What happens when you leave music production for 2 years?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by stevejobs.haha, Apr 28, 2017.


Is this a right decision?

  1. Yes, 2 years sacrifice won't hurt you much.

    14 vote(s)
  2. No, You will be left behind.

    6 vote(s)
  3. Maybe, I'll just let you know my opinion in detail.

    3 vote(s)
  1. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Technology wise I don't think two years will make a big difference (look how long it took for Reason to get Vst support) but speaking of your skills, it's another story. You might forgot how to perform some specific stuff...

    If possible, it doesn't hurt to make a break once in a few weeks/months and fire up your favorite DAW.

    Once again, I don't think technology will be very different in two years. Of course you will have many new libs that will only work with the latest version of Kontakt as well as many new plugins that will need something better than an i7... Anyway, as someone already wrote, it's not going anywhere and you can always catch up later.

    You are basically building your future now. Studying is a wise investment and a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't waste it.
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  2. oidua

    oidua Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    "What will be the consequences?"

    Grow a beard
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  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    We've initiated a new thread about the secrets. It's like a crammer. Study it hard and in 2 days you'd feel you've never flunked out from the music world and all your forgotten memories will come flooding back. Also your sense of gloomy and dismal foreboding of imminent disaster in the fashion trends will be allayed because nothing has changed alot.
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  4. joseclon

    joseclon Ultrasonic

    Jan 6, 2014
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    I don't know what is this!! Please, can you explain?
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Three dislikes for saying you might lose the mojo?:rofl:
    People are so f-ing triggered these days and the ratings usually come from trolls like phloopus the frog, who never contribute anything to the forum.
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  6. joseclon

    joseclon Ultrasonic

    Jan 6, 2014
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    What happens when you leave music production for 2 years?"
    You die. Your soul will rot and you die and reborn transformed in some gray person :(
  7. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Man switch off daydreaming about rating. Look at mine. 1421- 474 = 947 drivel :bleh:. But I don't care.
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  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Its because you`re a legend, bro.
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  9. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    i feel you bro :mates:
  10. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    It really is one-or-the-other, isn't it? Do what you have to do, which often isn't what you love to do. If it's about enriching your life on a grander scale or longer perspective, then there's ultimately no contest.

    Update your O/S as far as your present software will permit (and vice-versa), and back-up your system drive and sample libraries in their present states, along with all your music-production files.

    A couple of years won't matter much in regard to new technologies, though five years would. A lot more plug-ins, virtual instruments and sample libraries will be released, but consider all that a bonanza awaiting your return. You might even have an entirely new perspective on the music you want to make and how to go about it, after two years away from it.

    I myself am intentionally taking a year (or more) off from music-making, for various reasons. First, wrestling with cloud-based and internetric technology, develped and re-developed and subsequently "broken" by its developers, and so forth, had threatened to burn me out on making music, my love for which I had to protect and preserve. Second, I realized that I'd been "hoeing the same row" in some respects; that though I'd been prolific and improving in my productions skills, I was chasing a lot of the same ideas and forms around the room, and I needed time away from music in order to consider what I'd like to do differently. Third, the row I was hoeing musically had become a personal rut, and I needed new perspective on my life. Finally, I'm doing a film/video project which demands most of my free time, and I cannot serve two masters, as it were. Although I felt it unfortunate that I'd have to be away from music-making for so long, I sense that it's ultimately for the better.
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  11. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    In a mix
    if you love it you always come back even if its just a hobby \m/
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  12. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I have given you a real answer. I was signed and endorsed and know how musicians and producers on a high level operate.
    Its a vicious game and its evident that people who dislike my post are either total hobyists or just like to ride my back for the fun of it.
    Someone who took years to get somewhere, either a pianist or a guitar player, can not afford to ditch the instrument, takes months to get back to the level you were at, before.
    A classical musician will probably have problems getting that gig he had before, might take him lots of time to retrain his fingers, hence why its a life time commitment.
    Same thing applies to producers or engineers, we are talking the highest level, now if you`re in it as a hobby, then all of this doesnt matter.
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  13. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Make it simple:
    Considering Your age, look where You will get more pussy, ...the revelation should come to You; and don`t worry, You`ll end up where You belong anyway :wink:
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  14. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Your principles don't apply to all. Every one can internalize all the stuffs they need to make music forever. Please don't be a stickler. Eg. the electronic music has reached to its apogee now and in 10 years or less, it would be something like cooking, etc. that everyone can do it or be easily tutored. You know, it's not science. I've learned it from yourselves.:bleh:
  15. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Re: Two year sabbatical . . . It depends upon what kind of music you're doing. If your tracks are production-based and the equivalent of trendy expressions like, "Whatever!" and "It's All Good," then you will be left behind. However, if the music you create is more original and/or standard and timeless, a vacation won't matter. The last official thing I released was in 1996. That's a 21 year break. When I recently listened to those old tracks I came up with the following conclusion . . . songs that relied on FX and production are dated beyond hope; songs that had a solid foundation were also dated due to the production, but could easily be resurrected. YET, a decent songwriter or producer could adapt and come up with new stuff. It's not survival of the fittest; it's survival of the most adaptive. I hope my words help . . .
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  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    This is for approving your comment. I copied it from somewhere :bleh::

    A bit about New Wave:

    As in a new sound, a new mode, a new type of apparatus from which to construct, compose, and perform music. What I like best about this period is everyone who picked up an electronic instrument did so because they were already established musicians and composers looking for additions and enhancements and explorations of their sounds. Today, electronic musicians--especially the bad ones--seem to be mostly lazy, uncreative morons who don't know a damn thing about music because they let the sequencer and preset banks do all the work. It's no wonder that the music 20 years ago still sounds way more interesting than it does today.
  17. tek909

    tek909 Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    You may return to making music with a new or different perspective.
    In addition, thus change can lead to leaving old bad habits behind.

    I say learn as much as you can, just try to love what you choose to do.

    Best o' Luck!
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  18. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    If you play instruments that ability might suffer, but its like riding a bicycle/muscle memory and all that. It always comes back. As for production, you'll be fine. Watch a few groove3 and ask video tutes and you will be up to speed again.

    But this is coming from a hobbyist. Or semi pro? I dunno. I have a real job. This I do for fun/therapy. But I would like to quit my job and do this full time...Keep dreaming
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
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  19. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    For 10 years i had left music, it was because of a girl . Lots of drink and lots of stuff going on, youtube tracks , facebook was invented, soundcloud was made about the time myspace went bad , lots of music , sometimes top10 tracks and radio music it reminded me of my stuff,

    it was one day some friends invited me this party going on over in a place nearby Goa , a friend of ours a dj was doing the opening. He played one of my tracks, i didnt say anything as usual i dont like saying that some track is mine, ,that it was that this girl says to us that this is the kind of music that should be listened made and heard more instead of the latest trackz. This made me wonder, where and what could i have made and done if i hadnt wasted all those 10 years ???

    Dont do the same bro, keep it up with the musicmaking, tutorials nowadays on video they are plenty, there is no technique or anything, just compose.Years will go by , and it will be a shame for you to regret it later on

    Btw are you sure you will be reading full 14hours straight everyday for two years ?? two years is little time

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  20. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    All this reminds me of a great song from a great band that is no more>>> Band>>> DoubleDrive>>>song>>> Thousand yard Stare>>> Lyrics>>> I dont care... gota loose myself to get somewhere...but if im gone to long then i might be a victim of that superstar thousand yard stare... I deepen the stare till it comes back i never had the strength to let it go... but its takin some time... takin some time... >>> great song its just about being in the music Biz taking a long break to reform an being afraid of being forgotten and pushin like hell to make a come back to the big stage \m/ thing is wen you are an artist you never really quit rather you be big time or just small we do this cause we love it ! \m/
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