What's the best way to slice samples and sequence them randomly?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by MrIrresponsibility, Jan 20, 2023.

  1. MrIrresponsibility

    MrIrresponsibility Newbie

    Jan 20, 2023
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    I've been interested in a technique used by Aaron Dessner (The National) in a lot of his songs and I need help to achieve it. I'm a beginner so I might be wrong but I believe it's some sample sliced by transient and sequenced randomly.

    One example I really like is the beginning of the song "Hoping Then" by Big Red Machine.

    I found this article where he mentions software called "Allovers Hi-Hat Generator" but that's custom. The song mentioned in the article using that is "marjorie" by Taylor Swift. (At the beginning like in Hoping Then)

    There's a lot of other examples, "happiness" by Taylor Swift also has it in the background near the end but in that case it's used with drum samples.

    What be would be the best/fastest way to achieve that?
    Is there any particular plugin I should use?

    If it matters, I'm using Reaper as my DAW.
  3. mondomorte

    mondomorte Producer

    Nov 24, 2020
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    Grava 4
    Best Answer
    This was very likely done using a granular processor of some kind. There are many free options out there for Mac and PC both. If you are on Mac, I recommend the free, standalone granulator MacPOD. Feed it some source audio and then experiment with the random variable, try reducing the amount of grain streams, play with the grain duration, etc. If you want harder transients, keep the grain window / envelope to a square and not a triangle.

    For a paid alternative, there are also many options. I've been enjoying Arturia's EFX Fragments. This one (as opposed to MacPOD, but similar to many others) can sync the grains / slices to the grid; it can cover a lot of rhythmic and melodic range. That should lead you on the right track.

    The other option would be to slice the audio yourself and rearrange it. This is obviously more work but it gives you way more control.
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  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    A lot of times I see very advanced EDM / Experimental approaches suspected of being how certain things were done; but it is a track by someone who has not the faintest interest in those kinds of techniques. It always turns out to be a very simple answer. Like Serato Sample in this one, as an example. A commercially available, non-obscure thing; often even a preset. js
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  5. b2d40c208e3cb7b741f2

    b2d40c208e3cb7b741f2 Ultrasonic

    Aug 23, 2021
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    If you are on REAPER and have SWS extension installed search action list for "Shuffle order of selected items". You can use Dynamic Split to auto-split after you drop a whole bunch of sounds on to one track. Might also find these scripts useful: https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=159961

    However a more intentional and straightforward way of doing this is with a sample sequencer with aleatoric capabilities. That is, you can provide probabilities of things happening. I've been using Geist 2 for this but it's no longer being sold so you'll have to acquire it some other way. If you don't want to go through the effort look for a sample-based drum/sample sequencer with probability. I don't have much experience with it but I looked at Playbeat and went back to Geist. I'm pretty sure it had some randomization.

    Could drive a drum rack with something like Hy-SeqCollection2 to provide the random element, I've enjoyed letting it run on a full Geist rack (monophonic so you'll need additional instances for polyphony). There's all sorts of sequencers and modulation what notes (which will trigger specific samples) play and when. Euclidean is really good for percussion. Take advantage of velocity and pitch shifting to add more variation.

    Along these lines, SugarBytes Nest can do not just random but generative sequencing but there's a steep learning curve if you're not familiar with modular processors (video tutorials available on YT).

    Might want to take a look at Glitchmachines Cataract and Tactic. They slice up loops not in a granular way but via tempo. Cataract multiplexes while Tactic is a phrase generator. If that doesn't make sense watch the "overview" video for each one. Since the article said it creates a ton of output they have to sift for gold from, this is closer in result. It's the new crate digging.
  6. Griff

    Griff Noisemaker

    Jan 7, 2021
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  7. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Output's Arcade (they have a random slicer for your personal libraries samples, with some fx you could use to sound design)

    Serato's sampler.

    Nothing else and i don't feel i need
  8. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    really easy thing to do on Bitwig and Reaper, have no idea about plugins that do that, perhaps Loopmix by Audiomodern
  9. panspOrmia

    panspOrmia Ultrasonic

    Sep 18, 2015
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    Renoise. Look no further.
  10. MrIrresponsibility

    MrIrresponsibility Newbie

    Jan 20, 2023
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    I think this is it. I've been playing around with Fragments and I can get a sound that's pretty close to those examples. You were right, granular it is!

    Sure, I was hoping it's gonna be a simple thing, that's why I was a bit disappointed when I saw the particular software he uses is custom and can't be found.

    I'm not particularly interested in EDM but those kinds of sounds, kinda random and glitchy, I like because are a great source of inspiration.

    Yeah, I tried using a sampler like Sitala with an instance of Stochas before randomizing the hits. It works great.

    Thanks a lot everyone! Solved.
  11. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    The Homepage mentions that:

    Allovers Hi-Hat Generator (in progress)
    2020 • Los Angeles, CA / Minneapolis, MN

    Algorithmic and generative audio sculpture tool. Collaboration with Ryan Olson.


    So there is a Chance it gets released some day.
  12. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Some samplers (even free ones like Shortcircuit 1 and 2) can have random LFO (re-triggered Sn'H LFO) assigned to velocity, which will randomize samples samples/breakbeat slices placed on different velocity layers. You can basically feed it a "one-note rhythmic sequence" which will trigger random slices. You can even randomize/humanize the MIDI that you are sending to the sampler. So it's random on both rythmic content as well as random sample being played.

    Edit: Do'h! You can ofc randomize pitch of MIDI (in your DAW) as well, if you rather have different slices on different notes/pads.

    Trackers (like Renoise, as mentioned) has randomize commands, which makes this really simple and quick.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2023
  13. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    MK Slicer
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  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This is probably best answer for the OP since he is using REAPER. Logic Drum Machine Designer is easily the best I have found for Wave-> Recycle style Hitpoint detection and midi generation. It creates a separate channel for each slice and automatically subgroups them. It loads each slice into it's own instance of the Logic Q Sampler.

    Once sliced, it's all key mapped on a sampler with a Midi generated to trigger the slice *channels* playback. Then you can just do your edits, humanize, and any other Midi Transforms non-destructively to the Midi data as randomly as you want. It is the fastest total solution to this I have used. Most others try to put their spin on it, and end up with quirks and nuances trying to be unique. When you only need breakbeat to hitpoint slicing, but with Midi data generated and available for editing instantly also; DMD is king. But the best option is the one where you do not have to leave your DAW.

    This Arturia EFX Fragments plugin mentioned by @mondomorte is very nice! if you want to just stick a plugin in the channel and go.
  15. SholandaM

    SholandaM Member

    Jan 18, 2023
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    You guys with your nice, positive answers are gonna make me cry. On other forums <cough - KVR - cough> he would've been told to Google his answer or comb through YT for his solution.
  16. MrIrresponsibility

    MrIrresponsibility Newbie

    Jan 20, 2023
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    I didn't know that! That's great!

    That's cool, I'm trying out Shorcircuit right now.

    I installed the script earlier and it works great! Just added it to my toolbar, thank you!

    It's great, I'll be using that plugin a lot.

    Honestly, I was a bit scared of posting for that reason, that's why I clarified in the first post that I'm a beginner.

    Once again, thanks everyone!
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Google is how someone ends up at those forums in the first place. Maybe install some malware along the way. :suicide:
  18. Uncle Daddy

    Uncle Daddy Newbie

    May 18, 2023
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    there are a ton of reaper options for this. also sugar bytes turnado, hy plugins slice, glitch machines cataract,audiomodern.. also- BreadSlicer, AudioBlast, Free VST plugin, glitch and stutter effect plugin