What hardware synths you'd wish there was a recreation of?

Discussion in 'Software' started by phumb-reh, Jul 31, 2021.

  1. jon.dough.1991

    jon.dough.1991 Producer

    Feb 16, 2021
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    Novation Supernova


    Novation Supernova II


    Alesis Andromeda A6


    also Waldorf Microwave Q & XT but we got them already covered in previous posts
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  2. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    those are probably the last 3 which do not exist already. :D

    ..pardon and kurzweil of course.
  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Good news!
    First, on my Win10 machine, all attempts to bridge it failed.
    Then I dug out an old Win7 x64 laptop, bridged it using DDMF BridgeWize and voilá, now I have a 64bit SQ8L dll that works in Live 11 x64 on Windows 10!
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  4. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Actually, now that I've had time to play with it, the new Korg Legacy's Prophecy has polyphony (something I missed at launch), so we've basically have a Z1 here. The things that are not there are the performance controls, the multitimbrality, the poly arpeggiator and the patches.

    Not a problem, MIDI mapping is very in-depth here, multitimbrality is just more instances and just use a different MIDI arpeggiator. So consider me a satisfied customer.
  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Let's seee... :)

    Kurzweil K2000 or K2500 even better. VAST synthesis is a killer.
    Yamaha EX5 [can import samples, truly versatile synth].
    Yamaha VL-1 - original sounding modeling synthesis.
    Yamaha FS1R, it's a killer. Hard to program but once you get it... it's FM plus one more oscillator.
    Kawai K5000 - best additive synth ever, but a pita to program [hardware one].
    Roland JD-990 :drool:
    Waldorf Q! :drool:
    A good sounding emulation of Moog Voyager. u-he, Synapse Audio, or maybe even GForce could pull this one off.
    Alesis Andromeda, oh yeah! d= ;)
    Good Virus Ti emulation wouldn't hurt, either. :wink:
    Something with Z-Plane filters, Morpheus or E4XT like, but more stable than E-MU's Emulator very old plugin, and on the unstable side.

  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    any access virus version would do for me.

    A decent J8000 emulation would also do.

    Waldorf Q, µQ

    Any Nord Lead would also do.

    Well Korg, Roland has rly delivered a lot with their emulations in the last years, which is awsome and i appreciate. Even i cant be as supporting as i should ...
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  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    since probably 3/4 of my hardware synths are already listed, I'll go with the ASM Hydrasynth. The Sigabort editor for it is f'ing crazy.
    It has a pretty pronounced "digital" sound to it, so I think it would make a very good candidate for a virtual instrument.
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    The A6 i forgot!

    some of the waldorf stuff is in the cards for the emu project - so lets see and wait ...
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    that's one synth (a6) that has held up its average resale price really well! like 3 or 4000$. Too much for what it can do. That would be a great emulation candidate.

    for alot of the synths mentioned, any free/zzz emulations would be awesome. (Like the Nils K1)
    But many can be found for great prices as hardware, and paying 100$ for a plugin wouldn't make sense. I'd like to see more hw versions of soft synths also.

    something like the A6 is perfect money-wise. Or a Fizmo. I'd say the Hartmann Neuron ($$$), but that is available free w/no nuke controller dongle for Mac; if you can get it working. http://www.neuronsynth.com/html/Home.html

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  10. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Thanks fiction for the info about DDMF Bridgewize, but - IMHO except if I'm wrong - Bridgewize seems very similar to jBridge (I've bought some years ago, but not enjoyed about it), honestly I don't see the difference between Bridgewize and jBridge!

    Also, I precise I'm using 64-bit REAPER 6.x as main DAW, it embeds an internal 32-64 bridge tool.
    In all case, bridging doesn't replace a native-compiled 64-bit VST/VSTi (2.4) plugin.

    However, DDMF Bridgewize is affordable for my budget (25.55 euros), so I'll consider it seriously, I'll must watch some YT videos first.

    Thanks again, fiction.
  11. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    You're welcome!

    A short update though: I've tried to bridge other older 32bit plugins but most won't work, so it seems that I was lucky to pick SQ8L first.
    I'm not sure if I can recommend purchasing it just for SQ8L...
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  12. giacomino

    giacomino Noisemaker

    Jul 16, 2021
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    ensoniq stuff
  13. cyanidecup45

    cyanidecup45 Kapellmeister

    Dec 31, 2020
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    I don't know if this is allowed here but I found this YouTube video where someone tried to make a Software synth of the Kurzweil K2000, he gave up on it but the source code is on GitHub.
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  14. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    eSPi was awkward cuz it runs in your browser (rewire?...nope), haven't tried the SP950 plugin thanks :wink:

    yeah batterys vintage modes are decent but i don't use them to play drums for example so i'll need a standalone effect
  15. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    loved the wheel at the original.
  16. John Thompson

    John Thompson Kapellmeister

    Oct 11, 2019
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    Big fan of LARGO here. Covers Microwave XT and Q - actually KOMPLEXER was turned into LARGO, and KOMPLEXER reads uQ data directly. There are some gaps, but Mwave XT, Q, Blofeld, Largo, these are ALL software, written by the same individual.
  17. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    The the corporate assholes at Moog to bring back every Moogerfooger, the Voyager, Voyager XL and any other over priced synth they’ve made lame excuses for ceasing production.
  18. ziked

    ziked Producer

    Nov 30, 2019
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    Well first, we need meticulous replacements for all the crummy existing recreations.

    AFAIK there are few companies who truly make accurate emulations and explain their process. u-he is extremely invested in accurate analog emulation and its CPU usage shows (though they only did Repro). Roland Cloud's offerings supposedly simulate on the circuit level and its CPU usage also shows. Plogue makes extremely accurate digital synths and emulate every CPU with the same methodology of super accurate video game emulators.

    Speaking of Roland Cloud. I recently saw a real Juno 106 hardware comparison, and it proved that you can ABx Roland's emulation with a real unit. So that really showed me that perfection may not even be possible unless the synth is digital (and even then there are potential issues like analog DAC errors or firmware differences).

    Then there's Arturia, Cherry Audio, GForce and many others. I don't trust them at all. At the most, they provide novelties and 'close enoughs', but they're taking shortcuts, not rigid, meticulous emulations. I honestly trust Behringer's engineers to get closer (would love to see them get into software).

    Then there's the issue of "do we even need it?"

    Think about it: Most people can't just pick out a specific analog synth by ear. So many analog synths do the same essential thing. CS80 sounds can be made on a ton of synths, as long as it has pulse width and a wide pitch bend. A DX7, PPG Wave, M1, D50 etc. you could pick out, because their sound is much more defined.

    Honestly, the free Charlatan synth sounds almost as good as a Jupiter-8. And I honestly the TAL Elek7ro (and I guess also TAL Noisemaker) sound sound as good as any Virtual Analog. So I'm starting to question the rationality of blindly trusting the claims of all these emulations.

    The Model-E and Pro-Five were made in 1999, and sound nothing like the Minimoog and Prophet-5 they were trying to recreate. I still like them though, they can be made to sound usable and use 100x less CPU than stuff that destroy CPUs like u-he.

    But honestly, the actual level of accuracy of these recreations is unknowable and usually less accurate than you think. Most of us don't have the real hardware to compare, nor is it particularly easy to do an extensive objective comparison. It's all a psychological trick, if the GUI looks the part, and it sounds 'good enough', well, it's accepted as good.

    TAL J-8 is supposed to be accurate but its clear that it, along with Roland Cloud and Arturia have their own individual character. Kind of defeats the purpose when you want THE Jupiter-8. When you talk in terms of extremely subtle character differences - like saying the Juno 6 is different than the Juno 106, you inflate those differences to the the point you're then comparing Pepsi and Coke.

    The Obsession synth is also supposed to be directly based on a reference unit. They did extensive AB testing. But again, it sounds completely different from other indpenendent emulations and I honestly think even the exact units themselves given to someone else would end up with a completely different character - all because of subjective guesswork on how to implement it.

    Anyway, that said, these are bucket list emulations:

    RCA Mark II Sound Synthesizer
    ARP 2500
    Moog Sonic Six
    Roland SH-3A
    Roland SH-5
    Roland SH-7
    Roland Jupiter 6
    Alesis Andromeda
    Moog One
    Various Virus, Novation, Nord synths

    Also, a fuck ton of sample based stuff:

    Roland S-50
    E-mu Emax / Emax II
    Ensoniq ESQ-1
    E-mu Emulator III
    Casio FZ-1
    Ensoniq SQ-80
    Roland W-30
    Kurzweil K2000
    Roland JD-800

    Plenty of others but this would be a massive list then.
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  19. COVID-X

    COVID-X Ultrasonic

    Jun 5, 2020
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  20. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    All of the AKAI samplers shit from the 80-90-00's,
    well Curated and clearly presented in a convenient and snug package.. :wink:

    And why not also all the E-MU stuff..
    Most of it actually sucked, but it could be convenient if only for consulting/comparative reasons.

    Sometimes one needs to look for a retro timbre,
    so it's good having all the historical versions of all brands,
    just to Compare and choose the one that better suits whatcho doing..
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