Which DAW is best at handling lots of effects and plugins with low footprint at the same time?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by farao, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    @Herr Durr , before you decide to sell cubendo :winker:
  2. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I stand Corrected \m/ FLS is one DAW ive never dug into but one day wen i get time ill dive into it check it out more \m/ i know one my bro's @subGENRE uses it so yeah i need to dig in more... guess the reason i have never used it much is i do mostly audio recording/mixing BUT>>> i do use alot of kontakt an other Samplers too so \m/
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
  3. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Go to where the Plugins DLL file is installed you will see its xml document near the plugin>>> this is for Acqua's an Nebula plugins >>>open it in Notepad and scroll down till you see the Buffer change it to what you want hit save and thats it ;) >>> most Acustica Audio plugins are set to 1024 by default so if you are using a different buffer in your DAW it will not be stable>>> lol alot of people write off Acustica Audio plugins because they give them alot of problems while mixing>>> this buffer problem will address those issues and give you alot more stable performance with Acustica products \m/ theirs alot of other lil tweaks can be done too to get more out of Nebula an Acqua >>> but anyway hope this helps a brother \m/ and as always Happy mixing ;)
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
  4. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    See this is what ive been talkin About>>> everyone says reaper is the best for performance BUT on my new build its just not true.... I believe it is all a factor of what machine you are using and what plugins/synths you are running... i wana add that some of the Plugins/synths/fx i use are more stable in one DAW to another>>> some things run better in Sonar>>>some run Better In Cubase>>> and Some Run better in Reaper = its all bout the way they handle the code \m/ Cubase is top Notch and it handle most synths really well \m/
  5. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
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    I made the same projects in a lot of daws, just to find one to stay, becuase i'm a cubase user for years, and i hate the new updates, so i always trying to find something better. Cubase 9 is so slow compared to others, i have to buy a better video graphic for it, but i a also want to use it in laptops. But, is still better than all of them :/.
    My PC is a 3930k extreme with 40gb ram.
    Reaper have so much good things and future, but need to improove the base code, cubase has a solid base code but need to hire a new designer with a modern vision. Also stop to put things that nobody cares, All companies should stop investing in vst's and sample ibraries man.
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    So cubendo performs better with ryzen?Is there a big difference regarding the asio meter on a big project?Compared to your i7?
  7. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
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    Cubendo with Asio Guard has better Asio Performance than reaper, cubendo without Asio Guard is worst, that's the thing. Asio Guard was implemented on cubase 7. At same time Asio Guard has a slower playback, becuase it calculates everything before start to play. The equivalent to this in reaper is called "Antecipative FX processing". Witch also makes the playback slower, but is the only way to work.
    Cubase 5 x64 is the fastest version, but doesn't allow so big projects because of absence Asio Guard.
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  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    With heavy cpu vst fxs (nebula) I always get better performance with reaper and samplitude over cubase (pro 9) like most people btw... Asio guard or not with my CPU (I7 6700K), on my setup it's always the case. The difference with heavy load is striking, cubase is way behind, it chokes a lot earlier than those two other daws. I still use it a lot,CPU performance is not all, it's very stable and it has a lot of functionnalities that are practical, but its cpu handling isn't the best imo.
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I am not interested in a comparison with reaper, since i dont use it, i am interested in a comparison with two different pcs and one daw, cubase. ryzen vs i7, same heavy project.
    Cubase 5 is great, but a lot slower to work with than cubase 8 or 9, lacks a lot of tools, but still, 5er is great on its own.
  10. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @Jaymz , thanks for the Nebula info. I'm getting ready to experiment with timed kernels as well. I'm hoping to switch to timed kernels, unfreeze, refreeze tracks, and then bounce to see what differences I can hear. I'll do the buffer settings first to make sure they match. Should match buffer settings on the ASIO panel of the soundcard driver as well as in Sonar's Audio preferences, correct?
  11. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    The CPUs are the cars, the daws are driving. And were just clinging to the hood holding on for dear life. Even if it kills us, lol
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
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  12. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Sometimes, my DAW makes me feel like a kid being pulled around by my parent's hand in the Wal-Mart!
  13. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Im gona go deeper in comparison between sonar, Reaper and Cubase on same projects using same plugins/fx/synths this weekend cause ill have some free time and ill give my verdict on this with i7 5820k vs Ryzen 800x >>> \m/
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  14. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    yes match playback buffer settings in sonar with soundcard \m/ i keep my recording setting @ 128 always in sonar an most times buffer on playback 1024 but if its really heavy i may go up to 2048 buffer ;) also i use timed kernels up to 50ms on things like some of my favorite console's and things can add alot of dimention/depth open the sound up bigger wider>>> its a heavy hitter on the cpu but even timed @20 to 30 ms will yield huge changes to the sound... best used for me on Busses or Master track>>> you will really hear what its doing on a master buss \m/ try it on the master channel ! \m/
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
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  15. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Absolutely. I moved all the 2 bus processing to hardware when I was doing my analog summing experiments, and left it that way because the hardware added something I couldn't get in the box. But I'm in need of some eq's on the 2 bus, and my only hardware eq is a Gemini which I'm sure isn't even worth hooking up. Been wanting to test the Massive Passive from Olonga. I'll try running it timed. Thanks much for the tips.
  16. Sniv

    Sniv Ultrasonic

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Mixcraft & Reaper.
  17. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Massive Passive from Alex B or Tim P's Surge EQ \m/ i have the hardware to the Surge EQ >>> its a GML 8200 >>> its killer for mastering EQ >>> i sent the Nebula version across the street for PiRAT to share if you dont have it get it \m/ its almost identical to my hardware cause its a very clean EQ ;)
  18. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Yep. I do not anyone that does not use either Pro Tools with DSP accelerated cards/what used to be Pro Tools HD, That mostly any studio including some very well equipped home/project studio setups too, Usually all are focused on demanding multi-track recording and mixing.
    The others that are mainly focused on scoring using big orchestral libraries tend to go for Cubase along with one (or sometimes more) additional machines running most of the heavy stuff via VSL's VSL Ensemble Pro for it's MIDI and Audio over LAN ability - A very good solution and enables them to control everything from their main machine running Cubase. Also it does not hurt that VSL's orchestral libraries happen to be very, very good and their plug-ins are also really quite good/ideal for using with their instruments and any others for that matter.

    Either way is more expensive than a one machine setup of course and both the bastard price increases if needing to upscale, Yet the results are undeniable. A few use IZ technology's RADAR which is again bastard expensive but as close to a tape machine as it gets, It sounds awesome also.

    Still for the majority of us a dedicated audio machine that has been stripped of any/all superfluous crap to optimize results along with a laptop for online stuff, general other tasks and also sometimes doubling as a stripped down, portable version of what we run on our audio machine's for location and live sound capturing duties is plenty/easily covers our asses for our needs and if not on occasion then it is far more cost effective to rent/book a day or afternoon in a more equipped studio for the times when the home setup and usually even more important a factor, The space needed is necessary. Once you use a place often/become friendly/on good terms with the people that run it then you get better deals, Meet other like minded people and engineers along with more opportunities for work arrive, That is why I think it's important for commercial spaces to remain open and support local whenever possible.

    a thousand tracks, That is definitely not what I would expect of Ableton Live as much as I really like it, Hell personally I've never got anywhere remotely close on a fully maxed out Pro Tools HD setup in a "real" studio. I'm not saying I can not see why such a track count may well be needed/wanted by some people, It's just I can not fathom having to deal with navigating that many tracks, Naming them...etc. would take me at least a day ;+)

    Cheers OBKenobi, All the best your way and to all as always :wink:

  19. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Not anymore, Ive really tried to though, more than once. Made a couple tracks in it too. But Ableton is where I can fly and reaper is my recording workhorse because comping is nonexistant in Live. With FL I found that I spent way too much time flipping back and forth between windows and patterns. What a mess. Just not for me. Keep all the eyecandy
  20. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Have to lol at the post and also comment on yet another epic profile picture change, You sure know how to pick 'em my friend, I've not seen Best of the Best or BOTB 2 in ages, Which reminds me to do so soon. I remember just after I'd started high school, first year, A very close friend to this day had a birthday party sleepover which was a new thing to me as at primary school I'd only stayed over at two still to this day very close friend's houses. Anyway there was like 12 of us, We went bowling or some shit and then cracked out Best of the Best, Long story short we all started fighting but had to stop when this tiny guy, like almost a midget got choke slammed by a kid about three times his size...Good old days they we're and lessons we're learned the hard way, Safe spaces and trigger warnings...etc. didn't exist and no one got a medal or trophy just for taking part ;)

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