What are the most difficult things in making music... for you?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by aymat, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Ha, sounds common to me.Then just use these different versions for verse 1, verse 2... chorus 1, chorus 2...
  2. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    If it was just that simple :dunno: I would agree :yes:
  3. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Her voice seriously disturbs me, it makes my skin crawl for lack of a better descriptor. I don't think those words adequately express the discomfort I feel when that woman sings. It's nasally and brash to my ears, almost vulgar, that along with her strange songs that I can't connect with on any positive level make up a concoction of irritants I can't experience (almost) anywhere else, except in Liza Minnelli. (stomach turns) Those two are my Kryptonite.

    One of the most talented musicians ever? That's quite a claim, but ok, it's subjective. I won't say she isn't, but man that's an impressive list you're trying to squeeze her into. Just saying. On the plus side, she can play an instrument well. It's not all negative.

    Hey, to each their own. If you enjoy it, cool.

    Spyfxmk2, cool vids.
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  4. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    tempo is great. i use the best one (123). and the saddest key (dmin).
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  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Well.. too many good advices here. My story is simple: After having struggled a lot with all many people mentioned in this thread and many other subliminal factors, i learned to lay down my track(s) and ideas as soon as possible.
    And after 35 years of music making this is my advice to peeps facing probs, if i can give any that is and given that you know your way around the basics of music and tech:
    First of all when you 're jamming or fiddling on your daw, always record what you do. If you play a specific instrument like guitar just plug in your mic or amp or straight to your soundcard etc. and again press rec on your daw. You never know what you 'll come up with. You can always go back and erase anything or everything.
    Now, when i have an idea, i always make a sketch song in a matter of minutes and it contains all basic elements that make up a normal song, drums, bass, chords, lead melody. The idea of a superbly designed sound, a good drum kit designed from scratch etc., all these can always wait but the idea of a cool melody be it a lead melody or a bass melody etc., is always slippery. So when the muse speaks to you either write this down on paper if you have the knowledge of sheet writing, or lay it down right away in your daw. If you're outside and have an idea, take out your cellphone, press rec, and sing the melody in your mind. Maybe you 'll start appreciating your cell a bit more later eheheh.
    Step 2 is try to expand on your basic melody with variations that go different ways so you create more individual yet "similar" melody tracks to choose from later on. Chord changes will follow accordingly and so will the bass etc. Everything else like sound design,mixing etc comes after these 2 sorta simple steps.
    Many people over-estimate the sort-of-basic rule "always start with the drums". This rule has its origin in actual recording sessions where the song(s) are already written in any kind of form. And sure, if i am tracking a song's recording, yes i will start recording with the drums which is the most time consuming part (usually).
    But, if you have a melody in your head, and instead of laying it down asap, you start building drum tracks, i don't see what good will come out of this, chances are you will forget your initial melodic idea or just lose momentum or focus. It is most important to follow whatever idea sits in your mind. If it is melody then melody it must be. If it is a crazy beat then by all means start with it. And for me, this is what creates a "flow". Following your whatever initial idea wherever it takes you. If you tend to have a lot of melodic ideas just put a simple drum loop underneath and start writing. You can always refine all sounds and drums etc. later. For me the goal must always be to lay down the original idea(s) asap.
    Thanks for listening :)
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
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  6. @freefeet12 .. There is no accounting for taste, I totally get that. My Dad chastised me to no end for listening so much during my teen years to Neil Young "who sings like a girl and can't play guitar". I hear you.
  7. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I'm on board with you on that, as I often have to tell anyone around me to leave me the fuck alone for at least three minutes before I lose the [insert instrument here] part that I just had jog through my head and try and escape. :yes:
  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Love your story mate. I used to play really loud " The cars' hiss by my window" from The Doors' LA Woman album, i knew my dad was getting really pissed with Jim Morrison's howling solo towards the end of the song, so i would just sit by the turntable to play just that part as loud as it gets 50 times or more in a row. As i was an only child i usually got away with it but it would drive my dad crazy lol.
  9. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I'm so down to listen to Cars Hiss By My Window 50 times in a row. I love me some Doors. Mom was playing The Doors for me while I was still in the womb. The music of that era is what mom put me to bed with as a child.
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  10. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    .. getting out of my comfort zone.
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  11. louislouis

    louislouis Producer

    Jan 1, 2017
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    The thing I find most difficult is the time it takes to get a tune to the point of being able to share it with others you no when you just listen to it over and over again until you cant really hear it anymore, that just kills me, and then you just get to the point where you are like F-it Im just gonna put it out like this other wise its never gonna see the light of day.

    I also find that producing can be a bit of a lonely process as I spend so much time working on music I cant be arsed to do anything else and then when you actually do have something to share, you have nobody to share it with as you have spent all your time making music and not cultivating relationships with people, it sometimes feels like a catch 22 what's more important making the music or finding people to listen to it???
  12. Bigg Bey

    Bigg Bey Newbie

    Dec 4, 2017
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    I think I will bookmark this. I'm only on page to and it reads so well. For me, a person who started out as a songwriter and then began to "try" and produce myself. The hardest think for me is getting out of the 8 bar loop and develop the "idea" into a full song. I sample sometimes and then I will hear something so unique, so special and I'll lay it down put drums and percussions and then struggle with. Adding "supporting instrumentation" whether its melody, rhythm or bass. I start feeling like who am I to put this bass on top of a "such n such" sample like I start questioning Keys and my choice of sound. I end up with an exciting "skeleton" track which you can hear and say ok i see where you going. But then it goes no where. Then i get frustrated with myself and walk away.
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  13. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest


  14. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Agree it's so crazy ! the struggle is real.

    One way to go about is, make music with others. In the old days they called it "a band" nowadays some call it "a collective" or they name a project something cleaver/stupid and then thats "the band".
    any of your mates dabble in music production? ask/invite them to create something together. I've helped some of my nonmusic friends get into music production or just "playing around with a DAW" and i've witness them grow both as "producers" and as humans in genereal. my point is you dont have to share the exact same goal as them with music, but still, creating music together with someone and not solo can be alot more fruitfull.

    use this forum to ask other people to "collab" with if all hope is lost :=)
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  15. Chiari Golden

    Chiari Golden Member

    Jul 19, 2018
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    Not procrastinating. It's impossible.
  16. Batoumba

    Batoumba Producer

    Oct 7, 2014
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    ok so you've spent a whole night lost in music writing the perfect melody, a classical sounding epic piece (even though its comprised of electronic instruments) that could easily be the next sci-fi blockbuster soundtrack that would give people listening to it the chills,angel touch or whatever, or it could easily be in the next Top 10 of melodic edm,trance,house summer 2018 playlist

    you wrote atmospheric pads , leads , beautifull piano fills , you got a 8min length long track that you could listen to over and over for like forever

    but you aint gonna get that track nowhere unless you have a decent drum rythm, a groove , a beat people can dance to, and thats exactly my hardest part in musicmaking

    its easy to build around the drums, a ready drum beat you quickly made in your grid but i never manage to create any really outstanding or worthy melodies building upon a beat, feels too confined because of limited beats, 8steps or 16steps like most Trance,House,EDM production rules and must-be's define

    so how in the world do you actually build a decent dance-able drum groove, drum beat upon that melody ? could always just give up on it and send it over to the next indie movie producer to have it as a soundtrack so it don't get lost in the inevitable pass of time ,i mean the melody and all
  17. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Collab? You know there is this forum, something like AcousticPorn or so, if I only could remember... :winker:
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018