What should I upgrade for better performance?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Dieminun, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. Nemanja504

    Nemanja504 Newbie

    Dec 1, 2023
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    I'd first replace your audio interface with an RME interface. After you do this, see if your audio stutters.
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  2. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    Nonsens, i know People who do 300+ Track Filmscores with the smaller model.
    If you just need good headphone AMP, and simple recording

    ABSOLUTELY ANY 100 bucks Audio Interface will do:bash:
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  3. thedarkbird

    thedarkbird Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2020
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    As people have already said: are you sure it's the hardware limiting you and not some OS/software feature eating up resources?

    CPU upgrade is the most obvious one: more Ghz on more cores is more processing power.

    Btw, your system supports dual channel memory, meaning you should only have 2 sticks of ram installed, while you have 4 sticks installed. If these 4 sticks came in a kit then it shouldn't be an issue, but if not that could be a possible cause of issues. Only buy dual channel memory kits (2 sticks of RAM).
  4. Dieminun

    Dieminun Newbie

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Yeah some of you guessed correctly and I know for a fact I'm not optimizing my workflow since I'm self taught and still learning a lot about music production.

    Based on all the answers I guess a good first step would be optimizing software, add more RAM and take it from there.
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    throw out that HDD it slows down the system, as it needs to pre-spin the HDD. go for a SSD instead, maybe 2TB only.

    i guess upgrading CPU+MB and RAM could improve the system perf alot.
  6. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Remembered when I brought my RME to try to save my friends machine, like watch this, he was so excited and I'm like proud father demonstrating him how this will solve his problem, yeah, it was so embarrassing, we were flipping between his Mbox and RME, same thing, his CPU was hammered, more RAM didn't helped, RME didn't helped, it's one of those things in the end of the day, if you are hammering your CPU, just upgrade your CPU, problem solved.

    RME is great, but that is expensive first call for solution, like try buying 800 bucks interface and see should you try something else if that doesn't help.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
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  7. RajuPalliBabu

    RajuPalliBabu Ultrasonic

    Nov 20, 2023
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    One has to think the whole chain of events. These are some thoughts

    -set the power options to high, if windows parks your cores you could halve your performance and waste your cpu (this is really stupid thing i hope new windows versions are not doing this)

    project side:
    -the project samplerate and the buffer size
    -are the plugins working correctly
    -is a single plugin a cpu hog
    -could you rather bounce tracks to audio and freeze the plugins to free some performance
    -vst3 frees up cpu from tracks you are not using. I try to avoid being on spot where cpu is hitting its limits because i think theres going to be problems

    hardware side:
    -cpu that has good single core performance and has enough cores for your tracks (iam not so sure about this applying today because it used to be so but i havent updated my knowledge)
    -nvidia gpu drivers seem to cause a lot of problems for me on latencymon (gpu usually doesnt help that much with audio applications)

    Audio interface:
    -The point is rather having good steady drivers and nice da/ad conversion /midi / mic /headphone amp, whatever you personally need, than getting performance to pc
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
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