What is your opinion on A.I. Music

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Atlantis84, May 5, 2023.

  1. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    im the type of person that like to learn music from the ground up and music theory im more neutral about it i don't care if a person wants to use A.I. to do everything for him or her thats they preference....my only concerns will be i hope it doesn't take over because i know how lazy humans are there is a doubt in my mind i know it will always be true real musicians that actually put in work but i do know if this A.I. get really good everybody that wasn't even interested in making music will start making music lol thats cool but i would say stay in your place and still give respect to the musicians that actually put in years of hard work and dedication that actually played at shows and concerts that actually changed people life music is very powerful

    Side Note: i can say this yall be respectful don't judge people keep this thread respectful.......people are where they at because they need to be there so they can have more room to learn so chill out with the arguments
  3. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    I'm not familiar with AI music, so you type in "make me EDM song in style of xxx" and AI spits out something as good, mixed, mastered and everything? Like Fiverr or something?
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  4. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    they are aiming at that tho so who knows in 3 years what going to happen and it does keep getting better lol the thing is if it does get really good to the point u cant tell the difference ... by the way nice avatar reminds me of Godfather
  5. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Thanks, it's Scatman John re imagined by Bing AI. :)

    Doubt AI will get that good, like you upload mixing stems, ask for Serban Ghenea style of mix and he spits out anything that can replace Serban, same as Ozone can't replace really great mastering engineer, it's not everything about numbers. Mostly folks who will get affected are the ones that are truly mediocre and getting payed for it, like the guy on Fiverr you would hire to do anything generic for 5 bucks.

    Seems like hot new topic is AI cloning voices thing, like AI doing Drake better than Drake, dunno, if music industry replace one product with another and people go to see AI hologram Drake, than Drake didn't had any fans to start with. I'm not worried about AI's replacing generic pop stars, they are slaves to that industry anyways, at least AI are easier to handle in studio. If people like to consume that kind of trash content, give them what they need than, not my cup of tea.

    People who like to watch live bands or acts will still go out and do that, people who make interesting music will always do better job than AI. People who can't compete with AI in their craft, maybe are selling crap in first place.

    AI seem to affect people whose job's got so predictable, that you can teach AI to do it and he does even better job. Voice actors fear of AI now, well, your job is pretty much acting like robotic voice and getting payed for it, it was just mater of time really.

    If composer can't come up with anything better than AI, than why paying human who is doing essentially the same thing, if his job got so generic that is that easily done by AI.

    Even if I go and get all the composition from AI, lyrics, have amazing AI singer, still I need to do something that people will appreciate, if they appreciate something so generic, than it's not problem in AI, people just don't care and that doesn't have that much value to start with. If I make it sound interesting, give my own twist, it will sound like something I did and appealing, it's not like we are inventing new music every time we make new track.

    I'm not against AI's as helpers, we can now push the envelope further, I know this will affect tons of people who made their living being human AI's, but they were pissed when we started making music in our bedrooms too and competing with them, so push your game up now even more, now we got AI's too lol
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  6. 990

    990 Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2018
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    We do music, because we want to create stuff. We want to develop ourselves through music. This is a process that takes a lifetime for most of us. AI is useless. There is no point in asking a program to do your job. Its the same thing with chord generators, melody generators, etc etc. What's the point? Do you like watching a chess match with 2 AI players? How fun is that?

    AI will win of course. But at what cost? We will become dumb and useless. We won't have any chance to develop our talents and characters. Art will become a meaningless thing. My last hope is copyright violation. Cause these guys, trained their programs with copyrighted material. And now they are paying pennies to stock music creators, just to use their music for training. This way they wont have any copyright issues. I got paid 25$ for my whole catalog. These guys are ruthless. They know that they will become billionaires and they don't care about anything else. So, record companies and producers, have to act now. And not fuck around, like they did with napster.
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  7. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    maybe after the apocalypse, music isn't about making money anymore...
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  8. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Stuff AI is cloning is not true art to start with, it's just product for mass consumption, artists will stay artists, do their thing for the sake of art, beat AI with their actual personal skills and unique taste, only those who want to milk in most generic way will get affected. If any of us put true emotions into something and still end up sounding like AI generic music, something is wrong with us really and we aren't really anything special to start with. If best thing one can do is come up with catchy chord progression on his own and than try to sound like something people will listen, than calling himself an artist is maybe a bit of a stretch and he should fear of AI's.
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  9. GeoffreyMcJefferson

    GeoffreyMcJefferson Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2023
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    I don't really care for music that has been created by an algorithm and didn't come from somebody's imagination.
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  10. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    Don't know what to think, i enjoy the process of makin music, mixing, learning, whatever. Take that away and...why even bother? As a listener, i don't care if music was made by AI or a person as long as it hits me in the right way. I know that at some point i won't be able to tell the difference and i'm okay with that.

    It must really suck for people who intend to make a living out of their music though (and haven't make a name for themselves yet), i've certainly seen some panic around.
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  11. Unirorm

    Unirorm Producer

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Just like with streaming services, music will lose more of it's value to a point will be something so common anyone can make.

    The first wave came with YouTube and free streaming. Before that, music had some real value, you had to search for it (not necessarily buy it, you ‍☠️), now music is searching for you and landing in your front page of recommendations.

    In other words: Do you prefer easy people or those you have to work your way hard to sleep with them?

    Do you prefer fast food or a fine wagyu cut.
    As with everything in life, something mass produced lose it's value.

    You may still prefer McDonald's over a Wagyu because you might never tasted one, or because simply it's not your cup of tea, but it would never have the value of a fine steak.
    You would never crave(OK not you potheads) it because you can have it anywhere at anytime.

    Music has already a supportive role, even in concerts.

    I could talk days on this matter but there is no point. For us who are living from music, we are doomed. (and so will the ~30% workforce of the entire planet.)
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  12. Colin

    Colin Producer

    Jan 17, 2017
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    In it's truest and purest form, music, as our species knows it, can liberate, help people express some aspect of their humanity, make people laugh, make people cry, from the cradle to the grave, music is there.

    The music industry, is an industry. It creates and sells widgets. It's concerns are the concerns of any industry in any sector.

    Musicians come in many types ranging from absolutely garbage to supremely technically gifted players, 99.9% of whom will never have an original idea.

    Then there's the top one percent of the top one percent there are some truly gifted. Genuine creatives. filled with originality, genius, who can express , directly, or abstractly some component of what it is to be human, and alive .

    Music should not be an escape from poverty or the ghetto, it should not be a narcissistic rampage to "fame" or "fortune", but millions see it as this.

    AI is just an industrial process in the waiting, to express who knows what using whatever data it can assimilate.

    Psychologically and culturally it's a potential weapon.

    Unfortunately, it will be adopted by the masses, who don't see tomorrow, just dollar bill signs in their eyes.
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  13. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    How, if your music isn't McDonald's type, why is any of this affecting you?

    People want to make art, but want to make money, people make music for niche audience and feel threatened by audience that don't want to listen to their music anyways, don't get this.

    It's paradox, music you consider art and valuable, matter of fine taste, should somehow make you money from masses that aren't into that art and don't appreciate that taste or don't even care that much.

    I see posts like this all the time on my Facebook from the people that are making niche music for niche market, what do you guys expect really, that music industry fabricate pop culture so much that you are now for mass consumption and than you get to fight for crumbs when everyone start milking that.

    Do art for the sake of it or make money, if you can do both, awesome, if you can't, maybe you never meant to milk art in first place.
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  14. juliaprado8801

    juliaprado8801 Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2022
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    A.I. is boring... nothing like learning the things your self.. like a piano.. synth.. drums.. bass.. etc etc.. and make you own choices..
    A.I. photos etc.. music.. etc.. you have to love making music.. give your self to it.. etc.. art is not something human can replicate .. like a real human.. or a real human brain with all it's experiences and memories etc.. so.. my suggesting is too forget about that crap of A.I. music..
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I don't think about it. Trends start and trends wane and in between we pretty much have copycats. The copy cats are pretty much what AI is going to focus on, one less Rebecca Black - no big loss.

    It's going to be a while before AI is an issue, best save the brain cells for something worthwhile until then. I am going to paraphrase Ice-T the world's got 99 problems but the AI aint one. Not yet anyways, it's going to be awhile right along with flying cars, rocket-ships to have lunch on the moon and used car salesmen you can actually trust.
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  16. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    What do I think? I think the already monopolized industry will become hermetically sealed from anyone not in the inner circle of major labels & they’ll eventually use AI pop stars…. Sounds nuts, but I believe that’s where we’re headed. But first, we’ll probably go through a bout of lawsuits, industry suicides & depression & eventually - since AI effects all industries - civil unrest and riots… I’m absolutely amazed to see people head over heels to so quickly throw out something man has used for thousands of years to enrich the soul. There’s nothing to be learned by allowing AI to do the work for you. Technology doesn’t always advance mans intellect. In fact technology sometimes does the opposite. People become lazier, dumber & eventually completely ignorant… Just look at the early Egyptians. It’s 2023 & it’s a fact no one on the planet knows how they made the pyramids…. Yup, a lot here will think I’m nuts. I don’t care. I just hope I’m damn wrong.
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  17. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    if laziness becomes the norm people will pay extra money to have that "human" factor... so, yeah, I'm not afraid, if anything people will have to adapt and be more creative, like always. In it's current state AI music is utter trash, low level rubbish so it will take some time till it starts to really get useful.
  18. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    I don't think about music at all, any of it, let alone have any opinion on AI music. But if I did I would judge it on its own merit like anything else and not my prejudice about its creation.
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  19. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    yeah i think the same man you on point on this one
  20. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    naw its always going to be people wanting a human to make they music even if A.I. was to take over some people really do this and really do music and A.I. is not a threat too them at all even if it was leading in the industry as in income.... and thats what i mean by taking over earlier in the post ..i was just saying like as in income like A.I. getting more attention that is very possible especially in this day and time but at the end of the day musicians is still going to have they hand in the pot and still will be getting paid the good musicians to be exact and the musicians that already have people that will buy they catalog of music thats stored on they hard drive
  21. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    i mean think about it thats like saying 3000 people going to show up to a guy concert thats making music with A.I. on his computer what part of the A.I. is playing the piano and the other part playing the bass even tho yeah it might sound good and a way some people already doing this in daws but im talking about the A.I. doing that shit in real time not something that was premeditated lol i dont care how good it sounds if people know thats not u making that u not going to get that same energy or respect so it wiill only be a threat by income and attention or being in competetion from people if anything
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