What is the deal with portable Kontakts?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Laser Loser, Sep 4, 2018.

  1. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Thank you. You could be right about going from the keygen version to the later stuff. Can someone give me a list of what I need to just reinstall it all over so I don't get this but end up with a newer version? This is a nightmare! I have a nice new computer, four times faster than the old one, three times as much memory, SSD, etc., but I can't use my later Kontakt libraries right now.

    It's not an issue that the modified plugins plugins can solve, at least, not as I understand them. They are there in case your DAW doesn't recognize the new replacements, but my DAW does see them. I have tried using them instead but got exactly the same results with them.

    Oh, and thanks for the sister site explanation; all taken care of.
  2. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    I have tried it both ways - replacing the original vsts when that's what the file told me to do, and pointing the DAW to the portable folder's vsts otherwise. Same results.
  3. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I recommend you to get the v5.6.8 (the one with the name ending SYMLiNK FIXED Add Library Problem),
    then upgrade to the "5.8.0 Symlink UPDATE" or the "5.8.1 Update Symlink". Do the upgrade carefully!


    Forget the normal Kontakt and after a clean system install, just try the Portable version. But don't touch/move the vst from its place in the portable folder.
  4. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Unfortunately, I don't have an account with Giga and they don't offer free/slow dls, and Uploaded's link is dead, and the Rapidgator link is Premium only. That particular file does not appear on the other site I frequent, which I have an account for the file hoster on. So I'm looking for other sources of the 5.6.8 one.

    EDIT: found one on Rapidgator that is not premium. This will take a while, LOL.
  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I dont know why you dislike my comment ,i was trying to help... That is so unpolite from you.... And that method will work for everyone just if you have right files and followed AUDITORS method of instalation..... I have twice reisntalled system with Kontkat on 2 Pc configurations ,one on my laptop one on my studio PC ,couple times for my friends and you are telling me that i am liar and puting here some confusion.... You are not entitled to told so,and dont be ignorant ,but you can try and test for yourself....Over night i will upload files so others can try and btw which part is confussing for you ,when i put images.... This thread should help no just to thread starter but all others who wants to have latest stable kontakt ,not to be portable which in my oppinion is unsafe and unstable ...That was my two cents...
  6. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    About what libraies we are talking about ,cause i have registered all of them and use them without problems including latest from Native Instruments.

    Examples of adding library with standalone Kontakt exe from Auditor 5.7.3
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2018

    Attached Files:

  7. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Calm down and peace! Don't take it personal. And I didn't say anything like "liar" or "confusing", not even remotely.
    There have been many reports, complaints about the combination of that first full install plus the different, newer symlink update that you are suggesting.
    Everyone can be wrong. I also can be wrong. But so far there has been those complaints and the fact that the creators tried to fix some problem in later re-releases, wonder why..., problem that existed for sure and still appeared in the allegedly fixed new posts for some users. And not mixing different methods seemed to solve that issue for the complainers with those problematic libraries. Which libraries? Check those comments, I'm not going to into details here. This thread tries to deal with a different issue.
  8. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Well, this is not working. I uninstalled my working K 566 - had to do it manually and then go through the registry, too. Then I followed the directions in the tutorial on how to install the Kontakt 568 Symlink Installer.rar file, installing all the Microsoft C++ packages it listed, then I installed the 5.6.8 package as best I could, only the directions were mostly in Russian (I got the file from the sister site) and that was problematic.

    The result is exactly as before when it wouldn't work; Reaper sees the plugins but they won't load. This took quite a while to do and now I have an unworking Kontakt again. I created a system restore point, but you know how reliable those are.
  9. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    So I uninstalled that one (and the uninstall package that was supposed to be there wasn't there so I had to do it manually again, and go through the registry again, but there didn't seem to be any additions to the registry) and tried the 5.7.3 portable with no existing Kontakt installation. I get an error message that says "Program can't start because MSVCR110.dll is missing from your computer", also for MFC110.dll. However, I know there ARE on my computer because I already made sure they are there when I got this error before with one of my non-working Kontakts. EDIT: the 5.8.0 portable gives the same exact result.

    The good news is that I was able to install the 566 portable (without any full Kontakt installation on the system) and it works! I'm still no better off than I was before, but at least I have a working 566 and I didn't have to use the system restore.

    Does anybody know if any other (later) versions will work this way - that is, by themselves?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2018
  10. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    well, it seems your system has some serious handicaps. In the past (very long time ago) I also had issue with some missing ms system dll. I remember that I was forced to download it from some MS site.
    Nowadays the most recommended Kontakts for Windows users are the Portable versions, it's easy and the Add Library feature in it is the most wonderful solution ever made. But in your configuration as you said these Portables also didn't want to run properly (except that 5.6.6 one), that's odd.

    The installing instructions for the 5.6.8 are a joke, a painful mess. However some users provided easy step by step in the comment section, I think I just installed it that way that time.
    Try this:
    - Just extract all to "C:\Kontakt 5.6.8" <-- make a folder first.
    - Then just run "Kontakt 5.6.8 Symlink Installer.exe" from there.
    - After installation you have to keep that Kontakt 5.6.8 folder where it is, shouldn't move or remove from there!
  11. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    I just tried the 5.7.0 portable, which gave me the same error message about the two missing .dlls, but I checked inside the portable folder and they are already there. So that message is not reporting correctly, or something is expecting to find them in a different place from where they actually are. I have not yet tried your suggestion in that last message, but it's easy enough to try. I'll let you know what happens.

    And thanks for the replies.

    EDIT: tried the 5.6.8 symlink following your directions. I didn't get the .dll errors, but once again, although the plugin showed up in Reaper's plugins list, clicking on it had no result except that Reaper crashed. I'm thinking I am stuck at version 5.6.6. :-( Irritating that 5.8.0 works on my other Windows 7 machine.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2018
  12. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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  13. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    You might be right. However, I read that same page last week and I think I have ruled out the things that I have control over. First off, this is a fresh Windows installation, but with lots of MS updates. The drives are both new and appear to be working properly. Memory or chipset? Well, possibly. But some of the portables won't work on my old computer either, and they give me the same exact symptoms - the dual missing .dll error (when the files are, in fact, not missing), or Reaper seeing them but not being able to load them, or simply crashing when you try to load. In fact, I was really surprised when the portable 580 that I am using now on the old machine worked, but it does. Won't work on the new one, though.

    That site also recommends a registry cleaner, which I can do (after backing the old one up) but I try to stay away from those things.

    Thanks again for attempting to help.
  14. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    well, it's difficult. About viruses, your Windows install still can be defected (or infected). Or your antivirus causes it, Idk...
    Did the standalone Kontakt work?
    Perhaps you should try another DAW, like Bidule (however it has crashed for me more than anything else in the past /on mac/), or the trial version of Cubase, or Vienna Ensenble Pro, this one and Bidule you can open in Reaper as a plugin.
  15. Majestic

    Majestic Rock Star

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Usually, a MSVCR110.dll error means that you require a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installation.
  16. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Yes, I know. I installed all of them, though - that's a lot of updates. I did not install the x86 updates, though - juxt the x64. Could that be a problem? EDIT: it looks like you need both, so maybe that's part of the problem. EDIT 2: I added all the x86 C++ files and tried the K580 portable - no change. Still doesn't work.

    The standalone didn't work at all in any of the versions above 5.6.1, including 5.6.6. However, they don't work on my older machine, either.

    Luckily, 95% of all K libs will work with 5.6.6, although (for example) Session Strings 2 will not, and I think I have a few others that won't, too.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2018
  17. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    I'm really bummed - the library I like the most won't run in 5.6.6. I have tried friggin' EVERYTHING and nothing works beyond 5.6.6. I just don't get it. By all rights, it should work, but it just doesn't. I have five libs that won't work without a higher version, and two of them are favorites.

    I'm open to suggestions. What ever happened to the R2R etc. full installs? It's like with 5.7 or so everything became portable or symlink and I just can't get those to work on this computer.

    I should have left the "laser" part off of the name. :-(
  18. panaman

    panaman Kapellmeister

    Jul 8, 2017
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  19. 2Y2B50

    2Y2B50 Newbie

    Sep 10, 2018
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    I am going to date myself. Before my hard drive crashed I was running Kontakt 5.3 and all the software in my possession needed only 5.3, then just before the crash I needed something with 5.5 but my hard drive melted away and since I was out of the U.S., in Southeast Asia, I just gave up on rebuilding all I had once acquired due to lack of reliable internet connect, bandwidth, and storage.

    To my shock I am still on Southeast Asia 4 years longer than planned. I have recently installed Ableton Live 10 and my old copy of Native Instruments Komplete 9 Ultimate. I found a R2R Kontakt 5.5 but there have been several releases since then. I have always upgraded and never used Standalone programs but more problematic is I am completely out of touch with the alternative world of music software such as what R2R gave people access to in order to explore and consider.

    I have zero idea how to upgrade from 5.5 to 5.6.8 or 5.7 let alone the highly anticipate 6, which I guess it is OK, since all my software VST's are dated and other than Omnisphere 2.3, everything else I own probably works on 5.5. I will probably have a bigger problem discovering how many of my old plugins had only 32 bit vst verses 64 bit.

    I would be grateful if you or anyone reading this message would be generous and private message me and bring me up to date on best way and place to find links, or other options to 1) get from 5.5 to the most up to date and reliable version I can. If I should happen to finally return to the U.S by next year, maybe I can generate enough income to make such questions obsolete but long as I am stuck away from home, revenue and resources abroad, any advice you could share to help me perform as best I can for the remainder of this season in my life would be deeply appreciated.


    2Y2B50 stands for Too Young To Be Fifty :)