Who here suffers from Tinnitus and how do you handle it?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cardamom, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    A lot of sufferers.
    Ex sufferer here,forget about meditation,you need a permanent solution and it only works by a method that increases hormones and nitric oxide drastically for healing,testosterone + nitric oxide = slow brain nerve healing,at night while you sleep.
    Tinnitus is not the main problem here,its a side problem of damaged brain nerves.
    Specialists are 100 years behind,they wont help you much because they target the wrong root of the problem.
    Tinnitus develops because brains get damaged because of either bad genetics,physical exhaustion,drug abuse(ecstasy,cocaine,heroine,pot can also really destroy your brains + liver),sexual exhaustion or shock to the brains,accident.
    Usually people with Tinnitus have accompanied symptoms of bad sleep,insomnia,sweating at night,migraines,hard to concentrate,mood swings,melancholia,depression,anxiety,stress,some also may have additional symptoms of muscle aches,weak bodies,dizziness,low/high blood pressure...
    Big percentage of sufferers have also damaged endocrine system,because of the reasons i mentioned here earlier.
    Our bodies get damaged eventually,nobody is an exception here,though there is a difference when you severely exhaust and damage your neuro endocrine system because you wont be able to function as a normal human being.
    Many people turn to doctors who turn them to psychiatrists who then put them on pills,which further damage your brains and liver and the problem continues.
    The problem is all physical,like a damaged motor in a car,you need to jump start it back for healing.
    Its a complicated problem but unless you severely damaged and destroyed you organs( long time cocaine users),you can heal yourself.
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  2. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Here's another one, since a couple of years. Mine's mostly on the right side, around 8K, oscillating, with sometimes a lower tone on the left side. The thing is, I don't hear it constant, but if I start listening to it, it's there. Up to now, the only solution is: deal with it. Forget it.

    ElecTrick: That sounds promising.. Could you tell me more about that test? Does it have a name, what kind of foods did you stop eating?

    Something else: some time ago, one of us posted information about a cure. I copied the info to a document, can't find the original post anymore. The info is in line with what Von_Steyr says. The cure consists of large doses of Amino Acids and Fish oil. One should take that stuff for months, which would cost hundreds of $$. I don't have that kind of money, and I heard no first hand experience (or a doctor) saying this really helps. But heres the info and a link to an online pills-store with the stuff:

  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Yea,thats my info.
    This method is actually nothing new,its a 5000 year old chinese method that was developed for the emperors who had many wives and helped mantain the vitality and chi levels.
    Basically if you are young and experiencing morning wood,that means that you have a deep sleep and at night the body generates enough healing strength to slowly heal the organs and the body.
    You can do it naturally but then you have to stay away from sex or ejaculation for a few months as the healing is based on sexual hormones,testosterone is the major key point here,testosterone heals.
    If you arent experiencing morning wood you need the help of those pills,because the body doesnt genereate enough energy for healing(weak endocrine system).
    Modern medicine tries to reinvent stuff that was already invented a long time ago,this information is worth gold,its a human hack for health and healing.
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  4. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Ok, Thanks Von Steyr.. Hmm, So.. what? Refrain from sex would be the cure?? Wow, that's hard!(as in morning wood:))
    Do you have first hand experience that these pills cure?
    If it's a 5000 yr old remedy, aren't there other natural, cheaper solutions?
  5. Modul8

    Modul8 Noisemaker

    Apr 16, 2016
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    that helped me

    running,yoga, meditation
    NEM´s..... , get the magnesium level in your blood to 1mmo/l, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex; Vitamin D, and Zinc (there some more substances that are important for the ear and the neural system but magnesium have the most impact
    Gingko can also have a positive effect

    lots of people dont know that it can also come from the neck and jawbone, physio can help but the key is running and yoga almost every day
    if the tinnitus comes not from a auditory trauma you can completly kill it

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  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Well those pills are actually the cheaper version of what is sold in the high society,prices go as high as few thousand but its basically the same stuff.
    The price is high because it contains balanced herbal ingredients + amino acids + vitamins/minerals that are precursors to natural hormones and at the same time clean your organs.
    There are no other pills like that since its a very specific stuff.
    If you go an buy individually the same ingredients you will pay a lot more.
  7. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Sounds plausible.

    Anyone interested in checking food allergies can do it themselves. Only eat lamb and rice and drink only water for 2 weeks. Very few have allergies to those foods apparently, and any allergy should disappear. Then reintroduce foods, watching for returning symptoms.

    Living more healthily and wisely is surely sound advice regardless of the problem. ;)

    I shall try a tone generator to see if I can identify the pitch(s) of mine. But if noise cancelling won't work.........not much point, I suppose. Ah well, I shall live, I suppose.
  8. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Todays blight is selfish parents who haven't grown up themselves.

    Hmmmm. Sounds like sketchy pseudo-science to me. What's the difference between these amino-acids and those found in beef lamb or chicken, whatever? What's special about these vitamins as opposed to others?

    The stomach breaks down what is fed into it - that's what it is for. Why does it matter where the amino-acids come from, so long as you get them?
  9. Gabriel9

    Gabriel9 Noisemaker

    Apr 16, 2016
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    Hey, I made an account just for this: Eating "millet" helps for me and my GF. It reduces the intensity of our ringing. It has something to do with the nervous system. She's Korean, so we eat Korean millet which we buy at the Korean/Jap market (it tastes better), but I think any millet would work. Avoid exciting your nervous system, it'll make it worse... Like avoid coffee and sugar...lol I know you can't, but... I have other tricks, but that's the best I got.

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  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Its not just amino acids,its the combination of everything,the herbs etc...you can overload your liver if you try to get the same amount of amino acids trough meat,it doesnt work that way.Its not about quantity as it about the combination that is balanced optimally and produces a lot of hormones,nitric oxide and at the same time cleans your organs.
    Thats why trying to supplement with just testosterone therapy works for only a short time and then the problems come back.
    You need to trick the brains that your hormone levels especially serotonin,acetylcholine,gaba and dopamine are balanced.
    Without a healthy dose of serotonin in your blood your dopamine levels may be too high for a deep sleep,you need to put down the fire before you can start healing,your brains dont heal when experiencing severe stress,hence why deep sleep is crucial.
  11. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    well, actually there are. the supplements in these products are actually very common.

    personally I think people should be cautious about prospects with this stuff..
    It certainly isn't a cure for most people with hearings diseases categorized within (typical) tinnitus.

    But on the other hand, soft-Anti-depression/blood-thinners/vitamins/testosterone-enhacers/diffrent-amino-acids/estrogen-enhancers,
    will at least make fun night or two:rofl:, don't forget to slip some in your wife's dinner to double the fun:hahaha:
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  12. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I use Etymotics plugs to reduce sound level.
    There are those too (untested) :

    Very effective to handle high levels AND still hear things balanced. You don't get that usual high freq cut down.
    Some ppl use them even to prepare their show. They only remove them at the end, to fine tune mixing desk settings.

    As a side advice for everyone : avoid tiredness, stimulants (coffee,alcohol and worst) like the plague.
    That's why i almost got permanent tinnitus : i gone to a badly mixed gig with no protection, it was late at night (as usual), i was tired and probably a little drunk...sounds usual isn't it ?
    A chance, it is gone. Even if i'm on the edge...

    Apart white noise, waves can work too ;)
    Like this :

    And it will probably help meditation, too.
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  13. shufflecheck

    shufflecheck Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    Hi ElecTrik,
    I find your lines very interesting and useful, I have tinnitus too. I don t know if you said four (4) or flour (because wheat flour) is one of my lo points and now you say, may be one cause of tinnitus in me. In my case I have reduced wheat flour consume and things have become better. It s an interesting theme to develope and change experiences and ideas. We ll be in touch. Thanks.

    #Cardamom ...... I m worried about your migraines because sometimes can be food and sometimes arterial hypertension, very common nowadays and easily treated. Be careful and best for all here !
  14. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    The sound I hear is like listening to a seashell. It's really annoying. Limit salt intake!
  15. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hey, all tinnitus suffering audio love maker fellows :hug:,

    do meditate,
    do eat loads of fruits, greens, nuts,
    do eat loads of millets, buckwheats, gomashio, perhaps brown rice too, change your wheat intake into whole wheat products (if any, rather taper off fully),
    do use quality sea salt instead of table salt,
    do use some kind of very balanced vitamines, minerals, trace elements, supplement (check all the recommended daily intake values for different regions of the world, average, consult your physician or dietician about your possible disefficiencies, modify your intake accordingly but harmoniously regarding codependencies between the different factors),
    do use the best kinds of earplugs (those that do not change much the frequency curve, just make everything twenty, twenty four, decibels lower) when at loud places, your ears are valuable, do not cheat on the price,
    do work at the lowest possible audio levels, do occasional level changes too,
    do make hourly breaks during working with audio material,
    do meditate before going to sleep,
    do live with awareness about your sleep cycles, about your rhythms...

    all the best for all of us... :bow:

    ooooops, before forget, try to look around for the possibility of one iboga (root bark, total alkaloid extract) flood dose, it might reset to their default vaules the loads of loads of loads of wrong waytakings in your body, in your mind, in your soul (do your own very very very thorough research, then think over the whole matter even more thoroughly, before coming to any conclusion), iboga might call you, then you will be there to follow... :wink:
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
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  16. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Thank you all for reply. :wow:
    Having a normal, slightly hypersensitive hearing makes me feel very grateful and lucky really. I didn't realize the tinnitus issue is this common.
    I guess it's common human treat - not to appreciate the things (senses) you have, while you have them.
    What other explanation could there be, for many youngsters, females mostly, to be so careless about their hearing.
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  17. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    If it is a serious problem for You, and You have the means, buy a house / apartment on the sea shore. (or rent it for a Year or two)


    The constant (natural) sound of the sea will hide the problem at first; and there is a big chance that it will heal after a longer period.

    Someone should explore te possibities of phase inverting the offending frequency and play it in the ears... ?!?
    just an idea...
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  18. Sakurahime

    Sakurahime Noisemaker

    Mar 28, 2015
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    If your Tinnitus is of organic nature, this will help:


    At their website it is only available till 9900Hz, but you can order a special treatment for whatever frequency you need.
    This therapie is founded on an essay which is two years old, so it is quiet new.
    By stimulating the surrounding nerves of your tinnitus frequencie's nerve in a special way, you can block your tinnitus nerve.
    It will take a few weeks or months but your brain will learn to overhear this shitty sinusfecker! :)
    My sister has a 10200Hz tinnitus and it is helping her a lot. She says it is getting much more quieter since she is using this stuff.
    But you have to have a tonal tinnitus. For people with a noisy tinnitus, this therapy is inappropriate. :(

    Hold on man!!
  19. shufflecheck

    shufflecheck Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    Problem with (my) tinnitus is it doesn t come from external sourses, I put silicone earplugs and tinnitus is exactly the same or better because he is alone :rofl: I hope in the future some musician with a lot of money will be interested in solved that and medical world take it seriously. Meanwhile WE ll be the humble promoters of possible solutions.
    Another sourse can be cervical vertebrae.
  20. tafelrunde

    tafelrunde Member

    Mar 26, 2013
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    I know Sven Väth is suffering vom Tinnitus. He mentioned that in a few interviews. Afaik he treats it with meditation and acceptance. can make a things a lot easier in many ways.