Which Software where you surprised didn't get released this New Year 1/1/17?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Zoom Zoom Zoom, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Honestly, I'm thrilled with what we got already. SurferEQ2, KClip Pro 2, EARverb 2, New Sonic Arts, TDR Nova, Tracktion Biotek, Predator 2, and many other cool new ones. AudioUTOPiA did most of their dump on Halloween and dropped Empirical Labs Arousor, which is now my go-to compressor. Both teams are really a force of nature in what they do, and I'm really happy that they are here to bring us happiness.

    That said, in my wildest wet dreams, I see all Acustica plugins appearing on AZ. I'm not surprised they didn't, but that would be the best thing ever. I'm a bit surprised Plugin Alliance wasn't updated, but I think they changed their protection. UVI Falcon and such would be great. Some other ones but the list is not very long. We already have the creme-de-la-creme at our disposal. If not the creme-de-la-creme-de-la-creme, aka Acustica Acqua plugins.
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  2. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Oh & XILS Lab XILS-3? YESSSSSS!! :metal::speaker:
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  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah this modular emulation is just pure joy. Hard to get a handle on how it works but the sound of this thing is gorgeous.
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  4. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    ----- END LINE FOR NORMAL LEECHERS ---------------------------------------------


    We are noticed that many people are confused about iLok protection. PACE and
    its iLok has long history, and there are lots of option and integration. We
    think it's better to clarify the difference of them.

    PACE.......... First generation of packer type protection. Some options to
    steal call, hooking INT3 (easily conflicts with other strong

    RND1.......... First generation of crypto. Used for content protection like
    UVI Engine, EastWest PLAY, and old XILS targets. Never been
    cracked publicly.

    iLok.......... Well known garbage. PACE.Inc still claims iLok has never been
    tampered and it's true. What crackers tampered is not iLok but
    wrappers. iLok is still safe. So what?

    WrapWarden.... Second generation of packer type protection. Available since
    iLok2 appeared. Has much better compatibility than first PACE

    AIR Music (WrapWarden/iLok)
    Eventide (WrapWaden/iLok)
    Audified (WrapWarden/iLok)

    Most iLok protected softwares are packed by WrapWarden. But
    some targets like XILS, GRM, ProTools etc does not use, and
    we think it's enough because they are using some stronger
    technics to avoid being cracked. WrapWarden is not a big
    problem for the cracker who can attack to the stronger
    options or integrations.

    Fusion........ SDK for iLok. It makes developer to access to iLok from their
    software and has some additional functions.

    NuGen Audio (WrapWarden/Fusion/iLok)
    ... Fusion is used for checking custom license.

    Flux (WrapWaden/Fusion/iLok)
    ... WrapWarden does not check the license. Fusion does. This
    is because Flux supports "Flux Dongle" too. If WrapWarden
    checks the license, "Flux Dongle" users cannot load the
    plugin at all.

    Fusion is just a SDK. It is developer who decides how to use.
    Without WrapWarden or MetaFortress, some easy Fusion targets
    are cracked like other normal software.

    Melodyne (Fusion/iLok + Custom)
    ... That's why this is tampered by many crackers. However
    Melodyne has another trick to detect being cracked.

    DrMS v4.0.0 (Fusion/iLok)
    ... It had just a simple iLok check. Being cracked without
    problem. v4.0.1 and later has WrapWarden and MetaFortress

    MetaFortress.. Anti tampering technology developed by Metaforic.Inc. Fusion
    SDK supports MetaFortress integration (if developer pays more
    money). File size will increase and app runs much slower than
    unprotected one because of the constant modification check.
    Inserting SEVERAL THOUSANDS code verification to the app. The
    performance is massively affected and some developers even
    mention to this loss.

    Quoting the comment from the developer of Emprical Labs,

    "Empirical Labs has decided to do another short Alpha test of
    our Compressor Plugin starting this week. We have implemented
    Fusion 3 and are already testing things in house, but...
    because the iLok software is so invasive and can drastically
    affect performance, we feel the need to make sure we haven't
    screwed anything up with another short Alpha cycle."

    ProTools (Fusion/MetaFortress/iLok)
    SlateDigital (WrapWarden/Fusion/MetaFortress/iLok)
    Softube (Fusion/MetaFortress/iLok)
    AROUSOR (WrapWarden/Fusion/MetaFortress/iLok)

    MetaFortress is also used to consumer game because it is not
    developed by PACE.Inc. One of the most famous title using MF
    "Kirby's Return to Dreamland" by Nintendo.

    EDEN.......... Second generation of crypto. Used by recent library of UVI,
    EastWest, and other few other big library software.

    Probably you may know, simple license check can be bypassed but you can't
    do that for crypto, just like you can't extract protected zip without correct
    password. In the long history, most integration from PACE.Inc has been
    compromised but crypto has never been done in the past, as you can't find
    any working cracks of UVI or PLAY engine (and XILS till now). Some *users*
    are still requesting UNLOCKED version of them but it won't happen. In theory,
    all libraries need to be processed one by one.


    McFACT is a core cryptography of eLicenser. It's not a exe protector or code
    obfuscator like other famous protections.

    We feel it's pretty lame to explain about McFACT because we haven't released
    any real emulators or attacks to this cryptography. We can't complain if we
    will be refuted by the legendary crackers.

    The key of this protection is "run the encrypted code virtually without any
    decryption". If you have experience running bad cracks of eLicenser, you
    would find the constant crash and improper workings. This happens because
    encrypted code wasn't running "as it is".

    In short, this is how McFACT works (not really correct though),
    (EncryptedCode) * (ProductKey) * (ValidLicense) = Code Runs Fine Virtually

    Code runs only when all of required things are fine. We can say McFACT cannot
    be bypassed and needs valid emulation for the working crack. Anyway, sometime
    developers does not use McFACT or use it inefficiently that can be byppased
    or cracked. Those weak protected software runs fine through our inferiror emu
    called "Kawa-eLicenser" :)


    For those iLok-XILS products, McFACT is initialized by the value which is
    decrypted from EDEN powered content. It means McFACT virtual code will be run
    as expected when EDEN content is properly decrypted. The serial number based
    XILS products (SERIAL+McFACT) uses 5 WORD value for McFACT. It is a bit
    different from iLok protected one.


    The trick is here,

    ProductA : (EncCodeOfA) * (ProductKeyOfA) * (ValidTrialLicenseOfA)
    | | |
    | | |
    ProductB : (EncCodeOfA) * (ProductKeyOfA) * (ValidTrialLicenseOfA)

    In this way, you can run the ProductA's code on ProductB. This works if A & B
    fucntions are completely identical - which rarely happens. Think you are very
    lucky if it works. Anyway, in fact, no further attacks can be done in this
    way. There are no chance to enable Vienna, Nexus, Vengeance or full version
    of Steinberg top notch products.

    Always remember that there are no way to bypass the cryptograhic protection.
    Sometime, even legit license is required. Uploading non cracked version
    does not always help crackers. This isn't a problem only happens to iLok or
    eLic, but some other software does have the same problem as we exactly said
    in the SIR2 release few days ago. Some of the "long waited" softwares are
    never released because of this. Crackers are not wizards or witches :)
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  5. Pink Woof

    Pink Woof Member

    Dec 30, 2016
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    I had a few Xmas/NY expectations of my own and was hoping for a few surprises, but I kinda feel uncomfortable talking about it and making a list, sorts of. no point either.

    rest assured, all the teams are much kind to us, releasing all this great stuff. I don't see why wouldn't they release more if they had more. my point is, lets give these guys more time, have some faith and they won't disappoint. they haven't so far, it's been awesome, c'mon!
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  6. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Thumbs up, since making drums punchy should not make them too resonant.
  7. Pink Woof

    Pink Woof Member

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Dazeon have you just thumbed up your own post? well done, old boy.
  8. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    fuck me this place aint changed much
  9. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    That says a lot coming from an immortal being.
  10. funtime

    funtime Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    it's no surprises for me if i don't see a Cubase released, because things like Cubase are proved extremely hard to crack
    what surprised me the most was i didn't see any cracks for My Magical Daw v1.0 and My Super Synth v1.1 :dunno: eventhough the only copy protection is sending a matching nude :woot:
  11. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    We already have way more than we know what to do with and all without having to pay for it for an "extended trial".

    That being said I'm surprised Falcon hasn't been released, thought they were saving it for the holidaze.
  12. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    Deep gratitude for Audioutopia R2R Hex etc. etc.. For Mac users, however, for a long time, there are great absences. For example: Softube, Plugin Alliance, Slate Digital. They exist for PC but for mac older versions only. And since we are talking about very expensive bundle, the opportunity to thoroughly test the cracked versions, before thinking about a purchase, has always been a panacea especially for people who haven't deep pockets. This is a shortcoming that weighs heavily, of course if we compare to inexpensive softwares. If for example we examine Tokyo Down Lab, which is not very expensive, we might note that ther'are updated releases for PC but not for Mac, and this is not 'a big deal just because we are talking about a great developer, in terms of quality, who, flies with low prices, and then it's therefore more easily supportable. Although still I not really understand why this kind of releases are viewed on PC but not for mac. So sometimes I wonder, by the way, if it's really a matter of hostile soft/hard protections or there is a very clear political motivation that pushes the stream of this releases to go very late on mac?
    Perhaps there isn't a clear truth on this argument
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
  13. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Upates on those applications which figure out music theory and write lyrics for me. I feel that the songs that the current versions write for me are beneath my level or don't really reflect "where I am" at this stage of my musical development.
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  14. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    As I expected nothing there's no reason to be disappointed. In fact, I'm glad we got something "extra".
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  15. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Looks like R2R dropped some belated Christmas presents off this evening!! Thank you @R2R & @Horsemen
  16. Pepsentido

    Pepsentido Noisemaker

    Jan 1, 2017
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    I strongly believe that we've got more things that we will ever dream to have thanks to these guys, I can't show enough appreciation to these guys because they've made our dreams come true (even though those dreams are virtual)
    I only want you all to do one only thing, show respect by learning and using every tool they have given us till boredom.

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
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  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    as always probably way more has come down the pike in 2016 alone , than I could possibly use in a lifetime..
    it's pretty much a giant and constant smörgåsbord imo.... never really been the type to feel I just couldn't live
    without this or that plug being available, when there is always something available more or less suited to the task

    thanks to all the teams, contributors, mods and admins et al.. was a wild 2016.. looking forward to the 17 :wink:
  18. Pink Woof

    Pink Woof Member

    Dec 30, 2016
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    speaking of UVI libraries, wasn't Ultramini cracked by R2R a few years ago?
  19. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I was surprised the vast majority of releases were still updates. I kinda thought the ban on us was lifted.
  20. LALALA

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    And you know, I just remembered about not software, but about samples - I really waiting Samples From Mars - All the Drums bundle .