Why do/did R2R release music software

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by farao, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Well, I'll let your rather rude comment just pass me by because, to paraphrase yourself:

    I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to someone who fail to understand what I mean but rather happily tries to insults me for whatever dark reasons he or she believes I have.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2015
  2. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    In reference to some teams pausing releases, I think releasers (mentioning no specific names) who have become uncomfortable with comments and the attention should think about those celebrities who don't understand how fame works. Those celebrities who love the attention and the limelight when they're on the journey to becoming famous and all the attention reinforces their fame then decide that they don't like the photographers and being followed everywhere. Sorry, all that is part of the game of fame. If you crack and release a lot of expensive stuff for free you become adored and you create 'fans'. You must expect your 'fans' to be making comments on forums. Not only that, but the same 'fans' will ask when you will release this and that. This is normal 'fan' behaviour; you just have to understand how fame works. If you don't want 'fans' and the fame then ony release privately or ask that your releases are not allowed comments in forums. Maybe the 'teams' should have the options of no forum comments on their releases.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015
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  3. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    To all of you above that seem to want to discuss why R2R stopped releasing, nothing wrong with that, but please do that somewhere else. (I might myself do that later on in another topic when I feel more equipped to do so.) This topic though, as the subject should hint, was intended to discuss the R2Rs intentions for releasing music software in the first place. If you feel like I by wanting to discuss this have no respect for R2Rs decisions, well know that you are just hitting a wall that is not there. I do fully respect R2Rs decisions and feel nothing but gratitude towards R2R.

    Please understand that I am trying to find out what R2Rs intentions were so as to be better equipped to understand and to help out in the long run. If you think otherwise, you are just plainly wrong.

    If you still feel like you need to criticize me instead of discussing the intended question, just fill my inbox with the hate and swearwords instead of letting your steam ruin the well intended question and what could be a fruitful discussion.
  4. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Jackie Moon said it best ELE (Everybody Love Everybody)

    i for one am grateful to all the teams, Ive been doing this a while now, and because of the scene Ive become a better Musician. cause I write and record more. there was a time were i lost site and was just collecting ( i blame DC++ cause i wanted to have a good share for what became a really cool community) but then torrents came and i see that was the turning point, it all became to easy. having a bit of intelligence to get a app was no longer needed and it became a free of all.

    That being said Audio Sex is the closest thing to I've seen to my beloved DC++ hub "The Nightclub" community.

    there should just be a standing rule that hostility is not permitted. before you type with a BP over 100. step back (have a coffee, pet the cat, roll a fatty or what ever calms you down) before you type.

    FYI R2R still releases, so do alot of other Groups, maybe not as much as before, but they do. my best advice look at it like Christmas a few times a year, Its a gift, you can't demand gift... unless of course your Veruca Salt ;)
  5. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Crackers start "just to do it". But releasing to the public, creating a group...is another story.

    About what Rhodes says, i'm sadly in the same mood. I had fun with AZ and AS. But not anymore.
    I was going to join the drama with arguments, position taking and such ...but i just don't care.
    R2R started for whatever reason they wanted to, and i don't care.
    They want to stop because we are just greedy morons ?
    Ok, just stop. That's your problem. And my life will not stop, like yours.

    Loosing half of my salary/hours in september, and having a woman and two children to feed is a bigger problem to me.
    I don't even have time/brain left to make any music anymore. I should buy "something" to release ? I don't even have time to know what i "should" buy...
    And i'm pretty sure a lot of ppl here (AZ/AS) have even more serious problems.
    PS : as a side note, there is no need to "Thanks" R2R...because they spend their time telling us they don't care about us ;)
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  6. @farao

    Maybe the same curiosity behind your question is the same behind "WHAT" bring a Team (R2R in this case) to start reversing...
    When I took my degree in Applied Informatics, i was really in to solving chipher schemes... There was no motivation, just simple curiosity...

    WHY they start releasing is a question that can barely have an answer... Competition, fame, fun or whatever... Who knows?

    By the way, I dont really catch the wave of irony and arrogance moved by this question... The guy didnt ask for the moon so, why? :dunno:
  7. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    If you don't know the question asked in this topic, but think you do, read the question in the subject first. If you don't want feel like you want to answer that question, please start another topic instead of trying to make this thread about criticizing or supporting R2R decision to publicly stop/pause releasing. It's not meant to be about that.


    Sorry about the Caps, but people just seem to hijack this topic for whatever is on THEIR mind concerning R2R. IF YOU FEEL YOU NEED TO DISCUSS SOMETHING ELSE CONCERNING R2R START ANOTHER TOPIC ABOUT IT. PLEASE. Thank you. :)
  8. scottymacg5

    scottymacg5 Newbie

    Jan 15, 2014
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    This thread reminds me of a TOOL song Heres the Lyric:

    "Right In Two"

    Angels on the sideline,
    Puzzled and amused.
    Why did Father give these humans free will?
    Now they're all confused.

    Don't these talking monkeys know that
    Eden has enough to go around?
    Plenty in this holy garden, silly monkeys,
    Where there's one you're bound to divide it.
    Right in two.

    Angels on the sideline,
    Baffled and confused.
    Father blessed them all with reason.
    And this is what they choose.
    And this is what they choose...

    Monkey killing monkey killing monkey
    Over pieces of the ground.
    Silly monkeys give them thumbs,
    They forge a blade,
    And where there's one
    they're bound to divide it,
    Right in two.
    Right in two.

    Monkey killing monkey killing monkey.
    Over pieces of the ground.
    Silly monkeys give them thumbs.
    They make a club.
    And beat their brother, down.
    How they survive so misguided is a mystery.

    Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

    Cut and divide it all right in two [x4]

    Fight over the clouds, over wind, over sky
    Fight over life, over blood, over prayer,
    overhead and light
    Fight over love, over sun,
    over another, Fight for each other,
    for the ones who are rising.

    Angels on the sideline again.
    Benched along with patience and reason.
    Angels on the sideline again
    Wondering when this tug of war will end.

    Cut and divide it all right in two [x3]

    Right in two...
  9. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Thank you for pointing out that the question asked is not inflammatory. Let me however disagree about there being no answer to it. That said, I don't myself know what it is.
  10. Well... only the Team itself could answer you definitely...
    Askin' here (as you can see) will only drive you to a bad case of headache and more confusion... :wink:
  11. Pagurida

    Pagurida Platinum Record

    Nov 30, 2012
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    in my opinion, in reality the so-called "teams" are controlled and supported by music software companies. most of these have business models in which they are interested in presence in the scene and that their products are used by people who have influence by their expertise. these "key users" have an immense influence on the mass of rather unexperienced and mediocre users who willingly obey others recommendations. similar as in politics, it is the very worst to be NOT at all present in peoples mind! the elitist circle of users is, so to speak, "feeded" to influence the mass, who then buys the stuff.

    all in all this is nothing like a business, where everyone benefits:
    the manufacturers, the "teams" and we, the users.
    those who buy as well as those who just "try".
  12. SuperCrAcker5000

    SuperCrAcker5000 Newbie

    Jul 25, 2015
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    AiR stoped because of disband (death of the heart of the team if you remember).

    Oh yeah. Radium accidentally dropped into the reactor core pixel, due to the reaction turned cheese instead of enriched uranium.
    He thought of his bald head and called cheese Gouda. And we sat in the open air while listening to the sounds of Moog and we ate it for a long time and with an appetite, and we buried cheese crumbs under the table.
    Juicy release turned out.

    re2re meanwhile sitting in a huge hangar at the sewing machine, sew everything for school collectors who are still not even mastered the basics of opening, but cleverly sold on trackers. No one really stoyuschaya release for musicians. You even NFO a terrible horror. Wow, you have a lot of mail, even schoolchildren to write?
    Although you have to pay tribute. You are well covered their garbage cheese head.

    Hey re2re it you want? if you can not discover something good and really necessary. If you can not, then who needs your trash?

    All good things have compromised and costs millions of respected musicians - nothing to break! Although you may be able to surprise us competently unopened tins.

    See IRC darkside news. Obama has died of an overdose of heroin.
    Since you have been god SuperCrAcker5000
    Have Phun! Cya
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    why they share releases?

    because they want to have a large beta test group for their releases.
    why audio apps? because they are the hardest software to crack compared to normal software. (and dongles of course)

    but thats only guesses, only R2R can answer you the questions you ve got.

    i am happy they do not release anything new. Because i am able to dig deep in what i have right now on my machine here and its really relaxing. because you learn he tools you use better and not switch to something new, just because its out for free.
    and the whole time sorting and collecting can go into other work and research.
  14. hentai

    hentai Newbie

    Sep 21, 2014
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    r2r the releases were the best of this year
    as there is a minority of imbeciles who simply throw their shit at them, the negative will always attract more attention than a gesture of gratitude. :lmao:
  15. mafana

    mafana Newbie

    May 31, 2014
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    Spot on Rhodes. There was a time when Saint was apparently doing everything on his own and each and every question was dealt with politely and with grace. Lately the rudeness is quite staggering to say the least.
  16. superCrAcker6000

    superCrAcker6000 Newbie

    Jul 25, 2015
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    The second part for those who are in the tank.
    Baby TV is:

    There once was an uncle Steinberg and broke it all that is possible to break down (true Aryan) and he sent all far into the anus.
    There once was Uncle Gates and broke that he could break down and break it all you need to break.

    For more information you can learn and uncle Snowden - he would be happy to see you at home in a country where bears walk the streets.

    Since you have been god superCrAcker6000
    We are watching you!
    Have Phun! CIA
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  17. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I remember when R2R first started. they were a joke quite honestly Bad and or Duped releases, been fun watching them climb to the top
  18. quasimodulator

    quasimodulator Newbie

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Where's the mystery? We do whatever we can for meaning, for significance -- and for power.

    Back in Radium days when most all the action was on Usenet, there actually used to be far more upheaval. Not in alt.binaries.sounds.utilities -- where the binaries got posted. For a long time peeps were pretty good about not taking dumps on the dinner table. The way things used to be @ AZ in better days. But in alt.binaries.sounds.utilities.d and even more so in the 0-day.d Usenet groups (reserved for commenting)? What you see from Hydr0 nowadays is nothing. For a modicum of control, of extra influence over the scene, of gaining advantage over rivals, it went so far as some outing others to the FBI.

    There are how many people on the planet now? We are each only one-of-far-too-many. Each of us seeks to do something that actually matters. That signifies. That is not entirely insignificant. None of us likes to die prior to having meaningfully lived. Some try to do it more positively, that's all.

    The teams do it more positively than almost anyone. "Almost" because people like Mother Theresa or Gandhi went even farther. But short of that, the teams have been singularly significant and powerful in our lives. And R2R, as the dominant team over past several years, has organized a scene strike. Are they powerful enough to change the scene by striking? Perhaps -- but not unless they make it far clearer what changes they seek. And how to implement them.

    If you are thinking I'm wrong to call it a strike? Then you're not getting the metaphor. Dominant teams are rich as can be in meaning, in significance, in recognition -- and yes, in power. As this strike amply shows. Whether they elect to monetize any of that is ultimately their choice. But were they to chase $$? That would totally work against the very significance, recognition and power of what they do and accomplish. Then if someone like Hydr0 were to say they are really beggars, it wouldn't just be totally absurd.

    Bottom line? There is no mystery. The teams do it to get rich. Not rich in $$ but rich in meaning, significance, recognition and, yes, power.
  19. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    sorry farao... I thought I read your first post... though I admit, I did glance over the replies etc.

    I apologize friend :yes:

    I am sorry. :dunno:

  20. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Apology happily accepted. :wink: