) about personal feelings. And, life is full of humans pretending things about themselves (gurus, prophets, astrologists, audiophiles...)

    And the same for my music. I simply enjoy playing and I don't care about mixing tools subtleties. Same for Windows and other audio technology tools, we have reached a global "very good" and "no need to worry" quality step.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2023
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  7. muffball

    muffball Kapellmeister

    Dec 25, 2017
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    What high end software wasn't upgraded for Win10? For that matter what high end hardware? I have experienced some issues with cheaper components from mid range manufacturers who couldn't be bothered upgrading drivers but never high end software that I can think of.

    There is one issue with Win10 that I find isn't talked about much. It's so very flakey with USB. And that can affect some hardware but there's usually a way around it.

    All that said I'm not saying you should find the solutions and upgrade. Now dammit now! No I run a Win7 for purpose myself as I've mentioned previously. I agree with most of what you said except where you sort of go off into a rant about "Planned Obscelesence" like there's a choice in some areas (Apple forces system upgrades that will turn mildly old phones into mud) and the "glue it shut - you're not changing anything" method is prevalent in everything. (There is fightback with, oddly, a market created to keep old devices alive) but that's a little offtopic along with the cable stuff. You could start a war with that depending on how far you want to take it. That's a derail.

    I'm not arguing the point about Win7 being a valid choice (as long as you know what you're doing). I am genuinely curious about the opening statement I quoted.
  8. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    I would better pay twice for a dvd with an operating system than deal with all these countless updating spying telemetry bloatware bullshitness
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  9. DiRG3

    DiRG3 Producer

    Aug 14, 2022
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    Aversion to change, and hyper-specific software compatibility are pretty much the only reasons to stay on the security nightmare that is a deprecated OS
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  10. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    I love it when ppl complain on here about some kind of BS happening with their new audio or video wonder 'puter. First thing that I always ask about is;
    - Is the thing on the internet?
    - are you allowing ms updater to run amok?
    - are you running anti-virus/malware apps on a media machine?
    - have you optimized and groomed out all the crapware and taken control of the OS?
    - do you do regular backup images (not microsoft backup) with a proper backup disk imager?
    - do you allow your machine constant full access (including booting up and shutting down) to internet or do you turn the net OFF when you shut the machine down?

    Been running win7 machines on the net for close to 14+ years - all critical OEM patches applied by me - no unneeded patches (which accounts for 99% of the junk applied by ms updater) - winblows updater disabled and never run even once - running the same 3rd party firewall with advance real time net connection display for the same amt of time - running the same daily auto updated 3rd party A/V for same amt of time (which can be turned off if need be. you cannot do that with the MS a/v) - 3rd party malware and spyware patcher's in place, same amt of time. Machines are regularly imaged for backup. I have done some dumb shit MYSELF which caused me to have to pull files from backups onto working builds and have even had to do some complete restores on a few of them for somethings <I> did while testing something out or made a mistake and deleted something etc... Never in 14 years have I had to rebuild a machine due to a virus, malware, or some loopy code hole being "unpatched". So you suppose I have simply been "lucky" this whole time? Yeah right...:rofl:

    Yet I constantly see ppl on here (and elsewhere) pissing and moaning about their win7 machines (or EVEN currently "supported" OS's :no:) that have done or not done, x, y, or z, "just out of the blue", or totally unprovoked with "no idea how the issue could have happened"... THIS is the kind of shit that happens when you let your machines constantly be dictated to by outside entities. Whether it's ms updater, or all the crapware that will turn your machine into a test bed, ad revenue generator, or a platform for the "microsoft store". THIS kind of garbage and it's associated bloatware does NOT belong on a machine being used for serious applications of any kind... TO be completely candid connecting any audio or video media processing machine to the internet is a fools paradise.

    It's user beware with ALL these MS systems. Either take control of them yourself or someone else will by design.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2023
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  11. PsychaYogi

    PsychaYogi Member

    Apr 12, 2022
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    Many I know, need Cubase 5 to work :) There's just somethin' about that 'fuzz, that they cant seem to find anywhere else!
  12. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Call me crazy, but my tracks in MS-Dos with Fasttracker II sounded with more mojo
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  13. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    I don't buy this argument at all.

    The need for constant updates is to cater for people who are not computer savy - the type of people who click on random spam email links at work leading to those infamous customer information leaks.

    People in this forum who are clinging to Windows 7 on their MUSIC PC are most likely not using it for email, are not downloading random shit and are using a high quality third party firewall (whitelist based) application. In this specific use case it is not a "security nightmare" at all. Some people are also mostly using a mostly offline system (only going online to authorise stubborn apps).
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2023
  14. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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  15. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    because they dont know how to upgrade and because they think they are music producers
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  16. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Sometimes I open a jar of honey. Pop it in the microwave for about 20 second. Then I’ll sit down on my dead grandmothers lazy boy chair & spread that honey all over my thighs while watching Windows 7 on an endless boot up sequence.
  17. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    Best Quote ever. I've heard it lots of times but anyway it is so true. Every time some company updates their stuff, OS, apps, interface, gui, whatever, they often "fix" or "update" something, but long the way they fix 5 bugs, but also create 5 more....so bugfixes after bugfixes, year after year. So i respect old software, and companies that doesn't need to release updates, every second week.
  18. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    some software just won't run on win7 so I hesitantly switched, 10 years or so, ago..
  19. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    :rofl: Good one (first released 2009, just for the books).
  20. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    WiN10 was first released 2015 (almost 8 years ago) and of course at that time there wasn't a single software that ran on WiN10 only. So it's rather 5 than 10 years.