What do you like most or don't like at all about your country or state?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Jul 16, 2016.

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  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @foster911 why didn't you add your comments about your own country.. while you were kicking this off?

    when you 're requesting the courage of others.. how about displaying some of your own !
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  2. Zombay Da Silva

    Zombay Da Silva Member

    Mar 30, 2016
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    What country is it that Italians try to fuck up?:rofl:
  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I'm in the heaven. Philandering with Eve. :hug:Do you want to come here?
  4. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    @foster911 ,where about in heaven? We should meet up for a bingo nite sometime. :)
    ... reading the latter is precisely why I decided about seven years ago to spend the summers here, Amsterdam and the winters in South America. Works wonders. I travel a lot anyways and I could bitch about SA, but that would be about too much god-dawmn salsa and jungle music, too many beautiful women running about. The nites being way too hot, the sea too blue and so forth and so on.
    I think the world is what you make it. It's the system that gets us every time. And we've seen a huge shift since 2000. Unfortunately. And its about the same in almost every country with the US to top the bill and then some European countries to follow. We're chained to the financial paradigm, and 'national security maddness' and in the end thats a ball breaker for anyone with a sane mind. I guess we're the lucky ones though, we've got music. We can close our eyes and let them worries drift away ... :)
  5. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Now that I think about that, you're right. I actually do use algebra & other forms of high end math in real life more than I think. I guess it's just one of those things that always came easy to me. I got really high grades in school - like REALLY high grades. While everyone else was smoking in the bathrooms & vandalizing property I was getting involved with better things like fundraising for charities & playing guitar & writing music. I always thought the math they taught in schools these days was a little too easy. People complained it's hard, I always disagreed. Lol.
    But my point was, we try & feed this knowledge to the kids, yet they're still way too stupid even afterwards. You can't fix stupid, yet we're trying to fix stupid anyways. Sometimes you just gotta let the stupid kids be stupid kids. I know that's not a very convenient statement or solution but we're really just pissing in the wind but forcing this stuff down their throats. Maybe make the stuff optional to learn. This newer generation - generation Z (people born after 2000), are really just way too stupid to comprehend that stuff. I know, they are "the future" but if we - humankind - keep on acting the way we are now, we don't have a future. And we all know it's only gonna get worse.
  6. Who Me

    Who Me Producer

    Dec 21, 2015
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    The biggest problem in my country is they still haven't brought in 'Naked Thursday's...':disco:
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    ohhh so you're in Thailand... :wink:

    your answer doesn't surprise... and only slightly amuses... grow a pair..and put your thoughts on the table son !

    just don't put your pair on the table, we don't need to see that, and someone would probably jump on them.. :bleh:

    Thailand had a military coup some time ago.. they are mostly used to it.. and it was
    more or less a bloodless coup, people are happier, and they don't have politicians
    dividing everyone and turning the country inside out.. I am willing to accept American
    style democracy doesn't work everywhere.

    This is being played out in the US democracy just as well ,with participants being the lying
    rat bastard media, and heavily moneyed liars dividing the populace. And even open
    political violence has broken out in this pre-election, just waiting to see if it keeps heating up
    as the election gets nearer.

    @Impressive No Future.. we're done... the remnants are just circling the drain
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  8. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
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    looks like an Indica flower ;-)
  9. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Nowhere is perfect, im quite content living where i live, although i am looking into buying an island and then nationalize said island.
  10. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    i agree that nowhere is perfect, and i am also content living where i live. but i love your idea of starting a new nation. what if we got every member of audiosex to contribute towards buying an island and we all moved there to live in peace and harmony? ah, but then we'd all have to compromise our ideals to some extent i imagine. oh well, good luck with your plan.

  11. LoveKavi

    LoveKavi Kapellmeister

    Jan 3, 2016
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    London, UK.
    Biggest problem in my Country is that everyone complains about everything, and will never praise anything good. Quick to hate. Refuse to praise.

    Then the people complain about who's in power. Or complain about how they got into power, when the majority of the country vote for that person to be in power. And just complain in general about everything with no thought process behind it. It's demoralising and almost aggravating at times.

    At the same time, I love it for that, weirdly. it just feels comical as if that's just us as a nation. Who and how we are. It's good and bad.
  12. i1studios

    i1studios Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    What I don't like about the US is that the US gov't stands on their pedestals and shake their fingers and heads at what other countries do, and how other countries treat their citizens, screaming democracy. Yet, the US gov't does treats their citizens like shit, in the most covert, yet blatant way. They push these privacy laws, which they say is to 'protect us' from terrorists, yet the US gov't is the largest terrorist group on earth. They tout gun control laws, after they create false events, which kill real US people, in order to strip your of your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. They're pushing the gay agenda, depriving people of their religious rights and religious beliefs, etc. They allow corporations to basically run the country through marketing and lobbying dollars, which trump the rights of the US citizens. They use their many departments/divisions of gov't (FEMA/NSA/IRS,etc.), to create events to scare citizens, and then take their rights away. They create and stir up hatred amongst their citizens, create shooting events, Sandy Hook, Orlando, Dallas police shooting, 9/11, 193 WTC bombing, Oklahoma City bombing, Boston Marathon bombing, Aurora movie theater bombing, etc. I could go on.

    All of this is happening in open plain sight, yet people are so dumb and distracted by this bullshit technology, and their desire for 15 minutes of fame, to see what's going on. They believe everything that they hear and see on the news reports(by the way, there are only 2-3 major companies that own all of the media in the US; radio, tv, cable, etc.)

    There's so much more, but I digress. All of this factual information and proof, and real facts are readily available, but most people nowadays don't believe anything that doesn't run down their facebook feed. Facebook, google, amazon, apple, instagram, snapchat, holllywood celebrities, etc. are all Gods to these lame sheeple.
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  13. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    "What do you like most or don't like at all about your country or state?"

    Well... the Best


    ...then the Worst !!!


    'Pleasure against trickery !!!' :rofl::rofl::hahaha:
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  14. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    First off, I'm not going to follow this thread further, so if anyone wants to grouse at me about my opinions and feelings - which are as valid as anyone's - I'll deprive you of the satisfaction of the thought of my reading anyone's retorts.

    Secondly, I love the United States of America. No, I've never been to any other country, but despite my disgruntlement with its "foreign policy" (or, foreign policing), #hasthtagpolitics among the populace, and the Government's negligence and contempt toward its citizens, there's a lot of cool things about it, and I believe that Americans, in general, want to be good people and to work hard for what they have. Most Americans (and I have been to or lived in most regions of the country) are good people. Many people are being led over a big figurative cliff while looking at their smartphones (Pokemon or not), but that seems worldwide, so it's almost irrelevant. Personally, I feel an affinity to French and German people, and their languages set much better in my vocal tract, so I hope to be born in either country in my next life (as I have always been unable to travel abroad, and I'm likely to die dirt-poor, so . . .), though I'd like to be re-born in Italy at least for the food, and I like Italians a lot. I also really admire Koreans, but their culture would be too foreign for me to adapt or assimilate to it.

    Finally, I hate Texas. I should never have been here, and I've been stuck here for far too long. The climate too hot, allergy season lasts all year, and the Cluster B personality type seems to be the "national" character of Texans: from everyday narcissists, to sociopaths, to psychopaths, to Borderline personalities. Only in Texas can a bullshitter be bullshitted - by another bullshitter, because they're in collusion with the very principle of bullshitting. "Nobody tells me what I can or cannot do!" I have heard boasted so many times by Texans - until they have to about-face and submissively grovel with "Yes ma'am" or "No, sir." People here seem "friendly," but they're really investigating you or trying to subdue you with or subordinate you to their charm. Texan women are the worst. Look at the one whom Johnny Depp married - total lying, manipulative psychopath. I've known the type too many a time here; their specialized subspecies cannot be spawned from any other cultural ecosystem. It's the Southern Belle archetype masculinized and run amok. Texans are so prejudiced against people from other parts of the USA, too - they'll harass you at work, start shit with you, until you quit - which is also how they fire you in Texas, so they won't have to pay Unemployment. That is, if they even hire you, since you're some Yankee or Californian or whatever is on their xenophobic radar. They'll even sit there in job interviews and wave in your face bullshit excuses as to why they don't want to hire you, and though they know that you know they're bullshitting you, you can't prove it, and besides, they're so "friendly."

    The anniversary of my leaving California is next month (I hate to reflect on how long ago that had been), and I regret, with all my heart, and with all my wasted years in Texas, having left there. Of course, I'd go back to California if I could, but barring some miraculous windfall or outrageous opportunity, I cannot go anywhere. Californians are generally pretty down-to-earth (outside of L.A.) and socially aware, there are people from all over the world there, and I really miss standing on the beach at the Pacific Ocean at sunset.
  15. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    The nature of 'being' on Earth is learning about the dichotomy between negative and positive, good and bad, right and wrong, creation and destruction, birth and death, safety and danger, peace and war, hate and love, wealth and poverty. It is at the core of everything. Today technology is allowing everyone in the world to witness and experience it all, very quickly. It's good that we're seeing very clearly now all the terror, corruption, fear, war etc. Sooner or later we will realise what we are really witnessing - the dichotmies. And the media is actually bringing the world together, itself corrupt or not, events staged and real, we are all now seeing things unfolding together as a world audience. We will soon realise that we will be faced with a simple choice. We will realise that change, if that's what we want will have to be done, not country by country but on a worldwide scale. We are seeing the beginnings of worldwide 'people movements' to halt the negativity in the world. Those people who still think that fighting fire with fire (e.g. those Americans with the 'let me keep my gun' mantra) is the best way forward will be made to realise that they are on the wrong path. Those who want to control the people, force the people how to think and what to think will be made to realise that they are not acting for the greater good for humanity and they will stop or be stopped (peacefully). But back to the choice. Humanity has already made it. Humanity is appalled by the violence, war, hatred, corruption, injustice, and lack of LOVE and peace in the world. There is no other man in the history of humanity that has stood for love and peace more than Jesus Christ. He stands as our best example. I actually don't think he intended any religion to be formed in his name, so the Church, Christian religion and all that dogma are really irreleveant today to us. What is important to think about are the words of that incredible man. I am not advocating religion as a thing that's going to save this world, but we need to choose an icon, someone who for now would serve as a perfect example of love and peace. And we need new icons for genuine love and peace. Not polititians (in our hearts they don't represent us), not any celebrity (they are just famous for a talent), not anyone who seeks fame or a following, but we need a re-boot of the Jesus idea (for want of a better phrase).
  16. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Coming from a Libertarian/Conservative stance, I would probably be more happy in America than in Canada. Problem is, America has adopted many Socialist ideologies and has lost much of it's origin of being a Republic nation. So, the time being, I think I am happiest living here in Canada because it's probably one of the most excepted countries in the world by foreigners (except many Muslims), the people are generally easy going, and (for now) everything is "free" from our insane high tax system.

    If I were to picture myself anywhere (and this is kind of utopia speak), it would be a place of very, very small government, tropical weather, and the government wouldn't be a government really, it would be a public servant (like it is supposed to be) where important political decisions would all be voted on (like the Brexit) instead of "here's three crooks to choose from, once one is elected, he/she gets to do whatever they want with your tax money and political decisions". The system in US was designed to have those kind of honest discussions in congress, but most of these guys are bought off by special interests. NOBODY works for the people anymore, they work for higher interests and give us the left over table scraps (tax services). I see it here in Canada, where they let floods of these "Syrians" (much of them NOT Syrians -other middle easterners- and NOT even families....) bringing in lots of young men. Germany has seen a really bad turn for the worst with immigration problems ....over half a million they let in, and now all of the Germans have to pay for these undeserving leeches who for the most part, hate the west and worship Shariah Law. That's the system we are under currently for the most part in the west, where we just don't get the vote on any of the decision making. I was surprised to even see a Brexit vote offered.

    So, if I think about it - if I could go back in time, I would pick young America when it was freedom for the people, no Socialism and little government. People should take care of themselves (and work together as a community for support) for the most part in my opinion, because as soon as you let a dictatorial government run your life, you end up in trouble!

    Oh, and to answer the question about "freedoms" well, Canada doesn't commit to outlandish laws like Islamic Shariah Law. There is justice court system which isn't great but is somewhat sophisticated for punishing those humanely for crimes committed, there is freedom of speech (as far as I know) and freedom of beliefs (Atheist, Christian, Jewish etc.) and "equal" rights among the sexes. I don't consider it equal though if you look at the stats on rights for men compared to women, we have a small amount compared. Check this link if you want more information: http://www.realsexism.com/

    Go to any Islamic state and you get NONE of those freedoms. Women are stoned to death if they commit adultery, hands are cut off for stealing, women are treated as half human, and if you try to exit the religion of Muhammad, you are put to death! So I can't complain too much living here!
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2016
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  17. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    California looks so nice! I'd love to live there! I'm a big farmers market fan and I love fresh local produce and California has it all. Hell, just about half of the stuff I see in the market here is from Cali. Will have to visit there one day!
  18. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    i live in california. it is a huge state. if california was a separate country, it's economy would be the 8th largest in the world. parts of california are very nice. others, not so much. i happen to live in a part of california that is beautiful and has one of the most amazing climates in the world. within the county that i live is one of the largest agricultural regions in the country and we have lots of farmer's markets. but this is also one of the most expensive places in the u.s. to live. a crappy fixer-upper house in my town goes for half a million bucks. to rent the same house is over $2,200 a month. that's why stevitch is saying he would need a miraculous windfall to move back here. but if you take housing out of the equation, the cost of living here is not bad.
  19. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    It's probably cheaper living than here in Canada. The average Condo where I live is $250 000 and because 85% of our food is imported, our food costs are outrageous!
  20. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Studio 555 I tend to think people living in your country are some of the luckiest in the world...

    grass is greener?
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