What are you grateful for today ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by spyfx, Feb 12, 2018.

  1. The fewer believers in what? I see people such as yourself as the real danger. People who seek to shoot before asking questions. For example, am I religious? No. Do I think science is so fucking hip and "in" that it makes George Carlin seem like a cunt? No, but I surely dig myself some science! Do I think that science will save humans from extinction and that space programs will take the human race to new worlds and one day realize we don't know everything there is to know? Sure, why not?

    But it's a personal choice, not a get on board or get the fuck out situation ... see?

    I'm not religious, I'm spiritual. I believe in something greater than ourselves. I'm a peaceful type, wouldn't hurt a fly really. Yet you side with the animals. Some famous men from the past were that way, and they were slaughtered. Maybe they were lunatics. But the slayers were most definitely lunatics. So, yea. I think we should let the rational, peaceful, and caring "lunatics" slide while maybe blaming the rapists and murderers who take their messages, twist them, distort them and then gain unimaginable wealth from them whilst sitting atop an endless pile of skulls and bones. Between the two, I'd take the one cautioning kindness to one another.

    I'm grateful to live in a country where I used to have the illusion that I had a choice.

    The way I see it is there's a church, synagogue, house of worship, mosque, temple or cathedral on almost every corner in The United States and all around the whole world. So what you should really be grateful for is being so far ahead of your time. I know it's difficult, like I said I'm not religious, but don't let these buildings get you down. I'm sure a fleet of bulldozers await these establishments the moment science declares itself as God in a tiny petri dish.