What's your philosophy regarding " Music theory?"

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Dec 10, 2019.


Is Music theory ( how music works) worth learning in your opinion?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Possibly

  4. Whatchoo mean? ( No such thing as how music works ) Foo.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    My point was that you're worth better than bragging about those numbers to proove your point.
    What matters is the content and you should focus on that.
  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I agree with that .
    But I look at the forum and the threads and their numbers to get little amount of info out of that in terms what people like to check out things like that It tells me about the forum and viewers.
    I don't think it's bragging , because I could have gotten poor numbers and gave up .
    But I mean about anything any topic .
    What people are interested in .
    And I look at threads with low views to see or Wonder why it is that all.
    The person said he didn't think listing out the music theory helps people so I said go look at the threads and their views.
    In that sense ( that's how I measure that.
    I've had threads that got low views in the past it shifted me to do things different.
    If I got low views it means I don't help people.
    I don't think that controversial or bragging.
    You have to measure your efforts being recieived .
    If I was bragging you would know my name my headshot my album with my name on it if be a actor that type thing.
    Not working and giving knowledge away for free and no way to take credit when it does help others in comes out in their music they get credit.
    I would be the worst narcissist ever lol.
    By those standards everything I'm doing is dead wrong .screw it I wouldn't need to study music at all
    Just focus on getting your name out there .
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Have you ever heard of ad-blockers ? I haven't seen an ad on AS since I'm there.:rofl:
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You're on a music creators forum. Any topic created that promesses to give skills or a magic wand to people to do their music perfectly will be viewed.
    That's what I get from observing the clicking habbits of our folks.
  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    There's this other consideration someone brought up , about YouTube videos .
    It's something I thought a lot about with my situation , but there is this aspect of people watch a video for say music edu and they just watch the video where as when they read my thread they actually have to participate with it create their own rhythms and even though I'm presenting something they are doing it and hearing and discovering the implications it much more helpful when you participate with it.
    So it's something I go back and forth a lot with about should I make videos.
    That what ad heesive don't get.
    If I present a Melody with 1 rhythm the viewer not going to try a bunch rhythms in their own .
    They'll play it that single rhythm and not expand to take the melody and instantly try it with 50 rhythmic variations .because in that context the rhythm is arbitrary .you want to do all the rhythms you can and explore them possibilities.
    Ad heesive thinking more about a chamber music background play exactly what's on paper but that's not the same as going through all the possibilities.
    I know you didn't sign up for that conversation sorry lol
  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    No MMJ it's actually very interesting.
    Here is a thought about your pertinent consideration.
    You've done some choices regarding your writting presentation of the informations you transmit. This form of writting isn't something I see elsewhere. You put it in this form in the hope that it will incite people to play and experiment with what they read. You've gone against the usual format of this writting presentation in order to provok something.
    Maybe you can find a similar way to incite YT viewers to appropriate themselves your content. I don't have any suggestions. But I'm saying think out of the box regarding the Video format like you did with the writing medium.
    Test ideas in your topics. I'm sure you'll think of something.
    But the strenght of hearing the things you write about isn't something to just put away. Hearing for musicians is more powerfull than written words. A video doesn't have to be a video of you. It can have both your writting on screen and some sound that comes with it.
    Just food for thought.
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  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    That's what I was thinking too .
    And thank you for your good ideas you really get it .
    I'm experimenting with claymation and 3d ideas and other visual but 3d dimensional ways where the information seems way to get visually then combined with hearing the sound.
    But I been trying artistic ways with the film making aspects also it's takes time .
    I'm always trying to make it seem easier less over whelming and more usable.
  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Awesome my man !
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I really want to work on things with people here and see if we can get everyone contributing
    Maybe a project like .
    " Open source music EDU thread "
    And someone makes video with a Melody
    5 people makes videos each with variations
    Or creating a orchestra where each person writes a part things like that.
    I havent figured out how to do it yet .
    Trying figure out how to get people let their wall down a bit to contribute with ideas .
    Edm open source orchrstra
  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yep. With some guidelines displaid in parallel as to why this and this choice was made in relation to theorical considerations, or as you put it : "the way music actually really works". :)
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    You got it , maybe we can get it to work out .
    I know the people are talented. ( But too hangry sometimes?) %)
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yep, there is bit of anger, or maybe just vivid disagreement that's transcended in agressivity.
    I'll let you in on a little secret : everybody has a theory upon music theory.
    I'm not talking about its content here, I'm talking about what it is, what status it has, what place it should have in the creative process.
    Creative process is a touchy subject. Tell creative people something else than their creativity drives their creation, wether they like it or not, and boom, everyone starts screaming stuff about freedom, next thing you know they'll be pulling out their Bill of Rights and saying "No to censorship". Funny stuff.
    No matter how knowledgable we are about this topic, we all have our own idea of what role it should play in music in general (read : other people music), what role it actually plays in our own music.
    We want to feel like inspired dudes, not some freaking theoricians, that thing ain't sexy.
    So when you start theorizing about music theory. Well....17 pages of debate so far. :)
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    :) Lol true.
    Yeah in my regular life the theory does not feel like a big part of things even though it's there it's like in the subconscious working when my focus really in the moment being creative. I just want other people to know what it's like to be free musically.
    When I teach people things in front of me the look on their face followed by " wow, Its not as hard or complicated as I thought " and the joy in their face when they finally relize that they can make music of the same caliber as the heroes they grew up loving .
    Like the next person I have had a lot of hardship in life no surprise there, but I really try to focus on the joy of expressing freedom in the present moment with playing music and to help assist ( because they do the heavy lifting ( others into seeing and believing it's not as hard as it feels like . ( You are a champion. Believe in yourself.)
  14. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    looks like adheesive drank the kool aid
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  15. Ah! The parrot speaks!!
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  16. Sadly this statement seems to echo what seems to be popular in the 21st Century in a large proportion of media. Sensibly people would wish to be attracted to good news, happy and interesting articles, insightful and pleasant topics. But no, for some reason in the news, forums and social media sites, people want speculation, attacking, deprecation, conspiracy theories, watching someone get torn down and bad news.
    I wish I was wrong but again sadly, neither the news or any form of social media seems to say any differently.
  17. Dislike? I can't believe you didn't use "nasty" How come you and MMJ are never online at the same time? Share the same computer? Same Brain?
  18. Maybe 3 pages of actual debate and views on music theory to be fair.
  19. the real Pict

    the real Pict Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Gaidheal wherever I am
    Crisis did you read Adheesive's post?If so what did you think of what he said?
  20. Ad Heesive has in my opinion always been incisive, authentic and knowledgable. He is far more articulate than myself. I believe he did what he was challenged to do which was to elucidate what he perceived to be errors in MMJ's style and approach to music theory. The fact that MMJ again attempted to ridicule, humiliate and bully rather than address the content says more about one of the individuals more than it does about the other.
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