why doesnt Reason get mentioned or any love???

Discussion in 'DAW' started by DStefOnTheBeat, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I used Reason from Version 1 to 5 and then switched to an MPC 1000 and later Maschine. Since Reason was not capable of recording I had to get into DAWs and all the Plugins which to me a while to understand it all and find what's best for me.

    Inspired by this thread I revisited a 10 year Beat in Reason and here's what I noticed in Version 5:

    ++++ Everything working right out the box. It's really stable and just does what it's supposed to
    +++ Modular Design and analog style representation of signal flow (the cables, the devices) It teaches you something about signal flow and it has a certain charm to it
    ++ The sequencer is nice
    + Groove Engine Swing feels good

    ---- Sound. I had serious issues to get the Drums to knock with the same punchiness I know to create nowadays with Maschine. Also, the sound generators sound flat and cheap for nowadays standards. Imagine the differences of FX and Generators you find in Logic which cost 200 Dollars vs. Reason (any Version)…
    --- Bad Bread and Butter Effects. The EQs and Compressors are really weak. This might be fixed with the new SSL Mixer and Rack Extensions but man I wouldn't wanna go back to that. Especially Rack Extension… It's to most proprietary format someone has ever imagined. I would never invest in something like that which is a DAW Exclusive.
    - No waveform displays. It feels as if devices like the samplers and Drum machines won't let you get down to the nitty gritty of editing which makes it hard to work well.
    -- INSERTING an effect into an existing signal path can be a pain in the ass.
    --- Working with Audio Files. Chopping samples in Reason 5 is pretty much impossible unless you use ReCycle

    So all in all, I still got some love for it, I just don't want to produce music with it ;)
  2. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    I think that is a very fair evaluation of reason 5 tbh. Even though reason has fixed some of those issues above in newer versions, I would advise not upgrading because the more 'like' other DAWs (i use like loosely) reason has become, the more I find my self able to focus on what it is still missing not what it has got.
    It is a weird mix of oldschool reason and modern daw,more confusing than ever with the giant mixer added as a third page on top of the old two. Also with a very good but annoyingly closed off plugin system, the shortfalls of it have been well here covered already
    I loved the crazy audioless midi only days of reason 1-5. When an update just gave you a couple of crazy new gadgets to play with. It's limitations almost inspired creativity.
    Now it's just kind of frustrating to use as it promises more than it can give.
    Anyway waffle over/ good move not upgrading and keeping old reason 5 and your $$$
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
  3. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Once Upon a time i LOVED reason, it was easy on resources then other "daw" and coming from a completely analog world with Atari & cubase it seemed a god send, the problem came when i started learning at some point i relized it wasn't growing with me. same stuff nothing new with updates, While in the real world audio software was advancing in leaps and bound and i could use none of it. Then i finally got a comp that could run Cubase SX3 and that was it. i look at reason now like something that was cool back in the day but i can't believe i made so much music on that thing and toiled for hours getting the sound i was trying to get. and then they made it worse poof. too be honest i thought they stop developing it.
  4. Aytac

    Aytac Noisemaker

    Nov 20, 2015
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    I was a very loyal and a legit user of reason for years (since 2000) and i always loved it. It was my first daw. But after i used ableton once...
    It was a new era, a new world. I saw that i was forcing myself to love it. Like a one sided love.
    I never used reason again since 2004 or 2005 i think. The main reason was that i had to spend maybe hours to get the result that i could achieve with other daws in minutes, aaand ofcourse vst support...
    Just because of curiosity i used / examined it when they started (vst like) support. But hey, who needs it when you have ableton or others.
    Nowadays i use mainly ableton. I also have / used studio one, cubase, sonar alongside reason. I use all of them for different reasons, mainly because i love doing that things on that daws. Nothing essential, just for fun...
    Also i have to mention the crappy dull sound you get just because you are a reason user.
    Honestly, dont ever think of a reason to love reason. There are lots of other daws out there.
  5. CricketDub

    CricketDub Newbie

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Who is more fool? The fool or the fool who follows the fool?

    He is. I chose this screen name as my gamer tag a couple of years ago; had no idea he was using it. He seems to be a little paranoid, though. Everybody loves to be a drama queen.
  6. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Fool is actually considered "boundless" personality:

    "Moment to moment, and with every step, the Fool leaves the past behind. He carries nothing more than his purity, innocence and trust, symbolized by the white rose in his hand. The pattern on his waistcoat contains the colors of all four elements of the tarot, indicating that he is in harmony with all that surrounds him. His intuition is functioning at its peak. At this moment the Fool has the support of the universe to make this jump into the unknown. Adventures await him in the river of life."

    Opinions are not retarded, one should tread very carefully and lightly when using that word outside definite meaning.

    Then it's a rare coincidence you two showed up so close to each other. :yes:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
  7. CricketDub

    CricketDub Newbie

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Looks like all of us here are full of boundless personality, then, eh? ;)

    I was going to say that's just retarded, but I think you might read into it too much. Look, I have no problem using the word "retarded". My lawn care guy is retarded. We need to take away the taboo associated with the word "retard". Say it with me! R. E. T. A. R. D. E. D.

    I was here first. Found this forum from someone over at KVR as they recommended it as a much nicer group to be involved in. Not sure where this Anthony character showed up from and honestly had no idea he was using the same screen name. I don't have time for drama, though. Especially from some clown who thinks he's being impersonated. Tin foil hats and all that.
  8. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    you seem like a bit of a dick tbh...
  9. CricketDub

    CricketDub Newbie

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Pot, meet kettle...
  10. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
  11. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    What he hasnt said is that he's a long time Reason user, like myself, and the reason this happened everyone, is because someone took this thread over to Reasontalk.

    There's a handful of old Reason users from the old forum who were the most crazy internet trolls you've ever seen = We're completely watching it RIGHT NOW. This all started back in the Propellerhead forum when this handful of trolls would WAIT...

    ITS EVEN MENTIONED EARLIER IN THIS THREAD how if you say anything within the Reason community, you'll get hated! Look what's happening. I was an extremely outspoken Reason user because I was winning contests and getting somewhere using the program while these complete, do nothing, live in their mom's basement synth nerds who cant be found anywhere on the internet were bullying everyone in the forum. After they'd gang up on me, it always came down to "where's your music"......and they never had any. Still don't.

    What's going here here is some psycho is still trolling me from the old forum days. I dont think he thought I was watching things at Reasontalk and he didnt think I saw this go up.

    What's awesome is we're in talking about "WTF has happened to Reason" = Well, we can add "Psychotic User Base" to the list, obviously.

    So guys, this other dude is a troll from Reasontalk, end of story = And I think know who it is.

    But yes = If you walk away with anything from this thread, "Reason has a completely odd, trolltastic, sociopathic user base who will go so far as to "smurf" you on the internet because they hate that you're successful and critical of Reason at the same time".

    I wonder if this person thought they were making Reason look better by doing this.....
  12. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Damn that escalated quickly
  13. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    This person has obviously wanted to do this for a while. Seeing him mention KVR is quite telling. He's been holding a grudge a long time. What a loser....

    What's even sicker, is he's probably doing it for some kind of attention. Sad.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
  14. CricketDub

    CricketDub Newbie

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Dude, I have no idea who you are - I already told you that rasCricket has been my gamertag for years. The mod has changed my login, you can keep your precious identity, stop being such a drama queen. Jesus christ - I was at KVR for maybe 2 weeks before coming here. I've never even heard of reasontalk until you mentioned it. Sounds like a charming place (not).

    I'll say this much - if you're a member there @RasCricket, then I have no plans to get near that place. You clearly have some narcissistic drama shit going on, and I don't have time for that.

    To everyone else: sorry if I caused a commotion. Didn't mean to act retarded. :rofl::bleh:
  15. CricketDub

    CricketDub Newbie

    Nov 18, 2015
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    Indeed. Looks like @RasCricket has some issues going on that requires him to project. He's been told twice what the deal is, yet still thinks he's some sort of victim. Never even heard of the guy, though he seems like a tool now that I've seen him on display.

  16. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    All anyone has to do is look at my Facebook link or any of my other link and they can see you're just a troll dude.

    You mentioned KVR and totally gave yourself away. You're a troll and you need to go back under your bridge.

    You're damn right you're #movinon

    Go back to KVR and troll there.
  17. HPF

    HPF Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Block 4
    was the one and only daw i was able to finish tracks on a PIII 450MHz /192mb without even peaking the cpu - it got excellent with the audio and cv/splitter merger - anything beyond isnt important at all as rewire was the most sophisticated interapp audio/midi solution - you can use any "real" daw with. for me the closed system had only benefits: cant remember a single crash, almost no resource footprint, its easier to master the few devices - it WAS a great product back in the days :D until it got the dongle, audio capabilities and the RE stuff

    and its the only one you can do this:

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2015
  18. RasCricket

    RasCricket Newbie

    Nov 19, 2015
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    <<< You guys see 3 different CD's I have?

    Other dude, if you wanna go around promoting my name, that's one thing = You were trying to start some shit and I'm glad you were caught.

  19. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Have a look at D16 Group's Nepheton. That might be what you are looking for.
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  20. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Thanks, i will definitely check that out.