What do you think about my new EP ?

Discussion in 'Music Releases' started by ANTIMONOS, Feb 17, 2021.


What's your favorite one ?

  1. 01 - Shelter (Blue Garden Intro)

    1 vote(s)
  2. 02 - Blue Garden

    0 vote(s)
  3. 03 - Cicadas

    1 vote(s)
  4. 04 - Yellow Dots

    0 vote(s)
  5. 05 - Passage A

    1 vote(s)
  6. 06 - Nebulae

    1 vote(s)
  1. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Yes, I've tried them.. (Sundara)

    They're very similar to a DT880/990, same type of Airy/Bright sound,
    very similar FR, just with a different peak on the highs.. also a little bit wider.

    However being Planar they are even more Detailed!

    Hard to explain, one needs to try it to understand it,
    but planar magnetics are faster, more resolving and more detailed..
    and this can be great to hear even more nuances/details in the Timbre etc..

    Also being planar they are Cleaner, but dryer, less resonant, or maybe euphonic,
    it's just how the technology of planar vs dynamic seems to be..

    So yeah, all in all, very interesting listen,
    and could be seen as a more Detailed, Cleaner/dryer and a hair Wider alternative to the DT880/990..

    They are quite Similar however, it's not a day-night difference.

    So I would say for a more complete Hifiman experience/overhaul,
    maybe it would be better to go for the next step: Ananda, or Arya..

    I haven't tried em,
    but for what ppl report, they seem to be much Wider/soundstagey headphones,
    and also be more Extended in the Lows region, having some of that famous planar magnetic Bass Slam..

    I personally would love to try/have the Arya,
    it seems like the best headphone money could buy.. :yes:

    Not exactly cheap tho :wink:
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    ANTIMONOS Producer

    Dec 16, 2018
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    I would have bet on Audeze lcd-x :) Not exactly cheap too !
  3. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Yeah LCD-X gotta be an interesting listen too..

    Never tried em, but for what they say..
    It seems they are like Insanely Detailed,
    more Bright/Airy or analytical than a LCD2, which seems to be rather Warm for a planar..

    And maybe with a smaller soundstage than the Arya,
    not sure about this..

    Also the Empyrean/Elite should be an interesting listen,
    although some nitpicky audiophiles say they have some little problems/limitations here/there..

    Still tho,
    I'd say getting some AKG K702/712 could be a nice contrast to your DT990,
    the presentation/soundstage is very different, a whole different experience alltogheter..

    So it's a relatively cheap way of having headphones that do proper soundstage :wink:
    (Phillips still being an alternative ofc..)
  4. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Here's an interesting comparison between the Arya and LCD-X:
    youtu.be▣/g_k7MGsLCUA?t=891 (delete the square..)

    It pretty much confirms my assumptions,
    Arya = Wide/Soundtsagey
    LCD-X = more Detailed/analytical, but not nearly as Wide..

    So they're different tools alltogether.. :wink:
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The user Maik sees and hears it like this:

    Since I already have the Audeze LCD-2 with the same driver technology, I was interested in what a magnetostat can do for half the money. In one word: disappointing. The sound has no radiance and remains dull and emotionless like a closed system, the stage is small. A Beyerdynamic DT990 for 150 euros and an AKG K702 for 111 euros play decidedly fresher, livelier, clearer and are much more fun than this listless and subdued part. (Don't give me the usual and silly objection of “break-in time.

    ” Break-in time is an invention of the industry so that people - believing in a sound improvement - keep their speakers and headphones until the return period has passed and their hearing has got used to even the most modest sound. This habituation effect is why all sound sources always sound "better" after a while, and never worse, although everyone has different listening preferences. My Audezes, Grados and others also have no "break-in time" needed to sound good. In addition, an unauthorized and uncontrolled change in sound during use would not only falsify the sound signature for which the sound source was designed, but would also never end.

    My hat always goes off when I read: 50, 70 , 100 hours of play-in. As if "playing in", if there were such a thing, was easy after such arbitrary time specifications would stop. It would be like the run-in phase of an engine: at some point the optimal point would be exceeded and the sound would inevitably deteriorate again afterwards. So please, don't even try such comments. The tale of the break-in period and the belief that the Queen is a reptile from space belong in the same category.)

    It's a shame anyway, I really expected more of that. I would have liked to add it to my collection. The Sundara is beautifully built, but it cannot replicate the sound of an Audeze LCD-2 with the same technology. I don't really need a representative from the B team.

    Source: https://www.amazon.de/HiFiMAN-Over-Ear-Full-Size-Magnetic-Kopfhörer-Schwarz/dp/B077XDWT7X
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    ANTIMONOS Producer

    Dec 16, 2018
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    Very interesting ! So I imagine the addition of an AKG 712 in my arsenal would be a good move before before I can afford an LCD-X or Arya.
    I really prefer working with speakers but I have to find something comfortable for my long night sessions... Thanks for your help guys !
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  7. 洋鬼子

    洋鬼子 Producer

    Nov 29, 2021
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    Germany Dortmund
    Really nice production and compositions.
    Some parts in the beginning reminded me of Emancipator for some reason.
    I think this EP is really something to be proud of:wink:
  8. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    A terrific bang pal... Simply one of the coolest things I've heard lately in the ethnic electronica scene... :break:

    When it comes to criticis, well, I just miss a little more bass and mid frequencies... :dunno:

    PS: probably 'cos I listen to a lot of orchestral music, which occupies and is distributed over a large part of the sound spectrum (as long as it's well-orchestrated, of course) but your work is simply delightful, so forgive me for associating it with my listening habits... :crazy:
