Why Do My BOUGHT AAS Chromaphone 2 packs Not Show In Chromaphone 3?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Dave_Music, Nov 5, 2021.

  1. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    I bought several AAS Chromaphone 2 Preset Packs last year, but they dont show up in Chromaphone 3.
    Does anyone know why this is and how to solve it?
    I looked on Google but it doesnt seem to be mentioned anywhere, so I assume it must be me thats doing something wrong, as if this was the case for everyone this would probably cause outrage as the packs are $39 each and I have a few and cant use them in Chromaphone 3 only Chromaphone 2, after only buying them less than 12 months ago.
    Please reply or PM me with answers Thanks
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Best Answer
    4.7 Importing Sounds from Previous versions of Chromaphone

    Chromaphone 3 includes a converter that allows one to import sounds from Chromaphone 2. The conversion operation simply involves copying an Chromaphone 2 pack file into the Chromaphone 3 sound pack folder. The conversion operation is then triggered automatically when Chromaphone detects a pack from a previous version.

    Chromaphone 2 sound packs, which were then actually called banks, can be found by opening Chromaphone 2, clicking on the Manage button at the top of the Chromaphone 2 interface in order to open the manager, and then clicking on the Show Files button at the bottom of the manager window. On the Windows operating system, this command will open an Explorer window at the location where the Chromaphone 2 sound pack files are stored while on Mac OSX, the command opens a Finder window

    Once you have the Chromaphone 2 files you wish to import, go back to Chromaphone 3, click on the Browser tab in order to open the browser, click on the ellipsis icon next to the User label in the left part of the browser and choose the Show Packs Folder command. Again, this will allow you to access the location where sound pack files are stored using a Finder or Explorer window on Mac OSX or Windows respectively. Copy the Chromaphone 2 files to be converted to this location and they will be automatically converted to Chromaphone 3 sound packs and appear in the browser.

    While the great majority of sounds should be recuperated without noticeable differences, the conversion program is not infallible which means that some sounds might need some readjustments after the conversion. This is due to the fact that the mapping of the parameters from different versions of Chromaphone is not direct as a result of changes in the architecture, modules and the effect section between the different versions.

    Note that AAS expansion sound packs for Chromaphone which were installed on your computer prior to the installation of Chromaphone 3 should not be converted in this way. The Chromaphone 3 installer you will have downloaded from our server should indeed also include your expansion sound packs and take care of their installation automatically. If this is not the case, or some packs are missing, please go back to your account on the AAS user portal and download the latest installer for these sound packs, they have indeed all been updated and optimized for this new version of Chromaphone.

  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    What I find most interesting is this line
    and the solution
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  5. VintageDOC

    VintageDOC Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Strawberry Fields
    It is also best before you make the conversion to back up the Chromaphone 2 sound packs. The conversion not only makes the sound packs playable on Chromaphone 3 but moves the converted files out of the Chrom2 directory to new locations. The conversion does not leave the originals. To continue to use Chromaphone 2 you then just copy back the backup files to their original location. This can be useful for the above mentioned timbral changes that might occur or siimply because you prefer the way you have organized your Chrom2 sound packs and user tweaks.
  6. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Wow - Thanks - Lots of very good answers in a couple of hours. This really is a great community :wink:
    I will give this a try :yes:
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2021