What happened with AVID

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by odod, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. drakem20

    drakem20 Member

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Im not ProTools user and if I don't have to I'll never be. AVID did a big mistake with new AAX platform indeed.
    But I think the most hurting is the underpowered and overpriced hardware they released/. The new S6 controller?. Most post facilities still use and will use System 5/Harrison. HDX? Its a joke!. Recent develompents in the PC market make the HDX obsolete.
  2. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    The thing with these big money making company like Waves and Avid is that they think like big corporation only there to enrich their share holders.
    At one point I bought Wave GTR Solo plugin, then a year or so later they changed their authorization process .
    I tried to re-authorize on another HD and I could not as the serial number didn't work anymore.
    Wrote to them and they replied that they had changed their authorization procedure and pricing method and that to keep using the plug-in I already paid for I had to pay them money every year to continue using it.
    Wrote back to them to say to those fuckers that they where thieves and that I would never buy anything from them ever again, that their stuff is overpriced and I never could use this plugin since.

    If they would be there for the love of music and really want to help musician accomplish their dreams and of course make money in the process then they would flourish but they are stupid and greedy.
    I never went the Pro tools way because first of all, I could not afford their products and since I work a lot with midi, Pro Tools was not in the game on those features at the time I came to DAW's.
    If you only make "Toys" for the rich people, then your potential customers get narrower by the days… what can I sat " they are dumb and pompous.
  3. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    can someone explain me what the problem with midi and PT is?i use it and i ve never had any problem,i ve more problems with audio but that depends on my crappy interface
  4. Omman

    Omman Ultrasonic

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I'm talking like 30 years ago when I began doing music with computers.
    I started out with Performer on a MacPlus, that's a long time ago.
    Since the last 10 years they are probably more in the game but then!!!.
    So I never went the Pro Tools road when the where called Digidesign and could never afford their stuff.

    Well anyway don't take it to personal, that wasn't the main subject.
  5. franknitty69

    franknitty69 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2013
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    this love hate with pro tools has been extremely entertaining over the years.

    why people must put down users of another daw to justify their purchase? beats me.

    the way i look at it if someone wants to spend $10,000 so they can feel like a pro, their prerogative. can you do the same with $300 software...yes. and those that choose to do so...their prerogative.

    at the end of the day, these are just tools. fl studio, live, pro tools, logic, etc. you choose the tools that are right for the job and you get the job done.

    do you hear mechanics clowning other mechanics because one uses cobalt wrenches instead of craftsmen?

    stfu and go make some music.

    p.s. pro tools you made your bed now you must lay in it
  6. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I seriously doubt that any bigger (daw) software developer really wants to help musician accomplish their dreams. Most of them are only in the game for commercial purposes, profit, business. And that piece of market is very rough, crude! Or is it just random that there are no real DAWs available as Freeware?

    "Toys" for the rich people are still toys but this portion of wealthy users is privileged because they push things on, also in a negative way! Developers are keen on getting them on their hooks anyway as they're out there for big preys.
  7. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    "can you do the same with $300 software..."

    "can you industrialize this work with a 300$ software"
    NOT EASILY, and the uneasiness will cost you more than few thousands dollars.

    example :

    -hai, can we book your studio , with our engineer? we need to track a few stuffs, record vocals, and mix!
    -yeah bring in the wav files
    -can I just pop open my PT project?
    -ham, we use Reaper/Cubase/S1/Logic , It works real nice, very good setup, ....
    -i'll call you back

    -Protools is expensive as fuck, let's try Logic/Cubase/S1/Reaper , ... it seems nice...
    -All good, but there's something weird... We get this error when we records more than 20 channels at the same time...
    -Damn, should we switch back to Protools?
    -Nah let's try to fix it...

    Point is :

    - I know all the "toys" I mentionned "error box". I have no idea what it looks like on PT.

    - All the productive studios I could get in , were using ProTools.

    - All the mixing engineers and studio assistant I was in touch with knew somehow their way through protools. some were protools pianist.

    (* the i call you back guy didn't actually call back.)
  8. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Sonictalk - AVID finances

  9. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I'm afraid Facebook will buy ProTools, and include a "like" and "share" button on every track.
  10. CaliReign

    CaliReign Noisemaker

    Mar 9, 2013
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    San Francisco
    I use Pro Tools to Record/Mix audio mainly because it's what I learned on & because if I want a job after I finish school, then PT is 100% mandatory because it's industry standard whether I like it or not. When I'm fuckin around on my keyboard & producing I leave Pro Tools. After gettin used to the MIDI workflow on FL Studio, I don't even bother with PT for that. Although the 32Bit limitations of FL are starting to push me towards forcing myself to leave FL & just make myself learn to master the workflow of MIDI in PT.

    For what it's worth, Pro Tools 11 has been extremely stable for me. I had tons of issues on my old desktop that I had PT8 Le installed on and also had tons of issues with PT10 stability. I will say I did get a brand new laptop so that definitely helps, but I've gone outta my way tryin to make PT11 crash & it's held up amazingly well. I was pleasantly surprised with that.
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