where's R2R !!?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Geek Music, Aug 4, 2017.

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  1. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Yeah @Mykal, why don't you provide him an insight to your bank account and your Bitcoin Wallet? :dunno::rofl:
  2. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    No disrespect as I don't know your personal situation but you appear to be confused in certain areas :yes:
    In general people such as @subGENRE do speak the truth -
    Reason being as they know as they are in touch with the people that do know.
    They also are in general the people that make these releases happen :yes:
    That means when they tell you what is real then take it as for real.
    There is NO R2R language and what exactly do you mean by that statement?
    What also do you mean regarding SynthMaster and a key? :dunno:
    You mean a license file that may or may not be tied to a certain designated CPU/machine etc?
    Do you know just how difficult and complex it is in the case of SynthMaster and the protection involved.
    I can tell you that SynthMaster/expansions was "crackd" years back but it wasn't R2R :no:
    Also, R2R doesn't stop reversing beause of people making money? They just do it anyway & keep it internal & pass it on to those they trust or whoever they choose to do so.
    SO people being greedy & feeding themselves doesn't stop anything apart from maybe R2R feeding the general public. So these money makers are limiting YOUR access towards warez.
    Doesn't inconvenience myself one iota but it upsets me and if i as in say your position maybe i try and stop the 3rd party leeches.
    Up to you really i guess :dunno:
    As I stated WHY on earth should you be allowed to post ANY mirrors hatsoever on ANY R2R or other release? Did you supply them? Did you reverse it? Did you bring it to the table? Do you host a website that provides links and PAY for hosting and bandwidth? - I didn't think so :no:

    First off Horsemen doesn't make money. He's an amazing guy who is so dedicated and driven.
    He is chosen by R2R themselves to supply you. I don't care what links are premium & BTW Horsemen ALWAYS provides great free links on several hosts that always are free so what is your problem here?
    Normally there is Uploaded, Rapiddgator, Rockfile & several others.
    I don't understand what the problem is?
    Is simple really, Use his links and support him & R2R. Any money that he makes is put straight back in the system and that buys releases? Its common sense?

    Don't talk shit about You haven't lived it because that applies to everyone and I have been there done that. That's just an excuse.

    Yeah Fozzy is a great guy doing a real kind thing BUT where the fuck do you think Fozzy gets his releases from?
    Let me tell you it's ALWAYS released here first.
    It's then just downloded and re-upped to Demonoid in a different packaging. Yeah torrents may be cool and handy but do torrents pay any money back? Does Fozzy buy more releases and supply the scene?

    SO as I said by using those torrents etc you are inadvertently taking money from the guys that should be paid and limiting supplies and future releases. So wherever you are able try and maybe give back a little by using those links to help pay the guys that should be paid.
    Let me tell you for certain, the system is making complete sense. However it sometimes needs guys to help out a little and lend a hand. The system sometimes also gets pissed off and occasionally it turns round and says Fuck you.

    When guys like Mykal tell you what is what then take it for granted that's how it is. Do the right thing and whenever you are able help out a little by using some common sense
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  3. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Want to emphasize this, because it's really important
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
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  4. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    @Kloud You're really good at explaining things, if not the best :wink: On the other hand I'm afraid that @Prime Wave is only here to court up Mykals (and maybe some other peoples) resentment. I sense a lot of professional trolling techniques / manipulative manner lately. As SG pointed out in the epic snowflake battle thread, it's some kind of victim mentality combined with deliberate provocation. Original topics and questions are never relevant for their arguments. Could also be the industry trying to destabilize our outlaw(ish) community. Maybe they are trying to build a front group to deceive poor leechers and get them to stand up against AS. :yes: :winker:
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  5. PrimeWave

    PrimeWave Newbie

    Jul 23, 2017
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    How limited your mind can think.

    Means you are saying what they always say. But I have my own opinions.

    I mean, that release is also for all Teams including R2R so that they can work on it. They can use that release to make their own release of Synthmaster which can work for everyone.

    I know. That was brilliant work by Hexwars, a very missed Mac team.

    That's the problem majority has to face because of few greedy people.

    I support it. But whenever I don't have money to buy Realdebrid premium service, I go to fozzy's uploads. I know he is taking releases from here and then releasing them on torrent site. Which is IMO huge work because not everyone can afford premium accounts. Torrents are always appreciated. USA is not center of this world. There are many other currency which have very less value and people have to think to buy a premium account of only 9 euro for 3 months. You have to understand it.

    Why on earth R2R is cracking softwares and releasing them illegally? They are doing for us, aren't they? I think cracked software is for everybody. That's my point of view. And limiting warez to a group of people is not a good thing to do. I know they cracked it and they'll do whatever they want. They're the only group and they know they'll be treated as God whatever steps they take.

    I have nothing against him. He is doing the best work. Only his and Olymoon's releases are the best because they don't limit us to RG and UL only just for money. Only had problem with Fantastic but that's a different story. One word for him - Greedy.

    Again, all money is going back in the system, then why R2R is having problem? I believe Horsemen is doing great work but not everyone is like him.

    Don't get offended by my words. I don't mean to harm you in any way. But believe me, situations vary from country to country in this world.

    You don't have to use abusive words. I haven't said anything like that to you. :cheers:

    I know. It's not about from where you get stuff. It's about if you are paying for cracked softwares or not.

    This is the greedy part of system. For a huge team like R2R, it's their responsibility to provide their releases to everyone for free. Because warez are for everyone, not only for those who pay for it. That's why I miss Team AiR and those days. :cheers:
  6. I just now saw this...nice eye for the out of the ordinary!
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  7. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    When you posted the original I could instantly imagine how disciplined they trained every day for that contest and I absolutely wanted to see the whole performance up to the point (right before the end of the performance) when they form the 3 magic chars. :)
    Thank you @lerkjurk
  8. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Spoken by someone who has never supplied I presume. I have never and will never pay for warez period. Realdebrid? Try oboom.com, its free. Use the remote upload feature to add peeplink links. Download multipe filehosting links at the same time with no file size or time restrictions. Just one of many services. You sir are the one who is mistaken. Did you ever use the scene release of ezkeys 1.*? (and other apps and packs I wont mention) you're welome....
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
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  9. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Im my experience R2R language is poorly translated engrish with bad grammar. lol

    "All your base are belong to us"

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  10. PrimeWave

    PrimeWave Newbie

    Jul 23, 2017
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    :wtf:This is the safest sentence you can say to anybody who raises an issue. You gain respect. I am not here for politics and I am not here for likes. I am not speaking against any team. We are here because of them. I just want old days back. Those Team AiR days. It's hard to see less and less releases of warez. I am not the bad guy here. I was just here for discussion. And it helped me a bit. I asked something and haven't got exact answers. Maybe there are no answers. I know my way of asking wasn't good.
  11. Cafenegro

    Cafenegro Member

    Jun 2, 2016
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    R2R is making money from cracking software: the money paid by download sites (that's why they don't want mirrors or leeches) and private agreements with certain plugin developers (those who are willing to pay 'protection money', like Plugin Alliance). They have 'internal releases' because not everything needs to be made available to the public - for business reasons.

    Let's not be gullible: it's a business. That's all.
  12. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Have you ever had someone click on your dl site link? it pays like google adsense. They got an extra bag of rice this week. The ones who are the loudest are the ones who have never been there, or butthurt devs that dont realize that most of us actually buy the stuff we use when we can afford it. A sale is a sale no matter what. I dont have a real studio or even a real release, Im just a hobbyist with an iLok2 and a lot of legit licenses. IJS
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
  13. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    That's depends upon what questions you are asking I guess but there is always an answer to the question.
    Whether that answer is righteousness and the answer you desire is a different question I suppose :bow:

    I think to a certain degree we are all gullible :yes:
    All you can do is stand up for what you believe in what you think real and stand up and do something about it in a real world sense I guess :bow:
  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    To me it's the golden, rainbow, unicorn, utopian age of music tech, right here right nao. Think of the stuff that we've had in teh last year. Christ, think of the stuff we've had in the last month!
  15. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    yeah but we didnt get that one vst/daw/samplebank/kontakt instrument so the rest doesnt count anymore meh!!

    goddamn whiners
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  16. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    I'd bet if one counts the amount of Z, it hasn't changed much. I would even say there is more than ever. Has anybody counted?
    There is no cubendo anymore but now there is PT. It would be utterly wrong to rely on stuff from a place where you don't know what comes next (this is another good reason to buy the software you use btw). Things always change over time. In our realm it is mostly copy protections and the people who want to know how it was done.

    Utopia is always a place in the past which isn't there anymore. It can be very unhealthy to want the old days back. One should not ask for that. And that is exactly what you did. All that paradAZ talk only lures believers.

    Reminds me of an article I just read about news addiction. Questions about the whereabouts of the 3 Magic Chars may derive from a primitive behavioral instinct—surveillance gratification-seeking, or the urge that drove our cave-dwelling ancestors to poke their heads out and check for predators. In times of perceived crisis, our brains cry out for information to help us survive. And some cry out for Cubendo.. :)

    So f....n get your brain chemicals under control!
  17. PrimeWave

    PrimeWave Newbie

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Mind your words. :dont:

    Really, you can even bet on that?? Go check yourself. Huge difference if you compare 2017 with 2015. Don't bet without knowing anything.
  18. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Oh geez...
    I always do. That's why I even censored myself :bleh: I think you might take yourself a bit too serious?!? Don't you get a simple joke? Are you on detox or something?
    I said I would bet, which is anti-factual subjunctive. In fact I don't bet.

    So, let's talk about quantity. (And reduce it to R2R releases, otherwise it gets crazy..)
    In 2015 there were about 900 releases until august.
    In 2017 there were about 650. So you had the right feeling there.:like::like:
    You should've betted on that. :winker:

    But since we never talked about specific dates, shame on you for bad rhetorics and (kindergarden like) overdramatizing behaviour. If you are going to argue again with me in such manner I will ignore you. I think your posts may be read as their only purpose is to complain about too few releases. :dunno:
    Want to do something about it? Go, buy, supply!

    Btw. What I would have betted on was rather the total amount of Z released since 2015 until now.
    And there were about 3300! R2R releases since january '15
    A bit more than 50% of their total RLS-count in 2 1/2 years. (They are around since beginning of 2012)
    So, shame on me for not betting on the wrong thing. :deep_facepalm:
    And shame on R2R for such a low RLScount in 2017.:knock::rofl:BS intended

    I really don't want to argue anymore with you because I think nothing good will come out of it. If you want to, it is your turn to provide some facts instead of inept complaining.

    To me and I'd bet not only to me, you really sound like a greedy catholic bast....d. :thumbsdown:
  19. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    my heart with r2r. stupid nk.
  20. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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    I really think it's over with R2R. They are sick from all these suckers who are stealing their cracks. They are releasing all the stuff for themselves from now on!!
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