What would make you...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Giggity, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Giggity

    Giggity Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Dear Mods/forum-ers,

    1. What would make you choose another file sharing host over Uploaded, and Rapidgator?
    2. What would you improve about Uploaded and Rapidgator?

    I'd appreciate a response from both mods, and other users.
  3. kh_minusone

    kh_minusone Guest

    What follows is a (mostly) educated guess.

    If I'm not mistaken, the way these file hosts work is: uploaders upload any file to Rapidgator and/or Uploaded, and the host pays them after x number of completed downloads. And because the free download options from these hosts are slow, people are more likely to purchase premium accounts (especially if they want to download a large number of files).

    1. With this, I reckon if there was a file host that paid more than Rapidgator or Uploaded (e.g. for a 100MB file, $10 every 1000 downloads vs. $5 every 1000 downloads), or if the download number threshold was lower (e.g. for a 100MB file, $5 every 500 downloads vs. $5 every 1000 downloads) - either way, they'd make more money - uploaders would be more likely to switch to it. Unless such host's servers were not very good, the host was untrustworthy, the site itself was malicious, or the uploaders simply were loyal to Rapidgator and/or Uploaded.

    2. If I owned either file host, I'd of course want to improve the servers. At the same time, I'd remove the per-download wait timer (e.g. a file every x minutes) for free downloads. If a download fails for whatever reason, users will want to re-download the file from the same host, only to discover that they'll have to wait. They'll look for the same file on another host. Ideally, I'd want them to remain on my host a bit longer, to further incentivize them to buy a premium account. This is good for the uploader as well, because more downloads may be completed within shorter time frames (and only successfully completed downloads count towards the uploader getting paid).
  4. Giggity

    Giggity Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Thanks for the very well written response.

    Indeed so I agree with the per-download timer; quite annoying and does make the user want to switch to another host. I appreciate the response.

    I think at the very end it comes down to which host makes more money for the uploader; as the uploader doesn't necessarily care about the features these hosts offer.
  5. Giggity

    Giggity Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2018
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  6. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    One of the best alternatives IMO is hexupload.net
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  7. recycle

    recycle Guest

    The Pirate left a message for all of us audiosexers:
    "I'm bored with your lame discussions, I can't stand an extra minute in here"

    Then he went for a detox period on his sailing yacht around the Antilles islands
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  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    @Giggity I don't know why you think The Pirate is anything to do with the sister site or here.
    He is a member and has also shared cracked stuff. Not a mod.
    Perhaps you are confusing him with PiRAT, the Cleaner and Reuploader, and general workhorse at the sister site.

    This topic has been talked about in loooads of Xerox versions of this post.
    But I will fill you in.
    There was a vote between all Residents at the sister site several years ago.
    It is how it is, and with SAiNT's blessing.
    The two people you actually should have talked to are SAiNT and Olymoon.

    From personal experience having uploaded at the sister site, dream on!
    But UL is better than RG regards that.
    I have $15 in UL, and €2 in RG! Can't touch either until they are at €50 or something! And that will never happen!
    And that is from the 6 things I have uploaded at the sister site.
    And 1000s of people have downloaded them.
    And you think the uploaders are making money that's worth mentioning?

    Do you know how much work goes into compressing and uploading and maintaining?
    It's done for love, not money.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021