What should i do to fix this problem? What do i need to buy?!?

Discussion in 'Software' started by torontoleech, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. torontoleech

    torontoleech Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2014
    Likes Received:
    A Million Caribou Street
    Hey thanks for your time. :bow:
    i use a PC thats an i7 processor, 2.4ghz with room for up to 3.2, and 8g ram. so my computer works decently to run ableton for the most of the time.
    But recently, been having some problems with ableton. Im running a cracked version and have several plugins working but often there is a crash when using certain plugins like reveal sound spire, or native instruments reaktor. they will randomly crash when opening the plugin or can just cause error within the whole project... usually when projects get bigger at around 50 tracks they tend even more so to crash , even when doing something as simple as duplicating a midi track or opening the plugin.

    ----->>>>> im not sure if its a corrupt plugin, and if buying a legit version of the plugin will help? how about buying ableton? will these things make a difference?
    ----->>>>> or is it really just a matter of CPU and whether my computer can handle it? Should i consider buying a desktop PC with very high CPU?

    would really appreciate if someone could help me out by answering some of these questions or with some knowledge or advice on this! :mates:

    Thanks alot! :thumbsup:
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    welcome to the world of computer music production. It's all Ableton's fault trash it :wink: (joking)

    you have to learn to work around the crashes, buying legit might not necessarily solve the problems

    are you running 32bit or 64bit and exactly how much ram do you have at the moment?
  4. torontoleech

    torontoleech Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2014
    Likes Received:
    A Million Caribou Street
    im running 64bit on an 8G RAM laptop. im ready to take my studio to the next level and do what it takes to speed up my workflow and eliminate these crashes.
    ive been losing hours and hours a week to this, i really need a solution!!
  5. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    - 8Gb of ram sounds a little low if you're using 50 tracks on a single project, 16 Gb seems more reasonable but it depends if you're using a lot of samples. But I doubt that would cause crashes.
    - Also do you use ASIO4ALL ? Using a real audio interface with ASIO support will tend to make everything more stable
    - If you're using 50 tracks on a single project, there's no way you're going to change all of them at the same time so use the "freeze" track option when you're done with a track. If basically freezes the track and basically becomes a .wav track until you unfreeze it. That way the track uses no CPU and much less RAM. You can always go back and unfreeze to change things. This will help a lot with stability
    - No matter what you do, Ableton will always find a way to crash :rofl: (I'm an ableton user and love it but once you got a lot of stuff going on, it just tends to crash)
  6. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    studio one here, spire crash my system too
  7. torontoleech

    torontoleech Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2014
    Likes Received:
    A Million Caribou Street
    i dont really like to freeze since i use abletons sidechain compressor triggered by a ghostkick , and since the track relies on another (for the trigger) it doesnt let u freeze, therefore i actually need to turn the track into a wav to save the cpu, which i sometimes still do for those tougher plugins. i already have a focusrite scarlett 2i4 interface making things a bit more stable... *yes*
    i do use alot of samples, in fact my default ableton template has 35 channels already loaded, many of which are drumracks filled with samples.
    are there computers made to handle reaaally heavy projects? i dont want to be at all limited here, its really frustrating and hindering to my workflow. i could be accomplishing way more if i didnt have so many silly problems i need to constantly work around.
    im mainly wondering if this is an issue because the plug-in is cracked, or is it a CPU related issue where my computer just cant handle it? could buying a legit license for the plugin fix issues with the plugin crashing? :dunno:

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    One thing I recently discovered how to disable the cpu throttling on windows laptops.

    First set power option to high performance, then open the change advanced power settings dialogue. Find processor power management, then under processor performance core parking set it to 1%, then minimum processor state to 100%.

    Before my fl projects would max out the cpu, and I noticed that I was only using 1.8ghz of my 2.5-3.2ghz. after, the same projects only used 50% and my processor speed only ranged from 2.8-3.2ghz.

    just make sure you switch back to balanced or the fans can get a bit loud.

    On desktops, I believe you need to edit the registry to disable throttling but don't take my word for it.
  9. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    underpowered cpu should not make your daw crash, us legit software or the better cracked ones :rofl:
  10. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You should say if you are using a 64 bit system.

    Reveal Sound Spire, can be a CPU hog depending of the presets you use.
    As zero-frag says, 50 tracks is a lot for your CPU / RAM, you should use freeze function, this will certainly help a lot.
  11. eheavy

    eheavy Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    Rule #1 if there is any thing you maxout on a work computer it is the RAM. Do it Do it now!!! Not much you can do if its your CPU to be honest software can only make your CPU more efficient not faster. If its not a hardware issue then i would look at your software. Generally if its a plugin issue it will crash on boot so you can tell which plugin it is from DAW Boot info screen, or it will crash when in use which you can tell cus you were in the middle of using it and it broke. Legit software is more stable as it rules out any x factors like bad patch, version fixes and so on, that said most liberated software are stable but it only takes 1 or 2 bad ones to make you cringe every time you load up a session.

    If you have used the software for more then 2 years dude its time to buy it,
    if you make money from it buy it
    if it gets you girls, Dude buy it!
    if you are broke and homeless with a laptop don't buy it

    In conclusion all these factors keep your computer and DAW running smoothly, and if there is an issue its easy to track down because you are not guessing.

    Hope this helps
  12. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Did you test other Daws ? cause as far as i know, heard and see on the internet Ableton have alot of problems, it just crashs alot, so start testing ur plugins with other daws, try cubase5 fl studio even Studio one, if it is the same problems, then it is time to phase two, re-install all ur plugins, try downloading stable versions (check comments before downloading) and try again.

    and as eHeavy said, if you make money, or it is possible to buy the stuff you use, the BUY IT! and then you can camp in your Daw's forums if you have problems :bleh:

    anyway good luck!
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you have the recent version of ableton 9?
  14. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I assume he's using a 64 Bit Systm because he has 8 GB RAM. 32 Bit Win can only address 4 GB Max. BTW, I DON'T think 8 GB is not enough. It's like having eleven 74 Minute long Audio CDs in your RAM. For Audio operations that is more than enough, imo. Video would be a differen't beast. But audio is relatively easy compared to that!

    My guess would be a Problem with the Audiodevice (Hardware and/or Driver) or faulty RAM or other Hardware compomnents. Or bad software.

    I'd start with a clean install of windoze and all the necessary drivers and the latest updates and check if the problem reocccurs.
  15. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Route the tracks output to an audio track and place the compressor on there to sidechain, that way you can freeze. Easy!

    Also, I used to run 50 tracks no bother with 2gb of ram… 8gb is more than enough, assuming you're not using alot of sample based plugs like kontakt etc.
  16. torontoleech

    torontoleech Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2014
    Likes Received:
    A Million Caribou Street
    yes im using live 9.04

    thanks everyone for your input , i appreciate it. as of now it kind of looks like i might just buy spire and hope it works.... still pretty uncertain. :unsure:
    also im running a x64 bit PC

    and no i havent made any money off this yet

    im also thinking of purchasing Komplete soon and need to be sure an 8g RAM laptop can handle all those CPU hungry plugins. :unsure:

    Tired of my productions being limited because of these crashes or corrupt plugins.... its really only 1 or 2 , but they are crucial to my music and some of my favourite plugins! the latest version of spire on audioz no longer works for me in ableton... even a reinstall did nothing... :blues:
  17. torontoleech

    torontoleech Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2014
    Likes Received:
    A Million Caribou Street
    i should also note that ive been having general issues with ableton for example, not finding certain plugins when i scan, plugins all of a sudden not being compatible with live, and often saving is not allowed unless i overwrite an existing wav.
    very weird issues im constantly working around.
    could these be signs that its in fact ableton that is the problem, as opposed to a certain plugin or a CPU related issue? :dunno:
    any more advice would be hugely appreciated!!
  18. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    If plugins are cpu hungry, then all the ram in the world isn't going to help you. Buy the fastest cpu you can afford and get 8/16 gb ram.
    Before you even think about splashing out though you should reformat your HD and do a clean install of everything and see if that solves any issues.
  19. torontoleech

    torontoleech Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2014
    Likes Received:
    A Million Caribou Street
    After 8 months of using a cracked ableton , today i finally purchased live 9. bought a legit version of komplete and spire as well. :grooves: really hoping this is where the problems end!!!
    will upgrade to better computer if still neccesarry!!! i need to be able to work without silly limits!