Why Geist sucks and GURU rocks...

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Captain_Future, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Or you could do what they did in the 80's ...


    Just make the most of what you've got :bleh:
  2. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    What relation have this to the topic?
  3. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    I wish I could compare and complain!!!
  4. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    @ zukunft I think the point being made by Zenarcist is that a GREAT OMD track, a CLASSIC dare I say, was made with MUCH lower quality sounds than that which We now have at our disposal. Great link Zenarcist.

    Gotta say that I myself am totally in LOVE with GEIST! The workflow is what I LOVE! I don`t expect to be releasing any tracks to the world just yet and for My "messing" GEIST makes Me happy.

    GRRRRREAT debate. :wink:

    ......just saying..
  5. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Yes, exactly my point. OMD used the cheapest synths available at the time because it was all they could afford. A bit of delay and reverb in the studio did the trick in those days, along with some EQ and compression.

    Nowadays you have the option to run individual digital tracks through outboard analogue gear, or use tube-warmer plugins like the one from WaveArts. Personally I like the Sausage Fattener plugin. You can also use master-bus level plugins to warm and shape the sound, not to mention the plethora of FX plugins and processing techniques available.

    Musicians of the past could only dream about what is available to us now. As somebody else commented in another post, "Fact is.. if ANYone can't make good music.. now.. with all that has been given to you.. on a silver plate.. then perhaps music isn't for you."

    Here is the documentary in it's entirety. It's basically about electronic musicians overcoming adversity and limitation, and in the process reinventing the sound of pop music. It's a very good watch :wink:

  6. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Total agree with you Zenarcist, Today much plugins less good music.
    I think i'ts better sound new than sound good.
    I see the documentary BBC Synth Britannia too. :thumbsup:
    I appreciate your links.

    But this topic no speech about electronic history music, make good or worst music, what gear use to make it or how people make music with cheapest hardware....

    This topic talk about GURU vs GEIST, sound different or sound the same?
    Captain Future start the topic, after I make new test with others soft. *yes*

  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Apologies if I took a slight diversion from the original topic. I was just exploring what any (real or perceived) sonic difference would mean to us at a production level.

    For me personally, this wider view has some relevance with regards to music making. Both Geist and Guru do what they do, and both are far from being the worst sounding percussion instuments in the history of music. It is up to the artist to make something out of them.

    While it is useful to know the limits of equipment, those limits are not necessarily a limit to the music making process itself, more of a coloration or a shade.

    I've seen discussions on photography where people discuss cameras on a pixel level, but it has nothing to do with making great photos. Some of the best photographic works were produced prior to the 1930's.

    As John Lennon once said "I'm an artist, and if you give me a tuba, I'll bring you something out of it"

    Thanks for the interesting topic.

    Peace and best wishes :wink:

    Zen :grooves:
  8. fleschdnb

    fleschdnb Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2014
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    So, I use Geist alot. Once I found a plugin that offered everything that Geist offers, I studied and learned it. Then I saw this post, and the title is very misleading. The OP, unfortunately, is mistaken. I do not care if you do, or do not use Geist, but I want to set the record straight here, also agree with some of the other tests.

    For this test (since everything sounds fine to my ears) I will be using a simply phase invert test to see if geist is adding or removing anything from the original wave files. Especially on transients.

    I took a simple high quality acoustic Kick Snare loop which is very snappy and punchy.

    I loaded into geist (studio One) and set it to one loop.

    I then took the same sample, and loaded it into a seperate track in Studio One.

    I bounced each track out, matching bitdepth and volume, etc,etc.

    I took them into Soundforge (My editor of choice, I have been using it for over 10 years since it was Sonic Foundry).

    I Fliped the phase on one of the loops, then pasted it on top of the other.

    Complete Silence. Nothing was left. That means there was absolutely no difference in the sound. Geist has no effect on the sound.

    I think what is happening for others is there may be something in their DAW that is not allowing Geist to sync properly, or some sory of time stretch feature checked by default or something.

    Bottom line, if you read this whole thread, that means you probably are looking at, or have a vested interest in the sound coming from Geist. Rest assured, the audio that comes out of Gesit is fine. Maybe there was a problem in an earlier version.
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