Why don't most people here share their musics?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I think some of us remember this one:
  2. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Just buy a copy of the software before the court proceedings start and you'd be safe enough, if it's not been laughed out already.
    What judge, using what law, is going to award punitive damages to a company that now already has your money, because you used a warez version before becoming legit? End of the day, the company has lost nothing. The end.

    If companies could sue, they already would, and with all the phone home protection about, they already know who you are and where you live. Muhahaha :lmao:

    By the way, I'm totally legal and have been for a bit, but I still demo using cracks.
    If I keep using it, I buy it, like the nfo says.
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  3. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    There have been cases of people who were sued for downloading a bunch of songs and were ordered to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. The big companies just like to make shows like that once in a while. I rather have my ass covered... and it's not like I'm losing much by not posting my tracks here.
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  4. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Is that for just downloading the songs or for then on sharing them? Is lost revenue being taken into account in the ruling? Not that it really matters.
    In our case, buy the product and all is square in my book as the company isn't out of pocket to the value of their goods, and no royalties past, present or future have been lost by them.

    Ultimately you, we, have to decide to post our stuff here for our own reasons for our own agendas.
    If fear is yours, and a lack of it is one of mine, then so be it.
    No harm done :like:
  5. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Are they still unable to decode that signal of yours? Damn, you are safe (for now).. :rofl:
  6. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Lots of 'visitors' use cow guts to encrypt signals, but not me, I go equine and send horse code. :drummer:
  7. SomeOtherGuy

    SomeOtherGuy Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    I am a professional songwriter / producer. Not successful (in terms of fame & fortune), but I make music full-time, 7 days a week. I'm also a former professional software developer who implemented anti-piracy code at various times. So I've been on both sides of the piracy argument.

    My policy with most software is, if it's available as a "free" download, I will grab it and evaluate it and not feel any guilt about doing so. If I end up using the software in a project, I buy it. If I don't use it, I'll either delete it or possibly keep it around if I think I might use it in a future project, at which time I will buy it. Simple as that. A lot of vendors have trial periods which are great but sometimes I have software sitting around for months before I get back to it and then it's expired, so the trial policy generally doesn't work for me. Demo mode with intermittent noise or timeouts is just a pain in the ass and turns me off.

    My only caveat is I refuse to use any iLok software. I have the dongle and I have licenses but I never use it because it's far more convenient to use the pirated/cracked versions. I personally don't have a problem with this approach, since I own an original license, but I could see where a developer might have a problem with my perspective. To them I say tough titties, since they refuse to understand they will actually sell a lot more software if they considered other anti-piracy options.

    As for sharing my music here, I'd love to, but I do fear the stigma. But perhaps someday I will change my mind.

    EDIT: Aw f**k it, why not, here's one of my tracks:
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
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  8. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    That song and video are amazing. I am totally blown away by everything that went into it. Excellent job!
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  9. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I was reading silently almost all posts. My current impression is that those who don't post their music, while not being professional, are one or more of these points:
    1) Arrogant (My music will be the big hit, nobody shall hear it before I make my first million with it)
    2) Selfish (My music is good, but sharing might give others ideas that will imitate my original)
    3) Not enough into music and therefore insecure (I ain't good enough to share. People will only criticise me)
    4) Have a greater sense of guilt then they want to admit (I'm using warez, if I post here mean men in black suits may sue me)

    That's a shame. This place would be the ideal hang-out, sharing songs just for the purpose of letting them be heard at least once. Just try it, nothing will change. You won't become a star, but you won't be sued either. And criticism is a valuable source for improvement. And compliments will make your day. There's nothing to lose, but a lot to win. Just saying.
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  10. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Here's an idea for those of you hesitant to go public here.
    Why not set up for example two SoundCloud accounts?
    Keep one for AudioSex (anonymous) use - tracks posted there would stay there not being associated with your possible future career (to sort of get you started producing). Once you deem new track to be too good for this, just put it on your second SoundCloud, which would be linked to your website with your initials, name, address, etc. And don't post any mention to your 2nd SC publicly here or to people whom you don't trust.

    Keep those two worlds separated and you're almost guaranteed to never run into potential issues.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
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  11. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    somewhere right now there is a hardstyle producer contemplating suing everybody who uses a kick that sounds like theirs.

    also while everybody else is doing some sudden self promotion whilst talking about piracy and the like.

    these visual rescore studies actually are what prompted me to hope over to audiosex from ultra lurking the sister site. ive actually been over there since about 2011 while hunting down line 6 podfarm software for my illfated podfarm hardware.

    im really nobody special, but as far as a digital fingerprint you can probably find me on an extremely long running graffiti forum. in this there are definite parallels with promotion of legitimate and illegitimate works.
    will say the graffiti forum is much more ruthless in critiquing peoples work they share, but in the end extremely beneficial.

    i purchased none of the samples used.
    kontakt: 8dio, sonic couture, pan drums,hang drums, zero g.
    izotope iris voices
    papel media soundfonts
    tone2 warmverb (aka "yo dawg i heard you wanna fuck up yo pc so here are these vst/vsti i made)

    edirol orchestral
    yamaha final master .....(ssshhhh i know)
    all the kongaudio , personally worth it since its my go to oddly for a lot of things

    really in tandem reading through many mixing and mastering threads i got the sound i wanted.
    laserdisc quality

    and then theres this. kinda want to redo everything with less wub and break away from the habitual usage of delays and making everything at 10bpm
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i mean this in another context. lets say you post a track called blabla and that exact same track you post on another forum, where you have your facebook account linked too, so now people or whoever knows your identity, do you really want to have your identity associated with a warez page? also what happends when you run a company, which is maybe connected with the audio industry, now people maybe think all of your gear is warez copy stuff, really bad light for the company.
    thats what i mean with your music is identity, well i can go even further, its your fingerprint on the internet.
    thats why i stopped posting anything from me, unless its really made for this place only - like for the ambient album last year.
  13. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Exactly. It's better to fish for feedback anonymously to iron out and confirm what will be marketed under the artist/company name. Similar to a 3rd party company conducting a survey with various ideas for a product (ex: instrumental versions) to see what people are interested in the most. This helps new brands prevent the risk of a tainted reputation when they debut. It's about working smarter. However, I'd say let that help to decide what will be pitched to record labels, movie soundtrack consideration, etc. It doesn't cost much to mail something or send it electronically. The only expense that's really helpful is to get a professional photographer to shoot for your portfolio whether you're a vocalist, producer, musician, or songwriter.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
  14. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    The problem with feedback though - and this is tried and tested by me and my friends on many music people we know, along the years: let's say I make a very specific subgere of electronic music: future bass (this one is fresh). In the non-electronic producers camp the feedback is divided between "yeah, it's ok for my ears" and "I hate the sound". This is not helpig at all because usually the "ugly" sounds are modern, edgy, and these people not being in contact with the genre are not yet "adapted" to this new sound so usually they will like dated sounds which are already present in commercials, radio, shops etc.

    Then we have the electronic music producers: some of them are so narrow in their own sub-little-genre they will never like a production outside the genre. Then we have usigned "bedroom" producers which will like anything just to share and get validation for their work in return. And on this forum YOU NEVER KNOW WHICH IS WHICH. You never know what musical background a person have, or equipment or other sometimes crucial attributes in order to provide a proper feedback.

    I have this friend which is constantly telling me that my tracks are boring because he's listening 140-ish bpm techno. I know him and I know his background and I want him every time to get back at me with "boring" because otherwise I am too close to his likings and I don't want to be there.

    So yeah, feedback in terms of musical composition & arrangement sucks. FFS, Foster got "likes" to his squelches which he called "chord progresions":suicide:

    And for mixing & sound feedback, soundcloud sucks so we should share uncompressed wavs which people should download and listen to them in a respectable environment. I do test to my tracks in the car, hi-fi system, iPhone, laptop speakers, I don't care for someone telling me that my mix sounds bad in his car.

    This community is a great resource for technical support, discussing about news even gossip to some extent but I personally don't find it a reliable source of feedback. Any community for that matter. The one and only thing that matters is the following community of the artist, and the sales - and that's just about it.

    I don't know, maybe once one manages to actually sell one's music productions, is just intersted to work more not to ask for validation in a community of non-buyers.

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  15. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    jay i think you're missing the point that a lot of people share just because sharing is caring :)
    nobody really expects a huge quality feedback, that's normal
  16. jvne

    jvne Kapellmeister

    Oct 3, 2012
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    as it seems to be drowned by the flood - Resharing

    I would like to, but since I've made most of all my mixes with poor headphones (until few months ago when I've at last bought some nice speakers) actually I'm not happy with these old songs. So many to rework and so little time... Since I'm also working on new material I don't plan to remix it for the moment. So why not share it anyway :

    Maybe some advices will help do it more quickly
  17. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Yes, you're absolutely right. I was totally a dumb ass but with the help of the folks here, I reformed my mind.

    Critique is not necessarily needed to be deep. We don't produce for the producers not even ourselves but mostly for the normal people. When you see someone liked your work you get enthusiasm and passion for continuing your path. Although we can not satisfy all people's taste but we would be eager why people did not like it.

    Who have told us what is right or wrong, or modern or outdated? I created below thread for answering theses kinds of questions but unfortunately no one even opened the attachment:
    The art policy and musical judgements - Who decides what is great?

    We're not at the same level or from the same culture here. It's an undeniable reality, but refraining and just relying on our own ears or a few producers' tastes (that are in the conformity with our preferences) is not a smart choice I think. We're here to improve our taste. If we do not share our works and don't receive any critique (no matter it'd be sophisticated or just so simple), how would we would find a better path?
  18. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Mainly to protect my privacy, and because I release tracks in several Labels.
    I use places like AZ, because I can "try before buy"....
    All my released tracks are 100% legal, as I actually BUY the stuff I use.
  19. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    How is all that going for you? Just interested........pardon my nosiness.
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    No need to disclose. It's strongly apparent from your avatar.