"WHOLE" - Video Of The Week

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Alraun, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    I want to share with you a net video of the week (September 2014) from the Vimeo website.
    I couldn't find any information about it in english language, that's why i have translated some infos
    for you from danish into english.


    Separation from a long-term partner might feels like a body part is lacking. The Danish filmmaker William Reynish takes this phantom pain in his animated short film Whole literally: The protagonist Mira is falling into a decline after a breakup with her boyfriend Michael. Therefore she has a large, round hole in her chest. As the encouragement trials of their extroverted friend Ingeborg failed, Mira runs into a shaman, who tells her that she must find her power animal, in order to become whole again.

    From this story one of the most creative animated short films of recent times has been made. With its unusual look and the supernatural story Whole takes viewers on Mira's trip through a fantasy world in search of herself. With motion graphics, light and shadow play, creative characters and optical illusions, the film is above all a feast for the eyes, but also the sound effects and Danish speakers are at a high level.

    Whole emerged as a final project at the Danish Film School. Unlike common among animation students, Reynish has almost exclusively used the free software Blender for the film, and it’s items will later be published under an open source license in the network. It lasted one year from the idea to the finished movie.

    The story changed several times, as Reynish told our Blog. Inspired by a self-proclaimed shaman among his neighbors, Reynish wanted to make originally a film about the hallucinogenic drink Ayahuasca. But in the end he chose the separation, a subject with which the audience can identify more, and moved the scene from the jungles of Ecuador into a European city.

    It is exactly this contrast between the dark, eerie town and the colorful fantasy world of the Whole which makes it so interesting. And as Alice, also a young woman, arrives in Wonderland through a "hole" in the parallel world, Reynishs work is a little funky as well, but also similar lovingly designed.

    The video lasts 12 Min. Enjoy.

    Activate the subtitles by clicking on CC in the player:

    Ayahuasca is one of the oldest and most sacred plant mixtures of our planet.
    It is used for healing purposes, self-exploration and trauma therapy.

    Thanks to my old Danish friend and ex-co-seminar-leader, M. , for the hint to this video.
    Vi havde en stor tid sammen. :mates: