whats the baddest and the worst vst/vsti you ever did use or try ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Gyro Gearloose, Jan 28, 2020.

  1. acatnamedharmony

    acatnamedharmony Ultrasonic

    May 9, 2017
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    i was looking through this thread trying to remember all the different plugins I've had the pleasure of trying and possibly forgotten about & slayer was definitely up there as one of the worst sounding ones. It did have some practical uses for Goa type stuff from the 90s but yeah god that plugin really did sound like shit.

    Either way, just so I can add something to this

    ...I can think of the worst wavetable I've ever used & that's that yoi wavetable in Massive. There was like a 3 month period where every new dubstep producer & their mother was using it for bass patches. Dark times indeed!
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020
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  2. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Back on topic:
    A few years back I stopped using Waves stuff to master a track, having been a habit for over a decade, & just used TDR Nova and Kotelnikov GE, and Limiter 6 to finish.
    For some reason, all those tracks still sound good to me. I love these plugins.
    Nice to hear Dan Worrall also uses the word 'colour', as I do, in this vid! I know certain people here laugh at me and say the word doesn't mean anything, but at least I'm in good company! lol. I know what I mean!
  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    In these days when it's so easy to stubbornly refuse to be wrong, I'm redeeming myself.
    @Smoove Grooves, I was wrong with the bad-assest thing. Although I've seen it somewhere I searched for it and baddest is way more used.

    Ironically, guess where I most recently saw it:

    Enjoy the win... I'm not that humble usually... :rofl:
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  4. BlackWinny

    BlackWinny Platinum Record

    Aug 21, 2022
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    Very close to Paris, France
    Among the commercial plugins, I think the worst "virtual instrument" I've ever bought, as well for its sounds as for its GUI, was Sampletank 2.5. It is probably one of the best competitors for the worst virtual instruments league. And also you burned your eyes trying to read the lists on the panel, lists of blue letters on mid-blue background or of red letters on mid-red background, all that in a tiny interface.

    One of the worst commercial synths I ever tried was Poly-ANA, not for its sounds (which were not really bad but not really good either) but for its incredible GUI which is the best one to give a memorable headache. Building a patch on this GUI is a nightmare.

    The worst sounding commercial synth I ever tried is probably Stratum, by Sonivox. Certainly the champion in highly expensive synths. Some of the most memorable ugly sounds I ever heard in my life. And for a price which is not given. Within less expensive synths you have also Einklang, by Eisenberg. I had never heard such crappy sounds. Even Lo-Fi synths ring as Hi-Fi in comparison. These two synths are probably ex-aequo on the highest step of the podium. I would give another mustard medal for Twist, from Sonivox again. This "spectral morphing synthesizer" morphed between the sound of a vacuum cleaner and the sound of a percussion drill passing by the sound of a coffee grinder.

    One of the worst sounding commercial guitar gear I ever used is Guitar Rig. I can't understand how such "things" can be so popular. It has not bad effects (not especially awesome either) but it has the worst amps I ever heard in commercial plugins. Compared to some incredibly good sounding free guitar plugins (Emissary, ToneLib GFX, etc.) Guitar Rig is a joke, highly overpriced. My usual gear is a Boss GP10-GK multi-effect (& amp) pedal which is expensive indeed, but which deserves its price, and a VOX-VTX modelling amp (same price as Guitar Rig) and it's another league! And when I want to use my guitar on the DAW via a plugin I now use the new paid version of ToneLib GFX, quite cheap in price but way, way, way better than Guitar Rig in quality. It's the day and the night.

    The worst piano I ever tried was the Dorian Marko Piano. Absolutely impossible to make it sound as a true piano. And true pianos have been my life since 1965. Even as freeware I don't think I would keep it.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2022
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  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I laughed so hard man, thanks for that.

    Guitar Rig seemed like it was never updated DSP-wise since it was released in the mid 00s, thats why it is maybe bad sounding. But for like 2004 or so, it was an awsome plugin, i remember using it on everything as i had little XP at that time. (there was no real competition like today, so NI simply kept fixing and pushing version numbers.)

    I guess my thought about pedal today was, okay lets install Guitar Rig by Ni, was also good sounding, but well i ending up grabbing a Helix Native trial, a freeware MXR plugin emu and something from Audiofied. It is not intended to use these with guitars.

    Worst plugin i have tried?
    I tried so much in 2003 as synthEdit plugins were easy to get and create. Those had turd GUIs back then, coming straight from the 90s and some were very weird ideas.
    But none came really close to Einklang in terms of everything. The gui was somewhat beautiful sure, but man how can somebody create such huge sound lib files and einklang could do so little with it - idk even as freeware, no way to keep. kudos to R2R for patching it in summer 2013 a few times.

    GUI-wise: everything Rob Papen is nightmare, even if his DSP ideas are maybe good (cant tell as the GUI his plugins are bundle with are frustrating as hell for me) - look at the simplicity of Albino3, it is so easy to navigate, often used controls have useful GUI elements. But well that it my opinion.

    I always keep rising Albino3 as an example of plugin i was really sad to hear that it was discontinued as the idea with the layers, the way of "morphing btw waves" and the waveforms you could choose from along with the FX and the filters is just amazing still till today.
    Linplug Spectral was a good way in that direction and kept the ideas of Albino and its design to bad Linplug shut down a while ago. :(

    And i will of course write as the best example, the Osirus, the emu running the virus b and C roms, i know not all features are implement yet, but damn, the older viruses still slam big times.
  6. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Twist is as basic-sounding as it gets, don't make it seem awesome.
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  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    W.A. Production - Babylon v1.0.0 VSTi = Great GUI - Bad Sound
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  8. dumplings

    dumplings Guest

    the real question, which I guess has already been answered in the pages I didnt read is, which one doesnt sound like donkey total dung? I could swear most new plugins are getting worse by the second

    AKAIBOY Member

    Jun 7, 2022
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    VST3 sucks! Oldskool plugins rule! Remember this one
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  10. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Oh man, you made my day :lmao:
  11. BlackWinny

    BlackWinny Platinum Record

    Aug 21, 2022
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    Very close to Paris, France
  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
  13. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    you can tell I'm a masochist, I saw Dorian Marko Piano and now I have to know what it sounds like. maybe I can incorporate it into a stalker anomaly song lol.

    I'm downloading the Osiris, I've seen you guys mention it multiple times. the one nice thing I own is a 5800x amd, we'll see how that goes.
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Hartmann Neuron. worst plugin ever made.
  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    A Few Hartmann Neuron Sounds
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  16. BlackWinny

    BlackWinny Platinum Record

    Aug 21, 2022
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    Very close to Paris, France
    I didn't know this synth, but I think that it is probably an excellent synth made for experimentation more than for music and these weird sounds seem to be deliberate.
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Axel Hartmann went bankrupt with his Neuron in 2006.

  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    well they tried to dongle it with a controller, which the delerium release was missing.
    And it had a never fixed memory leak on windows. MacOS was fixed a few years and can be downloaded.

    Neuron had some cool pads, which i wanted to use, but with the memory leak impossible as it would crash in 10-20 minutes after loading up. :(

    The neuron was based on Linux as i remember, thats why it was so easily ported to windows and mac as plugin, but the port was shipped with this memory leak and other smaller bugs. Think you could also create your own models, they had model maker released in 2005 or so.

    If you bought this as plugin WTF ...

    Could had been a great synth for experimental sounds.
    But well the hardware had manufacturing problems, so hartmann died in 2006. Mr Hartmann still designs GUIs, front pannels up till today and those are wonderful and beautiful.
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  19. Metrophage

    Metrophage Newbie

    Oct 13, 2022
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    I used to have the original Neuron VST package and then the free version running on my G5 later. It's a fun if fiddly sound-design synth if you want to lose a few days making original sounds. But it's not a useful production tool that's reliable and offers normal sounds. I love it but it's unstable and a resource hog.

    That's where my criteria split for what makes audio software bad. Workflow, reliability, and sound can have their own balance. Most of my worst I barely remember, because those are plugs that crashed instead of being sonically useless.
  20. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    radium released it, no? it was memory leaking or some other problem. 100% horrible. The working synth is a different matter. They are like the price of an Ensoniq Fizmo now. (or whatever craziness). Anyway, as @ArcticStorm mentioned, the plugin and the software problems people had with it, earn it a spot of dishonor in the thread.

    It's not the same as the average failure of a plugin. it was a plugin with hardware, a joystick, a story, and hype. you see a lot of fly-by-night stuff in audio. but that one is up there with the greats. Like Fyre Festival with keys :)
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2022
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