Which drum VST are you using?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Henri9009, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    All depends upon what works for you and your type of music.
    Different tools for different jobs.

    Personally I use Superior Drummer. Fits my needs well and is more usable to me than similar kits I'v tried.
    However that being said there a lot of other options i.e Giest is under-rated as a tool.
    Not a huge fan of AD2 tho it pretty good.

    BFD 3 is way the most organic sounding but the interface isn't to my taste and it's buggy. The whole FXPansion experience is messy really though they make some cool stuff.

    Battery is cool if u spend some time with it.
    Maschine offers so much versatility and many of the 3rd party enesembles etc u can get for Reaktor can do some crazy stuff with.

    Kontakt kit's in general are huge on cpu and not very great imo but others get great results so no rules etc

    Try maybe sequencing your own beats in a sequencer with a high quality 909 kit or something.

    Loads of options and best to try them all and see what suites your needs/genre best
  2. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I have SD2, EZdrummer 2 AD2, SSD4 Battery 4 and RMX. I write mostly in EZ drummer 2 pull the completes drum track midi into Cubase and depending on what im going for i use a combination of 2 different ones. straight up rock ill use for songs AD2 or SD2. electronica gets Battery 4 and RMX. I have the Kontakt libraries as well but never really used them. The toontrack stuff is my goto for most things though.
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