Which DAW like Really now.....

Discussion in 'DAW' started by mfx, May 25, 2012.

  1. mfx

    mfx Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Greetings from South Africa.

    Right lets dive right into it. Finally switched from Pc to Mac. Now the hunt for software begins. I can't use my favourite tool Cubase 5. The only thing I have right now is Reason 5.

    The story is I need a DAW to replace Cubase as my Slave Master for Live and Reason. I can't even get my Halion One back, sigh. So what I have downloaded so far(limited bandwidth) is Waves Mac, Fabfilter. I don't want any other processors at this stage really.

    I know mac and Logic are best buddies and it's the tool to beat. So what about cubase mac...What about studio 1. Afterall this "main DAW" will be handling mixing basic drum and whatever instruments it can take, I just need its "SOUND ENGINE" to be Boss. Like when I went from using ableton live to using cubase, Wow the sound quality leaped.

    Now...I know people will say "whatever is comfortable" but I've been learning DAWs and am comfortable with them for my workflow now I just want the round up from you guys. I know mac is better for Production *period* I can hear the results. My PC round up is as follows ... 1) Cubase 2)Reason 3)Live 4)FL Studio....now that I'm on mac what can I really put time into.

    I'm using midi mostly little audio

  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Live IMO.

    and if your getting a difference in sound quality between Live and Cubase, you're not using Live correctly.

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    Of course I would say Logic...
  5. mfx

    mfx Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    CUBASE SOUND ENGINE IS BETTER THAN LIVE SOUND ENGINE.....Might be the summing technology but its just there. *no*
  6. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Use Logic Pro with confidence, there is nothing better!!!
    Download Logic from audioz and live happily.
    Good luck...
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Bollocks :)
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    thats true. there are no differences in the sound btw every daw. maybe FL cause its still using internal 16bit summing.
    well i would go for logic and ableton. you can rewire them.
    logic has better default synths imo and ableton the better workflow.
  9. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    LOGIC is still the best for me! :wink: *yes*
    The good thing is that you can import songs or sketches made with Garageband +it doesn't use VST's which often are bad cracked!
  10. mfx

    mfx Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Take a kick place in in cubase 0 db.....do the same for Live.....does it sound the same. NO!! Live kick is weaker. Explain this to me then.... :wink:
  11. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    +1000 :wink:

    May we have to expose again...

    ... and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again...

    ...scientific evidences ?

    Or can we go straight to the only real issue to be discussed : "Which DAW will be the most comfortable to use with my new (f.....g too expensive) toy ?".
  12. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Everything is explained in this thread : http://audiosex.pro/index.php?/topic/120-which-sequencer-do-you-guys-use/page__p__731__fromsearch__1#entry731

    A short extract :

    Here is the article written by the guy from Ableton :

    "The whole "audio engine" thread is a myth. I know that you are not going to believe this, but maybe then you should read some basic books about computer music. It will not only help understanding digital audio but also give tons of ideas about what to do with all these great tools !!!!!

    Digital A versus Digital B:

    In case 1 it is obvious that there are huge differences. An analog mixer contains some hundred transistors and each of them has a nonlinear transfer curve. The result is very complex distortion. On a good mixer some engineer did a great job adjsting the circuits in a way that this nonlinear behaviour sounds great. Also each D/A converter has an analog side and the same rules apply for it. Playing back a mix using one stereo converter will sound different from playing back each track with it`s own converter and then adding the resulting signal in a mixer.
    We do not need to discuss here that there is a difference since this is obvious.

    A summing bus in software is:

    A* a + B * b + ...

    and if this is done with 32 bit or more the potential error is very low. Each software using 32 bit floating point math sound the same in this regard. Filters are a complete different issue. There are lots of concepts and they all sound different. Same goes for other DSP processing algorithms like timestrech, sample rate conversion etc. But the whole "audio engine" thread is a myth. I know that you are not going to believe this, but maybe then you should read some basic books about computer music. It will not only help understanding digital audio but also give tons of ideas about what to do with all these great tools !!!!!

    A vew statements to sound quality of Live:

    1. the timestrech changes the sound. this is true for every timestrech.
    2. playing back a 44.1 kHz sample at any other sampling rate then 44.1 needs interpolation. this changes the sound. the HighQuality button allows for using a state of the art algorithm for this task if desired. the same is true for transposing a sample.
    3. playing back an unwarped 44.1 kHz at 44.1 Hz with no transposition and no gain change and no FX will result in an unchainged signal passed to the soundcard. this will sound 100% the same in each audio application.
    4. adding two or more sources in a digital system can result in slight differences if the system uses floating point or integers. most software use floats and i personally do not believe that anyone can actually hear the difference. Lives busses sound like any buss which does not contain EQ or compression.
    4. LiveĀ“s delays use the simplest possible algorithm. if you think they sound fine- cool, but they will not sound different in Reaktor or MAX/MSP or Protools.
    5. Live`s EQs in most cases are standard ones, nothing special but also not bad. you may or you may not like the sound, it may or may not be sufficient for your work, but that's why there are VST plugins giving you every kind of EQ you want. Some EQ`s in Live, like the Autofiler are using more sophisticated algorithms - more CPU, but more analog-like.

    Conclusion : especially filters and compression does sound very different in different DAWs and everything else does sound the same.

    Regards, Robert Henke / Ableton."
  13. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Without double blind checking and eliminating chance by a controlled test series your claim is worthless.

    Next on the agenda: Why Mp3s suck... ;)
  14. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Theres always one in the crowd.

    Try turning on Hi-Q & Complex pro algorithm in Live and compare that kick again.

    Then read what Gaga said...

    or.. read it first.

    Either way, you're wrong.

    Oh and.. Off with the tin hat. :grooves:
  15. malco

    malco Newbie

    Jan 7, 2012
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    nope in fl it's 32 bit float since years..
  16. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    A satisfied Reaper 4 user here.

    And I dont need apple's expensive machines, No thanks I run snow leopard on my AMD Music Daw workstation

    If a company can not make a product that runs good on both windows or mac then I am sorry that company are nothing but a bunch of morons .

    Look at Motu they are finally seeing the light or end of mac pro lights as Apple can't be bleeding money just to keep the mac pro's going.

    Apple is dumbing down Logic and Final Cut , don't even get me started on them removing the pro features from Final Cut X, what a fucked up move that was. All it did was studios got pissed off and moved to Avid runnig Dell or HP XEON workstations.

    The writing is on the wall apple is not a computer company anymore, they even changed their company name to Apple Inc.

    Anyone who is smart knows fully well if you are a company coding Mac apps, or apps geared towards desktop mac's I hope you do what Motu is doing.. Getting the fuck out of the mac pro side. Motu Digital Performer 8 on windows 7.

    I feel sorry for the Mac users who kept apple alive all these years to then get stabbed in the back like this is wrong and pathetic.

    Don't worry eventually this cell phone nonsense will cool down and then apple yet again will need help from the Mac users again or fuck them again

    By the way it was Microsoft who saved Apple's from Bankrupcy
    And saying intel is shit for years and then looking like a fuckin jackass switching to them is unbelievable how mac users just went about it like nothing to see.. Mac users get a brain man Apple lied to you for years and here you are know running the same processor that apple said was shit ... pathetic

    have a good one, I know I will, running snow leopard and windows xp/7/ linux all of them if I want on my own machine not what apple wants.

    If you can install windows one any machine you want with the hardware that you want and yet Mac OS ( I mean FREEBSD) can't? that means that MAC OS is a piece of shit.
  17. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    You're 100% right. Apple is now targeting the large audience ; they are moving from pro customers to noobies (everything is sooooooo simple with a Mac...).
    That's a very clever move - from a business point of view -, but many of the pros I know are switching to PC.
    All is said...

    That's what I said to Apogee...
  18. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    OMG.. that gives me a great idea.. Lil' Macs.. that you can wipe your ass with :rofl:
  19. DJ_Digital

    DJ_Digital Newbie

    Nov 20, 2011
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    as for daw on mac -

    studio work includes instruments- logic
    post production pre-master- legit pro tools 8 or 9 with dongle
    mastering- waves and t-racks
    mixing music- traktor S-4 with the contoller
  20. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Dan,

    At a first glance, you hate and don't stop to swearing against Apple, therefore you use one of their OS : Snow Leopard !
    Somewhat contradictory, don't you think ?
    The luck that you have, nowadays, is to be able to get running an Apple OS in a PC (thanks to Hackintosh,... ). If it was not the case, I just can guess that you would already bought an Apple computer, isn't ?

    Morons ? Certainly not ! For that a product can be run 'properly' on different OS, these companies need to have in their Team, rather some staff able to program and make applications compatible among different OS. All the companies/developers are not necessarily so skilled for that task... By the way, I'm very curious to see (and test) your own 'homemade' applications, in case you have done some... As say an adage : 'more easy to say it than do it !'

    Here, there's nothing to do with audio and less with music... just with commercial, economical and legal issues.
    Just for your info in case you don't know it : 'Inc.' is the acronym of 'Incorporated', that explains a certain company status toward the laws of the country where the company is registered as such, and in any case this means that Apple is not more a Computer company, a contrario as this happens often with companies that emerges as Trust, Multinational Companies,... with very often a Parent Company, these tend to diversify their activities in various fields. It seems to me that's what happens with Apple since several years now, isn't ? Even more, the fact that Apple is now registered as an 'Incorporated' company certainly give it some taxes advantages in its location and is certainly one of the main reasons of this change, without even talking about its economical growth...
    So, you can still think these are all 'morons'... but I rather think that Apple's Management Team & Economics Department are all but stupid people !... Just check the price of one of its share in the Stock Market and above all, their market capitalization !!!

    Here also you're lucky... The reason is quite simple : Microsoft Windows is what it always was, simply an OS !
    Now just imagine that Microsoft (through the mind of Bill Gates) in place to just sell its OS have also started selling its own 'Microsoft' computers, what would have been your reaction ? I bet with you that your reaction would be the same that you show now with Apple, isn't ? I can just imagine you saying : "Microsoft Computers are... " !

    Therefore, and this is my personal opinion, a good part of your speech is totally contradictory... and your last sentence prove it once again :

    ...but despite that, you continue to use Snow Leopard OS ! Something is wrong here...

    A last word is related to all these audio pro companies (as MOTU,... ) that were mainly oriented toward MAC OS, at least in their debut. At the time that many of these companies have emerged on the market, MAC OS was certainly one of the most stable OS you could found around (based on UNIX, hey, hey !)... nothing to compare with Windows 95, 98, Plus, Millenium..., so I think more than logical that an audio company who consider itself as 'professional' and produces professional equipments is naturally inclined to work only with OS in which it can completely rely and that are mainly oriented toward professional users. This has changed with the advent of 'Windows XP Pro', certainly the first Microsoft OS more or less stable and worthy of this name...

    By the way, I'm mainly a PC user ! *yes*
  21. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    So tell me why Apogee decided to drop ASIO drivers and became Apple's vassal company ? I've asked them when I was seeking for a portable audio interface - I found their DUET very sexy - but I never received any reply. I believe they've thought that PC customers would follow them and move to the Mac, but they were wrong : I'm now a proud owner of an RME audio interface... still on Windows.
    As I said, many pros are moving now to Windows because Apple's software marketing crew is targeting amateurs.

    Conclusion : Apogee are morons.