When did the music die for you?

Discussion in 'Music' started by armyofone, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. orgcha

    orgcha Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Jackass Flats, Arizona, USA, earth
    I don't know when 'music' died but rock n roll was brutally murdered and thrown in a ditch. The culprit was DISCO!
    There HAS been an occasional decent band to come along from time to time but R&R as a whole died in the 70's.
    Of course, this is just my very humble opinion.
    Johann Sebastian Bach would probably say music died the day Beethoven was born.........
  2. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    This track definitely deserves label 'Epic', it's so dynamic it's hard to imagine such in context of today's overcluttered industry.
    This music sounds alive, and still is. Denean just released another album, and got my $20 for it *yes*
  3. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    my enthusiasm began to wane in 2005 I guess.
    IMO music began to become 'de-valued' by the general public, record labels, tv production companies etc.
    I do miss hunting through vinyl bins in the early 90's and then later receiving a nice shrink wrapped CD in the post.

    I wonder if the digital download generation value music today as much as the older gits like me used to? ...or maybe it's just my rose tinted specs getting all steamed up.
  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    music died when:
    1. Free access to all music had appeared. You can download toooo much music as you want. A lot of GarBage (GBs) of shitmusic, not too much good music
    2. Limiters and Maximizers had appeared - 0 dB peak, around 0 dB RMS.
    3. "Trap" had appeared and a lot of ElectroHouse sh*t (since 2004 up to NOW)
    4. Skrillex and Martin Garrix had appeared, and The Prodigy are not popular now as these two little guys.
    5. Justin Beaver and Selena Gomeless had appeared.
    5. Space, Jean Michel Jarre, Enigma etc. had gave up music/ gave up TO COMPOSE GOOD MUSIC.
    6. PC-based home studios had appeared and they have been developing. NO GEAR (only PC, cheapest soundcard with promoted good adc/dac, $150-MIDI keyboard (with 10000knobs/faders/controllers), 1-2 Hard Synths (for "to be phatt as The Prodigy and Depeche Mode"), Mic+Preamp, Monitors, headphones, DAW+EDITOR+VST+VSTi+SAMPLES+READY PRESETS). All sounds now more "homely", "computerly semi-analogly", compressed and LOUD. Pro studios are not actual now, but "electronic home shit" for clubs and subwoofed-cars are dominant, than "really studio recorded good music".
    7. When Spire, Sylenth, Massive, u-he, d16 Lush had appeared with gigabytes of soundbanks
    7. When I had become a musician/engineer...................
    8. When Apple appeared with iOS synths, iTunes (which wants to replace nowadays mastering with these artificial low-quality shitty "toy-mastering", it's worse than number 6 above in this list). Sorry, but it's true. Music diesssssssssssssssssssssssss........
    9.......................................(a lot of my words against nowadays music)

    don't think so???+
  5. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    When I got to 17,I'd assimilated enough to make my own and not worried what sounds were commercially pedalled, though used to hear good bands live, very good bands sometimes. I can still play some Frank or Van and be pretty glad those moments got captured, so those sounds will last a lifetime to me.
  6. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Well the problem is cultural for shure, but its comerce only again.
    For me music have the dutty to provoque the audience, otherwise is just a repetition. But tu do that the composer have to study a lot and always renewing...
    I believe that in the old good days there was some directors (label) that believe in music but today is just $.
    They truthly believe that ANY music can do the job, so they (the label) prefer newbees for free that sell the product with a lower % of $, And the job is done buy repeating the shit on and on. Thats ways I done my post.
    I study a lot of music (8looong years in the university) but it makes me a really sofisticated guy that connot survive into pop, because when I do pop everyone call it progressive :rofl:
    Obviuosly I study popular music, played with a lot of people, work lot in studio... but It doesnt matter because if you repeat shit sticks!!! :excl:
    See the libs in audioz? Mostly loops with really poor musicians... so we are the elite that listen shit and many thinks that glue is music?
    Well, the ones that uses only a filter with a playback are what?
    Sometimes I download video tutorials with shit stars or the magazines and NEVER learn something with them... just because if do not want stay out shit you will do just shit right?
    To good music and shit music can $, but the shit music is cheaper and stick easer on the ears...
    The resistence is futile :rofl:

    If today we have tree holes that make shit (the black one and the ears), but I think that someday the health of humanity will be so bad that they will need food music, as today we need organic food! So I am not a saudosit, I only believe that will take some time to evolve!!! *yes*
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    The day.... the music.... died...

    we were singin'......

    Bye Bye... Miss American pie...

    Music hasnt died, theres still some very tasty stuff out there for me.. its changed for DAMN sure

    What worries me is.. in 10 years will we still be hearing the same old tired build ups, filter sweeps and drops that have over permeated mainstream music these days?

    jesus i hope not... lIstening to 'Top 40' radio thesedays is awful, u can replace one song with another and hardly tell the difference stylistically.

    Anyway like I always say, a good melody and great vocal is what makes a good song, so as long as people are still being born.. both will continue to thrive.

    ....and in the end... we have all the music we grew up with and will always love...at our fingertips to play.. over and over and over...and over

    Think I'll go wear out my youtube playlist again... it makes me happy. :thumbsup: :grooves:
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