What is the deal with portable Kontakts?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Laser Loser, Sep 4, 2018.

  1. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Hi - this is my first post, and I joined just so I could ask this question. I have been using Kontakt on my old pc for years, and it has always been difficult to get an upgrade to install properly - I got to the point where for a few years I just didn't upgrade, period. After all, I had a stable system and every upgrade screwed something up. But I couldn't load newer instruments.

    Then I discovered the portable versions. I was able to add a couple of those, and eventually got up to 5.8.0, although many of them did not work for me.

    But I have a new computer now, new W7 installation, and I can NOT get ANY of the portables above 5.6.6 to work, period. There are a lot of libraries that require newer versions of Kontakt to work, but I can't use them.

    I don't even know what questions to ask in order to get help, LOL. OS is W7 Ultimate 64 bit, with all major updates installed.

    Can someone suggest what direction I should go in to solve this problem?

  3. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Copy the AddLibrary.exe into the Native Access folder.
    C:/Program Files/Native Instruments/Native Access
    If you don't have a Native Access folder create one. Then just click on the AddLibrary.exe and add the wanted library ( the library has to be in you're Kontakt folder)
  4. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Thank you for the reply, but no, that's not the problem - the problem is that the later libraries require later versions of Kontakt to run and I can only get 5.6.6 (and lower - I had 5.6.1 working and that is the full version I have installed on the computer) to work. If I try to add one that requires a newer version of Kontakt it tells me my version is too old and that I need to upgrade. I can't understand why I can get 5.8.0 to work on my old machine (and a couple of later versions, too) but not on the new one. And I have tried a bunch.
  5. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    have you tried the no install release? Just put it on top of 5.6.1 (Native.Instruments.Kontakt.5.v5.6.1.UNLOCKED.Incl.Keygen-R2R) If you have updated to 5.6.6 that is just a pluss. But that is not the portable version

    I have never used the portable, but from what I understand you can move the whole folder to the right place with no installation at all. Of course you also have to put the plugin to the right place.
    Here are the features from the 5.8.0 portable release:
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018
  6. Majestic

    Majestic Rock Star

    Apr 24, 2018
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    What exactly about them isn't working? I've been running 5.8.0 Portable on Windows 7 Professional x64 with no problems.

    Installation? Library Manager? Launching it within your DAW? Please be more specific.
  7. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    The idea is - you don't install anything. Just run Kontakt executable and DLL from your DAW.
    If that doesn't work, could you be more specific? For example does it return any error message?
  8. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    I have tried every portable version I could find that's much newer than 5.6.6. They all do the same thing - they just don't work. The typical portable version is easy to use because you just tell your DAW where to look for the portable plugins and you're in business, but these just don't work - that is to say, when you try to load them in your DAW you either get an error message and nothing happens, or your DAW crashes, or the plugin itself crashes and tries to leave a crashlog error which makes no sense to anybody outside of NI. I have tried 5.7.3, 5.8.0 (works fine on my old pc) and 5.8.1 (which has the "overwrite" folders.

    I did install 5.6.1 but I haven't updated it. Could that be the problem? If I do that, I will definitely need to back up my whole system first, as I have had endless difficulty in the past with Kontakt updates for some reason.

    I will look at that video and the ones it refers to. Thanks so much.
  9. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Guys, I will get back to you once I have tried going through that upgrade path. But to answer your questions, depending on which one we are talking about it either doesn't load into the DAW at all (Reaper), or it crashes Reaper, or it crashes itself but the error message is something generic which I don't remember like "Kontakt has encountered a problem and was unable to start". This is what happens with the 5.8.0 portable on my new system, but all I have installed on the machine is 5.6.1 (I am using 5.6.6 as a portable) so maybe that is the problem. I don't remember what I had to go through on the old machine, but it was pretty simple as I recall - and I just did it a few months ago. It's confusing.
  10. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    For me and i advice all others best solution i found to use latest Kontakt is.
    I have dowloaded from sister site Kontakt 5.7.3 Audiotor and instaled it.After that i have downloaded Kontakt 5.8.1 also from sister site,then just replaced VST dll. files and Kontakt standalone exe file, but to add libraries i have saved Audiotor Standalone exe and with that i am loadin new libraries and 5.8.1 for music. For me all is working perfectly ,so my advice for all users is to use that method so all of them can run latest Kontakt libraries and much better Kontakt version wich is alot faster than 5.6.5 from r2r because is outdated. In my case ,no need for portable versions which are usual unstable ,in my expirience .Cheers
  11. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Sorry, I am new here and I don't know what you mean by sister site. Could someone PM what that phrase means?

    BTW, I was able to do the first two steps in those videos and upgrade my 5.6.1 to 5.6.5 and then to 5.6.6. I am still where I started in functional terms (that is, I am still only up to 5.6.6) but I hope that doing it this way will allow me to go up to 5.8.0.
  12. Majestic

    Majestic Rock Star

    Apr 24, 2018
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    PM sent.
  13. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Sorry but based on many complaints, that sequence is not a good choice. There are libraries that don't work if you install 5.7.3 and then the 5.8.1 because the two are created with different methods. It's rather recommended using releases of full + upgrade from the same method, in this case using Symlink method.
  14. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I dont know what are you talking about,but see for yourself i am not here someone who will tell people something which is not tested and safe...I will not make trouble like that for myself because i want to have a good software instaled and secure ones,not all cracked stuff...so for me so far is working perfect;y i guarante....[​IMG]
    p.s. and this my method is similar to simlink...I used AUDITORS full instaler, then with that instaled i just have from symlink v5.8.1v just replaced dll files acordingly...So i have them both vst32 and vst 64 working in my system with many major libraries and that homemade ones...Just one library i could to register with 5.7.3 is Chris Hein Horns Compact idk why, but that library is not essential for my needs so ,i have no problems...by the way i can upload files on sister site if admins give mi right to,so you can use it as i do and not to struggle with older versions,because i was suspicious also about that until i decidet to risk.... So now i an good to go :)
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2018

    Attached Files:

  15. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Your problem is most probably happening due to a conflict between vst plugins. In your DAW an earlier version of Kontakt vst had already been recognized and added when you added the vst of the Portable.
    Did you run install.exe to place the vst plugins in the respective folder (where your DAW was already checking it)?
    Did you find and try the modified dlls in the Modified PluginID.zip?
    It's in the portable folder > Kontakt 5 > x64 (or x86) > VST

    Did you maintain the Kontakt 5.vst in its original place in Portable, or moved/copied it somewhere else? You should not touch it, just use it where it was placed originally.
  16. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    Okay, I've hit the same problem as before. After getting it updated to 5.6.6 (working), I copied the files from f_NI_Kontakt_5.8.0_WIN_NO_INSTALL_UPDATE.rar over to where the 5.6.6 versions were. Before I did that I made .rar backups of the 5.6.6 versions, and I'm glad I did, because although Reaper scans the plugins and sees them, when I try to add one to a track the plugin window appears but without any Kontakt interface in it at all. There is no error message, and it doesn't crash, it just doesn't load.

    To repeat my steps here's what I did:

    1. Updated 5.6.1 to 5.6.5 using L_Native.Instruments.Kontakt.5.v5.6.5.Update.UNLOCKED.Incl.Keygen-R2R.rar
    2. Updated that to 5.6.6 with the L_NaIK.v5.6.6.Update.No.Install.rar file, which doesn't actually install anything, it just gives you files to copy over.
    3. Updated that with the f_NI_Kontakt_5.8.0_WIN_NO_INSTALL_UPDATE.rar as per the video's instructions - again, this is not an installer, you just copy files to the earlier files' locations.

    But like I said, nothing shows up when I try to load the VST. I should say that I don't use the standalone version of Kontakt, just the vst.

    Confused as ever, LOL.
  17. Laser Loser

    Laser Loser Newbie

    Sep 4, 2018
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    I don't see how there could be a conflict - the old plugins have all been replaced by the new ones. First, I made .rar backups of the old ones and any other files that were replaced, then deleted the plugins themsleves. Then I copied the newer ones to the old ones' places. The path for vsts has not changed. then after that I re-scanned the plugins folder in the DAW. This process works fine up through 5.6.6 but it seems broken for me after that on this new computer for some reason.
  18. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    You must to do is,do clean unnistal of all Ni Kontakt files you have, and then download AUDITORS 5.7.3 version Instal it. Follow auditors instructions they gave,when you finnish with that get a SYMLINK instaler of 5.8.1 then just extract DLL's and exe files ,replace them (but keep AUDIToRS cracked version for example on desktop to run as separate app for adding libraries) ,open your DAW run latest Kontakt and enjoy with :) Is that simple...
  19. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Laser Loser,
    The conflict happens between normal Kontakt vst and the portable. It does't happen for everyone but in some configuration yes, that's why the Portable package includes a workaround for this, that modified vsts. Have you tried it?
    Besides of the question of the Portable, I'm almost 100% sure, the problems with the normal Kontakts happens because you started with a keygen R2R version and upgraded with the other methods. The keygen version was pain in the *ss during that time. Now that nightmare is fortunately over, let's move on.
  20. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Hennessey, please stop this unreliable advice.
    If it worked for you, I'm happy for that. But for many it caused problem with some libraries which means this is an unstable, unreliable choice.
    What do you think, why have been 3 releases about the same method for that same version on sistersite? the last ones promising fixing the addlibrary issues? And if you look at the comment section there, you could see that even after the last one there were still many complaining about the issues continuing.
  21. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Laser Loser,
    Tell me one more thing:
    Where did you store the vsts of the portable that you added to your DAW? Did you point the DAW to the vst in the original folder of the Portable or did you move/copy it? your did you use the install.exe to copy it to your usual vst plugins folder?
    I guess, above you spoke about replacing the vsts of the normal Kontakts, not the portable, right?